Infectious diseases - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Maladies infectieuses — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

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Infectious disease
World map of countries with mass influenza vaccination programs.
World map of countries with mass influenza vaccination programs.
Wikivoyage does not provide medical adviceMedical warning

There are a number of Infectious diseases which present a proven risk to the health of travelers because they are rare or unknown in their region due to the high level of hygiene that prevails there. However, they are still rife in many parts of the world where the population does not have access to a sufficient level of hygiene, whether it be dewashing, disinfection or food preservation, or to appropriate medicine. lack of financial means.

This article is intended to be an introduction to the various aspects of this subject such as the means of transmission, vaccination, available therapies and precautions to be taken.


We must not confuse “infection” and “contagion”. The infection is caused by an external agent which can be a parasite, bacteria, virus, fungus or yeast. Contagion means that the disease can spread between contemporary subjects, of the same species or not, either directly, that is to say through the hands, sexual intercourse, blood exchanges but also through the air. and dust either indirectly, that is to say via carriers or vectors, other than air, such as faeces, water, medical instruments, etc. All contagious diseases are also infectious, but the reverse is not necessarily the case.

According to modern postulates, derived from those issued by doctors Robert Koch and Friedrich Löffler, the definition of an infectious disease must meet six criteria:

  1. The nucleic acid sequence, that is to say the code of the strands ofDNA, of the microorganism must be traced in most cases of the disease;
  2. The nucleic acid sequence of the microorganism must not be found (or rarely) in uninjured individuals;
  3. The nucleic acid sequence must be detected by molecular hybridization in pathological areas of a tissue or organ and not be detected in healthy areas of the same tissue or organ;
  4. The number of copies of the pathogen's nucleic acid sequence must vary in line with clinical developments, including under treatment;
  5. The identification of the micro-organism deduced from the nucleic sequence must be compatible with the biological properties known for the phylum, that is to say the branching in the classifications of biology, to which it belongs;
  6. These molecular results must be reproducible.

Before leaving

Legal requirements

Front and back cover of an international certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis.

Many countries require that newcomers and / or their residents be vaccinated against a range of infectious diseases and be able to present an international certificate of vaccination against certain diseases.

  • International certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis Logo indicating a link to the website – Model international certificate of vaccination or certificate attesting to the administration of prophylaxis.

Regarding arrivals, these requirements often depend on the countries that the traveler has visited, in the more or less recent past, or intends to visit. For example, if you have recently traveled to certain countries ofAfrica subtropical orSouth America, other countries may require proof of vaccination for more than ten days and less than ten years against yellow fever before letting you enter their territory. THE'Saudi Arabia requires that travelers going to one of the great pilgrimages (haji) are vaccinated against the various forms of meningitis. Many countries have tighter border controls on visitors coming directly from Guinea, from Liberia and of Sierra Leone because of the epidemic ofEbola which affected these countries between 2014 and the end of 2015. It will be wise to inquire with the embassy of the visited country about the legal requirements before applying for an entry visa.

If you are undergoing medical treatment, it will also be wise to have a copy, translated into the official language of the country visited and legalized by its embassy, ​​of the prescription for curative remedies, especially if these contain psychotropic drugs and you are in right to own them for your personal use.

Prophylactic precautions

Certain vaccinations, especially if you are going to an intertropical zone or to a third world country, will be one of the keys to a successful trip. Those against viral hepatitis, the tetanus, the typhoid, the yellow fever, the typhus or the rage are the most recommended.

  • Programs and projects, International travel and health Logo indicating a link to the website – Diseases preventable by vaccination and vaccine on the WHO website.

A travel pharmacy taken in his luggage and containing medicines for common ailments, first aid equipment and some specific things depending on the destination and individual state of health is also recommended so that the trip does not end in drama.

Therapeutic precautions

Travelers undergoing medical treatment should take the precaution of taking sufficient medication with them. Similar medicines may have a different dosage in other countries, for example insulin preparations for diabetics.

Insurance and assistance

Legal systems

A European French health insurance card.

A trip of several days to a foreign country, even a neighbor of yours, requires medical coverage at least equivalent to that of residents of the country visited.

For residents of the 28 countries ofEuropean Union, ofIceland, from Liechtenstein, of Norway and of Swiss There is a European health insurance card valid in these 32 countries (except your own of course) and which allows you to benefit from the "third party payment" system set up in the country visited. This card is free and valid for two years. In Belgium, it is obtained from its mutual, in France and in Swiss from his health insurance fund. At Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, it is automatically present on the back of the Luxembourg health insurance card. In all other cases, reimbursement of costs not borne by the patient in his own country will be made on presentation of receipts to his mutual or health insurance after his return.

  • European Commission Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Logo indicating tariffs free. – The European health insurance card.

