Mauritania - Mauretania

Mauritanie - Adrar2.jpg
Mauritania (orthographic projection) .svg
Flag of Mauritania.svg
Main information
Capital cityNouakchott
Political systemjunta
Surface1 030 700
Population4 420 184
Code 222
Time zoneUTC 1
Time zoneUTC 1

Mauritania - state in the northwest Africa over the Atlantic.


The state borders with Senegal, Mali, Algeria and The Western Sahara, much of the country is made up of the Sahrawi desert territories.






Mauritania is classified as a lagging country.


By car

From Europe, it is possible only through Morocco and the occupied territories Western Sahara through the only border crossing point nearby Nouadhibou. You must have an entry visa. Visas are issued at the embassy in Rabat, and right at the border crossing (Note - Mauritania's visa policy is very variable and you should make sure you get a visa before going to the border)

Traffic outside the cities is rather sporadic. In the capital and Nouadhibou - very large and chaotic. Be especially careful.

The vehicle must belong to the driver or the person present in it. Make, model, last six digits of VIN and registration number are entered in the owner's passport. It is not possible to leave Mauritania without a vehicle entered in your passport.

The price of fuel in 2016 is similar to the prices in Europe and amounts to approximately EUR 1 per liter of diesel fuel. Petrol can be hard to find - it is advisable to take extra canisters with you.

By plane

Mauritania's largest airport is Nouakchott International Airport.

By train

By bus

By ship

An administrative division

Administrative regions of Mauritania

Mauritania is divided into 12 administrative regions and 1 capital district. The regions are further divided into 44 departments.

List of regions and departments

1. Adrar, capital city: Atar

   Audżift Atar Szinkit

2. Al-Asaba, capital city: Kifa

   Abu Madid Barkevol (Aftut) Guerou Kankusa Kif

3. Al-Barakina, capital city: Alak

   Alak Bababi Bughi (Buki) M'Bagne Makta al-Hajar

4. Dachlat of Nouadhibou, capital city: Nouadhibou


5. Kurkul, capital city: Kajhajdi

   Kajhajdi Mabut Maghama (Makama) Monguel

6. Ghidimagha, capital: Silibabi (Hasi Walad Ali Babi)

   Walad Jandża Silibabi (Hasi Walad Ali Babi)

7. Haud asz-Sharki, capital city: An-Nama

   Amurj Basikunu Djigueni An-Nama Walata Tinbadgha

8. Haud al-Gharbi, capital city: Ujun al-Atrus

   Ujun al-Atrus Kobenni Tamshikit (Tamshakat) At-Tintan

9. Inshiri, capital city: Akjavajat

   Akjawajat (Akjujt)

10. Nouakchott (capital city)


11. Takant, capital city: Tajikja

   Al-Midjriya (Al-Majriya, Al-Majriya) Tishit Tajikja

12. Tiris Zammur, capital city: Zuwirat

   Bir Umm Karajn (Bir Umm Kurajn) Fudajrik Zuwirat

13. At-Tarariza, capital city: Rosso

   Bu Tilimit Keur Massene Mudardara Wadi an-Naka Ar-Rakiz Rosso (Rusu)


According to official data from 2005, Mauritania had over 30 cities with a population of over 10,000. residents. The capital of the country, Nouakchott, was the only city with over half a million inhabitants; 3 cities with a population of 50,000 ÷ 100,000; 7 cities with a population of 25,000 ÷ 50,000 and the rest of the cities below 25,000 residents.

Interesting places

Objects from the UNESCO World Heritage List



The official languages ​​of Mauritania are Arabic and French.







Diplomatic representations

Diplomatic missions accredited in Mauritania

No post - country served by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Rabat (Morocco).

Diplomatic representations accredited in Poland

The Embassy of Mauritania in Berlin

Address: 10117 Berlin, Kommandantenstrasse 80

Phone: 49 30 206 58 83

Fax: 49 30 206 747 50

Web page:

E-mail: [email protected]

This website uses content from the website: Mauritania published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0