Heater - Scaldasole

Panoramic view of the castle of Scaldasole, which also served as a shelter.
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Heater is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

The town is known for its imposing medieval castle-shelter, one of the most important fortified architectures of the Lombardy.

Geographical notes

It is located in the Lomellina southern, in the plain between the Terdoppio and the Erbognone (tributary of the Agogna).


The toponym Scaldasole, which is also found in other places in Lombardy, probably derives from the Lombard word sculdascio indicating a local judge: if this hypothesis is correct, Scaldasole must already have been a center of some importance in the Lombard period (6th - 8th centuries). The first mention dates back to the 10th century; belonged to the County of Lomello, dependent on the Palatine Counts. In 1250 it is included in the list of lands of the Pavia domain, in the context of Lomellina. In the 14th century the town was under the lordship of the Campeggi di Pavia, who in 1334 subinfeuded it to the Folperti, also from Pavia. The fief will later remain in the hands of the Folperti, except for a few years (1436-1451) in which the Avalos are invested. In 1456, however, Stefano Folperti sold it to Francesco III Pico della Mirandola, who resided in the castle and died there in 1461.

He was survived by his daughter Taddea, Lady of Scaldasole, wife of Giacomo I Malaspina di Fosdinovo, sovereign marquis of Fosdinovo and Lord of Mass. This gave the powerful Malaspina the opportunity to also buy the nearby vast fiefdom of Sannazzaro de 'Burgondi, which a line of Malaspina will later take over and take its name. Instead Scaldasole, the first Malaspinian fiefdom in Lomellina, was ceded in 1577 by Giulio Cesare Malaspina, descendant of Giacomo I, to Count Rinaldo Tettoni, who sold it in 1582 to Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio, in whose family (Gallio duchi di Alvito, with the title of Marchesi dal 1613) remained until the abolition of the feuds (1797).

Scaldasole, with all the Lomellina, in 1713 was included in the domains of the House of Savoy, and in 1859 it passed to Lombardy.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

A glimpse of the castle 1
  • 1 Castle-shelter, 39 338 7340233. The original nucleus of the castle was built between the 10th and 12th centuries and was a fief of the Campeggi family. Between 1334 and 1404 it passed to the Folperti family who commissioned the architects Milanino de Saltariis, Bernardo and Martino de Soncino, the construction on the south side of the original castle, of the shelter, a vast rectangular fortified courtyard capable of gathering the entire population of the town in case of need.
Subsequently the Marquises Malaspina, new feudal lords of Scaldasole, embellished the castle with a portico and a loggia and had some rooms frescoed. It was this building complex, with its seven medieval towers, vaults and Renaissance fireplaces, that over time hosted some illustrious personalities including in 1491 Isabella of Aragon, daughter of Alfonso, Duke of Calabria and betrothed to Gian Galeazzo Sforza, Duke of Milan, in 1497 the emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg and in 1533 Charles V of Habsburg.
Between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries the castle was the subject of countless changes of ownership: Filippo Maria Visconti took it from the Folperti family, in 1436 he gave it to the ducal chamberlain messer Jñigo d'Avalos count of Ribaldeo and in 1444 to Giovanni Pietro da Sesto, who returned it to the Folperti in 1451.: Five years later it came to Francesco Pico della Mirandola Count of Concordia and in 1461, by succession, to his son-in-law Giacomo Malaspina Marquis of Fosdinovo. In 1577 it was sold to Count Rinaldo Tettoni, who sold it to Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio di Como in 1582 whose heirs, the Gallio Trivulzio dukes of Alvito, sold the local properties to their level manager Carlo Brielli in 1799 who, three years later, gave them in perpetual investiture to the noble Giovanni Antonio Strada di Garlasco to whose descendants it still belongs.
The Castle has the typical layout of the Visconti fortifications of the plain, with the buildings forming a central rectangular courtyard - with a brick well in the center - delimited by corner towers equipped with external battlements, a moat and barbican with a drawbridge. at the entrance. Its building typology, however, is characterized in the Lombard landscape by the presence, to the south, of the shelter which is made up of three buildings joined to the castle with two twin towers and a central one at the eastern entrance. Scaldasole Castle on Wikipedia Scaldasole castle (Q26085710) on Wikidata

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay


  • 1 Pharmaceutical dispensary dr. Comasco, Via XI February 7, 39 0382 996420.

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Lomello - It boasts important medieval testimonies (Basilica, Baptistery) which are placed in the time span that goes from the Lombard period to the early Lombard Romanesque.
  • Vigevano - Main center of Lomellina, it is a city with a solid productive fabric, especially in the footwear sector. Of great interest is the Renaissance Piazza Ducale overlooked by the Duomo and the Castello Sforzesco.
  • Voghera - Main center not only of the Val Staffora, but the capital of allOltrepò Pavese, the city recalls with its elegant urban layout, with its sober Piedmontese architecture, its long Savoy belonging


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Heater
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Heater
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).