Lomellina - Lomellina

Roggia Castellana - Ticino Park.jpg
Lomellina - Location
Institutional website

Lomellina is a sub-region belonging to the Lombardy.

To know

Its name derives from the municipality of Lomello and its capital is the city of Vigevano.

Geographical notes

Lomellina is a historical-geographical region between: the Sesia to the west, the Po to the west and south, the Ticino to the east and the Basso Novarese to the north.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Vigevano - Main center of Lomellina, it is a city with a solid productive fabric, especially in the footwear sector. Of great interest is the Renaissance Piazza Ducale overlooked by the Duomo and the Castello Sforzesco.
  • Lomello - It boasts important medieval testimonies (Basilica, Baptistery) which are placed in the time span that goes from the Lombard period to the early Lombard Romanesque.
  • Mede
  • Mortara
  • Heater - The town is known for its imposing medieval castle-shelter, one of the most important fortified buildings in the Lombardy.

How to get

How to get around

By bike

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Cycle tourism in Lombardy.

What see

Events and parties

The Castellana canal in Gropello Cairoli
The Valbona farmhouse in Garlasco; Monte Rosa in the background
The Natural Monument of the "Lake of Sartirana Lomellina"

All the Lomellini centers organize parties, festivals and balls every year.The most important events are:

What to do

At the table



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lomellina
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