Millau - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Millau — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

General view from the south
General view from the south
Postal code
Telephone prefix
44 ° 5 ′ 29 ″ N 3 ° 6 ′ 55 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

Millau is a commune and a town in the department ofAveyron in France.


"Les Causses et les Cévennes" zone

Under departmental prefecture, Millau is also the seat of the “community of communes of Millau Grands Causses” made up of fifteen communes.

Located in the Grands Causses regional natural park as well as in the buffer zone of the cultural landscape of Mediterranean agro-pastoralism "Les Causses et les Cévennes" registered in the Unesco World Heritage, Millau is an excellent base camp to shine, not only in Aveyron, but also, in the east of Gard and in the southwest of the Lozere.

The mild climate, the proximity to the highway A75, the presence of all essential services and an offer CAHORE very varied also plays in favor of the locality to be this base camp.

Its “3 flowers” ​​level at the “Cities and Villages in Bloom »Also encourages the traveler to stroll through its streets and alleys.

Tourist information


Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
10 days
7 days
7 days
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Number of days of precipitation
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm

According to the classification ofHenri gaussen, Millau has almost a supra-Mediterranean climate. Three climatic influences are felt:

  • in spring and autumn, the westerly and southwest winds determine a oceanic climate ;
  • in summer, the south-easterly winds predominate Mediterranean climate but these winds can also disturb the normal course of the seasons at any time of the year;
  • in winter, northerly winds subject the region to the rigors of Continental climate.
  • 14 day weather forecast Logo indicating a link to the website – By the public administrative establishment Meteo France.
  • Millau weather station webcam Logo indicating a link to the website – View to the west and the Dourbie valley.
(h / year)
Rain Snow
Mean temperature
(° C)
(mm / year)(Jan)
2 157,6731,67131266010,9

To go

By train

Train stationRailway companyDirect destinationsConnection with other transportParking
Millau SNCF station.jpg
  • 1 Millau station Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Place Francis-Laborde

SNCF logo.pngSNCF

  • Coaches  – liO202Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, 214Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, 215, 217
  • Bus  – Mio2Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility, 3Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • Taxi  – Do Yes.

Two paid car parks Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

By coach

The “liO” company operates four coach lines that pass through Millau:

By car

Join the highway A75 and take the exit exit 45 Millau, then follow the departmental road D911 for the center of the locality.

Distances, times and routes

Distance and time table from Millau
(center to center)
by the roadgreat circleby car
by train1
BeziersA75D911121 km  84,8 kmh 10 minh 53 min
Clermont-FerrandA75D911227 km186,5 kmhh 10 min2
MontpellierN109A750A75D911112 km  83,9 kmh 10 minh 14 min3
ParisA10A71A75D911641,5 km531,9 kmh 40 minh 30 min4
RodezN88D911A75D91166 km  49,0 km      55 minh 25 min5
1 by the fastest connection.
2 including 33 min waiting for correspondence at Saint-Chély-d'Apcher
3 including 34 min waiting for correspondence at Beziers
4 since the Paris-Lyon station
5 line 8 operated by coach liO noto214
Routes via Millau
Clermont-FerrandSaint-FlourNOT highway 75 S LodeveBeziers
Albaret-Sainte-MarieSeverac-le-ChateauNOT departmental road 809 S The CavalryLa Pezade
Clermont-Ferrand' SNCF logo.png 'Line 28 Beziers
Rodez' SNCF logo.png Line 8 ' Saint-Rome-de-Cernon
ConchNO GR 62 E Bonperrier
EndNO GR LAR SE The Couvertoirade


By public transport

The "Mio" company operates three bus lines:

  • 1Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Naulas ↔ Cap du Crès
  • 2Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Vigo ↔ Cap du Crès
  • 3Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Vigo ↔ Creissels

Mio Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 598933 – Network map and tariffs

