Lodi Vecchio - Lodi Vecchio

Lodi Vecchio
city ​​Hall
Coat of arms
Lodi Vecchio - Coat of arms
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Lodi Vecchio
Institutional website

Lodi Vecchio is a city of Lombardy.

To know

Laus Pompeia it was the ancient Lodi, a free municipality razed to the ground by the Emperor Federico Barbarossa. It preserves the basilica of San Bassiano, a valuable sacred building which in its present form represents one of the best examples of Lombard Gothic.

Geographical notes

The town is located in the Lodi countryside 8 km from Praise.


Alauda was the name of this ancient Celtic center that already existed in 600 BC. Its existence is remembered by Roman historians, for example Pliny the Elder. Laus Pompeia was then his Roman name and had the title of municipium. Episcopal seat in the fourth century, at the mercy of the barbarians in the fifth, it became a municipality. It collided with Milan and got the worst of it and was razed to the ground. The site became deserted; Federico Barbarossa then had the city rebuilt a few kilometers away; thus was born the Praise of our days.

Slowly the ancient was also reborn Laus, with a few dozen of the ancient inhabitants who rebuilt a village; the ancient buildings of the destroyed city had served as quarries for building material to build the new Lodi.

Lodi Vecchio suffered attacks and destruction several times (including a fire) during the continuous struggles between Milan and Lodi; the advent of the Visconti puts an end to this situation. The country will forever follow the destinies of Milan. After the Unification it began to expand its territory with the annexation of neighboring countries. The post-war period brought about a moderate development which favored the demographic increase. In 2006 Lodi Vecchio finally obtained the title of City.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svgThey are Lombard airports:

How to get around

What see

San Bassiano
San Bassiano
  • 1 Basilica of San Bassiano. Its original dedication was to the Twelve Apostles; it was dedicated to San Bassiano in the 10th century. It boasts an ancient origin - 4th century AD. - with subsequent architectural interventions up to the fourteenth century. The Gothic façade offers a beautiful vertical thrust accentuated by the pilasters that run along its height; single, mullioned windows and oculi lighten and lighten the whole. A shrine under the apex of the tympanum, along which a decoration of hanging arches runs, houses the statue of the titular saint, a copy of the original statue found in the Cathedral of Praise. A half-height rose window of the facade section corresponding to the central nave is surmounted by a single lancet window and dominates the round gable of the portal. The two lateral façade sections are respectively perforated by a single lancet window at the lower level, an oculus at half height and a mullioned window open sky in the upper area, whose slope is decorated with a row of hanging arches. The lateral peaks and the central tympanum are further slender by five pinnacles. The building shows traces of the ancient Romanesque construction, such as remains of opus spicatum. The interior has a basilica plan with three naves with large pillars surmounted by stone capitals which are of considerable architectural interest. The frescoes that decorate the naves and the apse are from the first decades of the fourteenth century, when the church also had major structural interventions, those that brought it to the appearance we see. Floral or geometric motifs prevail as the subject of the decorations. In the apse a Christ, surrounded by apostles and saints, is in a blessing attitude, inserted in an almond.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lodi Vecchio
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Lodi Vecchio
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