The residents Quebecois, even if they are traveling to another province of Canada, must complete a reimbursement form from the Régie de l'assurance maladie accompanied by receipts. However, the Quebec government has entered into reciprocal social security agreements including a health component with certain countries: Belgium, the Denmark, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Finland, the France, the Norway, the Portugal and the Sweden provided you have a health insurance card.

  • Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec Logo indicating a link to the website – Refund request form.

Private systems

A number of private generalist or specialized insurance companies issue “travel assistance” policies which provide, as a minimum and in the event of hospitalization, for the repatriation of the policyholder and of the persons insured by the contract as well as, possibly of his vehicle (s). Other guarantees can be added such as, for example, the payment of expenses not reimbursed by the legal system of the traveler, the advance of funds, the dispatch of a medical team, etc.

The two leading specialist companies in the travel assistance market are Allianz Global Assistance (formerly Mondial Assistance) and Europe Assistance, but you should not hesitate to compare with your own general insurance company or others.

  • Allianz Global Assistance Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The different types of temporary assistance contracts.
  • Europe Assistance Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The different types of temporary assistance contracts.
  • Katenix Logo indicating a link to the website – A travel insurance comparator for Canadians.

During the trip

Illustration dating from 1939 showing the different means of pollution of water by bacteria.

As soon as you arrive, ask for emergency numbers and whether or not you can use the free international number 112.

On site, many ailments affecting the digestive system can be avoided by applying a few simple precautions:

  • wherever you are, wash your hands with soap before each meal, before and after going to the toilet or changing an infant, otherwise use a hand sanitizer.
  • in places where the elementary rules of hygiene are obviously not respected or, even, if you suspect it, to peel the fruits and vegetables, to avoid unpasteurized milk, raw eggs, raw vegetables and undercooked meat, to cook food over 65 ° C, only drink drinks that have been opened in front of you, otherwise water that has been imperatively boiled or purified by adding chlorine tablets, avoid ice cubes,

For airborne illnesses, avoid standing directly in front of a sneezing or coughing person and check the cleanliness of the air conditioning system in your place of stay, if it is so equipped.

Any simple wound must be cleaned and disinfected as quickly as possible using an antiseptic. Avoid rubbing your eyes without washing your hands first, otherwise use a cloth that you are sure is clean or a new, clean disposable tissue. It is also preferable to only use this type of tissue for a single use and not to leave it in the wild.

In terms of adventurous sex, more than ever, don't forget the adage “Go out covered”.

In some cases, the embassy or consulate of the traveler's country may also provide assistance to the traveler, but this will only be after exhausting other options available to him to resolve the problem he is facing.

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium Logo indicating a link to the website – Belgians in distress.
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada Logo indicating a link to the website – Assistance to travelers.
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance Logo indicating a link to the website – The role of a consulate.
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss Logo indicating a link to the website – Help abroad.

Diseases by means of transmission

The sign "Do "In the" Contagion "column indicates that the disease can be transmitted not only by the vector in the" Transmission "column but also directly from human to human either by contact (wound, saliva, sexual intercourse, etc.) or by the ambient air. These are therefore diseases commonly called "contagious".

However, we must never forget that all can also be transmitted by direct contact between two blood systems (wound to wound, infected syringe).

Last nameRegion (s)TransmissionTypeContagionVaccineTherapyRemark
Amoebiasisglobalwater, foodparasiteNot doneDoconfined to developing countries.
Bilharziaintertropical, Mediterranean rimwaterparasitic wormsDoDotransmission is not by ingestion but during swimming.
CandidiasisglobalvariousyeastDoNot doneDo
Chlamydiosisglobalhuman birdsbacteriumDoNot doneDohuman transmission through sexual intercourse,
avian transmission (mainly parrots) through the air.
Chikungunyatropicsmosquitovirus (alphavirus)DoNot doneexperimental vaccine.
Choleraglobalwater, foodbacteriumDoDoDoconfined to poor regions.
Covid-19globalhumanvirus (coronavirus)DoNot doneNot done
Whooping coughglobalairbacteriumDoDoDoconfined to intertropical Africa and South Asia.
CryptosporidiosisglobalwaterparasiteDoNot doneDowatch out for swimming pool water.
Dengueintertropicalmosquitovirus (flavivirus)DoNot donevaccine available only in certain countries (see the list on the page Dengue).
Dermatitis in PaederusglobalPaederusvenomNot doneDo
Traveler's diarrheaglobalwater, foodbacteria, virus, parasiteNot doneDo
Diphtheriaglobalmammal, raw milkbacteriumDoDolocated mainly in Asia and Brazil.
EbolaSub-Saharan Africabodily fluidsvirus (filivirus)DoNot doneNot donethe natural reservoir would be the bat
Tick-borne encephalitisglobaltickvirus (arbovirus)DoNot done
Japanese encephalitisAsiamosquitovirus (flavivirus)DoNot done
EchinococcosisglobalmammalparasiteNot doneDo
Lassa feverWest Africamouse, ratvirus (arenavirus)Not doneDo
Rift Valley feverAfrica (including Madagascar),
Saudi Arabia, Yemen
contaminated tissues,
raw milk, insect bite
virus (phlebovirus)Not doneNot donea vaccine exists for cattle
West Nile feverglobalmosquitovirus (flavivirus)Not doneNot done
Yellow feverintertropicalmosquitovirus (flavivirus)DoNot done
Zika feverglobalmosquitovirus (flavivirus)Not provenNot doneNot donemild illness except for the fetus
FilariasisintertropicaldipteraparasiteNot doneDo
ScabiesglobalSarcoptes scabiei hominisparasiteNot doneDo
GonorrheaglobalhumanbacteriumDoNot doneDotransmission through sexual intercourse.
Fluglobalairvirus (orthomyxovirus)DoDoDo
Viral hepatitis
* TO
* B
* VS
* D
* E
water, food
Hepatitis B
* (picornavirus)
* (hepadnavirus)
* (flavivirus or hepacivirus)
* (deltavirus)
* (hepevirus)



