Komarno - Komárno

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Komarno is a city in the Slovakia at the Danube.


Known under the German name Komorn until the times of the Danube monarchy, the city, together with today's neighboring Hungarian city of Komárom, formed a very important center, mainly due to the large barracks. Today the city is the most important center of the Hungarian minority, and also the German-speaking roots have not been forgotten, so that many of the signs are in three languages.

getting there

Bratislava105 km
Banská Bystrica165 km
Nitra70 km
Trnava90 km
Budapest (Hungary)140 km
Gyor (Hungary)45 km
Vienna (Austria)170 km

By plane

There are airports in Budapest and Bratislava.

By train

Komárno is from Bratislava from within 2 hours by train. The neighboring Hungarian city Komárom, which is about 15 minutes' walk away on the other bank of the Danube, is from Budapest a good hour away by train. There is also a railway bridge over the Danube, but there are no passenger trains over it.

In the street

  • Komárno is with the neighboring city Komárom connected by a bridge on the Hungarian side of the Danube. Cars, bicycles and pedestrians are allowed. 10 km south of Komarom there is a connection to the Hungarian M1 motorway (Vienna-Budapest).
  • From Bratislava one can also take the trunk road 63 Dunajská Streda drive, which is, however, only a two-lane country road with through town roads. The same applies to trunk road 64 Nitra above Nové Zámky as well as the trunk road 63 from Štúrovo and Esztergom.

By boat


Tourist Attractions

Europa-Platz is the most important sight. It is a square with 50 houses, each representing a European country. The houses are kept in a style that matches the country.

Another attraction are the mighty fortifications with forts, bastions and citadels that protected the Danube port of Komorn (German name of the twin town Komárno / Komarom) at the mouth of the river Waag in the Danube. These were created in the Renaissance period and most of them are still there. Some of these plants are on the Hungarian side in Komárom and are also developed for tourism.







Practical advice



Web links

http://www.komarno.sk - Komárno official website

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