Not done
almost zero occurrence in Western Europe, North America and Australia.
Herpesglobalhumanvirus (herpesvirus)DoNot doneDocontact transmission.
North Africa
sandflyparasiteNot doneDo
LegionellosisglobalwaterbacteriumNot doneDopay attention to the maintenance of air conditioners.
MeadowglobalhumanbacteriumDoNot doneDoconfined to poor regions.
Loxoscelismworldwide (outside the polar and tropical areas)LoxoscelesvenomNot doneNot done
Chagas diseaseSouth America,
central America
ThumbtackparasiteNot doneDo
Lyme diseaseglobaltickbacteriumNot doneDo
Sleeping sicknessSub-Saharan Africatsetse flyparasiteNot doneDo
Malaria (malaria)intertropicalmosquitoparasiteDoDovaccine only for children aged between six weeks and seventeen months.
MeningitisNorth Africa,
West Africa,
Sahel, Brazil
O'nyong-nyongIntertropical Africamosquitovirus (alphavirus)Not doneNot doneno fatal cases recorded.
central America
flyparasitic wormsNot doneDo
Mumpsglobalairvirus (rubulavirus)DoDoNot doneconfined to developing countries.
PapilloniteWest Africa,
South America
butterflyallergenNot doneDo
* bubonic and septicaemic
* pharyngeal
* pneumonic
rural areas (mainly in Africa and Central Asia)
bacillus Yersinia pestis


Not done

the vaccines have a very short duration of protection (around 6 months) and do not protect against pneumonic plague.
Epidemic arthritisOceaniamosquitovirus (alphavirus)Not doneNot donealso known as "Ross River fever".
Search for a vaccine in progress.
Poliomyelitisglobalfoodvirus (poliovirus)DoDoDo
Rageglobalmammalvirus (rhabdovirus)DoDoNot donetransmission by biting or licking.
Rickettsiosisglobaltick, lice, mitebacteriumDoDoThe most serious forms are the different types of typhus.
Measlesglobalairvirus (morbillivirus)DoDoNot done
Rubellaglobalairvirus (rubivirus)DoDoNot doneserious especially for the fetus.
* Paratyphoid
* Typhoid
globalfoodbacteriumNot done
the most severe forms are typhoid and the different paratyphoid.
SepsisglobalwoundbacteriumNot doneDo
SyphilisglobalhumanbacteriumDoNot doneDotransmission through sexual intercourse.
AIDSglobalhumanvirus (retrovirus)DoNot doneDoonly retroviral treatments.
SARSglobalhumanvirus (coronavirus)DoNot doneDo
TetanusglobalvariousbacteriumDoDowound transmission.
Not doneDooften benign but can be the consequence of amoebiasis or a salmonellosis.
TrachomaglobalhumanbacteriumDoNot doneDo
TrichinellosisglobalmeatparasiteNot doneDoconsumption of undercooked meat.
Tungoseintertropicalchip-chiqueparasiteNot doneNot donethe only therapy is the mechanical extraction of the eggs.
Typhusglobalmite, tick, lousebacteriumDoDo
Urticariaglobalinsect, plantallergenNot doneDoamong the most serious are contact with ragweed pollen or sap.
Varicellaglobalhumanvirus (herpesvirus)DoDoDoalso affects adults in tropical settings.
Wartsglobalhumanvirus (papillomavirus)DoDoNot doneSexual transmission or skin contact.

Further information

  • Health topics Logo indicating a link to the website – All the health topics covered by WHO on its website.
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These travel tips are a guide. The article contains detailed information covering the whole subject. Expand it and make it into a star article!
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