To see

The Belfry
The hall
The Old Bridge
part of the La Graufesenque site
  • 1 Church of Notre-Dame de l'Espinasse Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Place Maréchal Foch Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in FranceAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The oldest parts, the north bell tower, date from the end of the XIe century. The interior contains many furniture items including three paintings from the XVIIIe century also inscribed on the list of national monuments.
  • 2 Belfry Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element 16 Right Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 595032 Logo indicating timetables from 1er Saturday in April to the penultimate Sunday in September: sea.- Sun. : 10 h - 12 h 30 and14 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : 4,5 , under 18: free. – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in FranceInaccessible to people with reduced mobility (interior). It consists of two parts, the lower part is a square keep of the XIIe century and 21 meters high surmounted by the octagonal belfry, built between 1614 and 1617, also of 21 meters from above. The upper platform is reached after climbing 210 steps. Rue Droite, where it is located, is an ancient Roman roadway.
  • 3 Millau Museum Logo indicating a link to the website Place du Maréchal Foch, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 590108 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 10 h - 12 h 30 and14 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : , under 18: free. – Housed in the former Hôtel de Pégayrolles, built in 1778, which served as the Town Hall at the start of the XXe century, the museum It has a rich collection of sigillated ceramic from the Gallo-Roman period coming, in part, from the site of La Graufesenque. It also traces the history of glove, Millau was an important center of the XIXe century in the late 1960s.
  • 4 Hall Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Place des Halles Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : h - 13 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in FranceAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in 1899, it is a style construction known as "Baltard »Which combines cast iron, glass, brick and iron. It still serves as a meat and poultry market.
  • Street signs (old Millau) Logo indicating timetables permanently visible. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility In old Millau, plaques with the old road names in rouergat are placed below the current names.
  • 5 Hotel de Sambucy Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element 20-24 Boulevard de l'Ayrolle Logo indicating timetables private property, guided tour on Friday at 15 h (reservation, at the tourist office, desirable). Logo indicating tariffs . – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in FranceAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (gardens). It was between 1672 and 1674 that the hotel was built and the French garden was laid out.
  • 6 Ayrolle washhouse Logo indicating a link to the website Boulevard de l'Ayrolle Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in FranceAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in 1749, the whole is arranged in a horseshoe and surrounded by arches. Originally, it was covered by a roof that allegedly collapsed in 1773.
  • 7 Old Bridge Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Quai de la Tannerie Logo indicating timetables exterior visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in FranceAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in 1318, most of the bridge was washed away by a flood of the Tarn on . The two remaining arches and the mill are classified as a historical monument.
  • 8 Gloves Causse Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link 5 Boulevard des Gantières (free private parking: access via rue du Rajol and passage de la Pausserie), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 600305, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h 30 - 12 h and14 h - 18 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Self-guided tour of the workshops and museographic space of the oldest Millavian glove factory (1892) still in operation. Shop
  • 9 Victory Park Logo indicating a link to the website 12 Avenue Charles de Gaulle Logo indicating timetables summer : Mon.- Sun. : h - 22 h, winter : Mon.- Sun. : h 30 - 20 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaugurated in 1919, the park, 59,000 m2 encompasses the "Jardin des Causses", created in 1996, which is a botanical garden of 6000 m2 gathering the flora of Grands Causses with 130 native species. Playground for children.
  • 10 La Graufesenque Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Avenue Louis Balsan, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 601137, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 10 h - 12 h 30 andh - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs free visit: free; guided tour: adult 6,5 , under 18: free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Archaeological site of the most important pottery workshop of the Roman Empire in the middle of the Ier century.
  • 11 Oppidum de la Granède Granède Oppidum Trail Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Ruins of a fortified village dating from IXe or VIIIIe century BC AD and having been occupied until at least the VIe century. In addition to the remains of the walls, the main vestige is that of a church early Christian.
  • 12 Saint-Martin-du-Larzac (Route of Saint-Martin) Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Hamlet made up of an old farm as well as a church, its old parish cemetery and its presbytery, all built in the typical architecture of the Causses with its roofs covered with slate. The church, in the shape of a Latin cross, dates from the end of XVe century or early XVIe century. It contains three sculptures from half of the XIXe century, a faded wall fresco and a series of old photos of the Larzac region with explanations. You have to ask for the key from the sacristan who lives next door.
    • 13 Dolmens Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (follow the path that runs along the old farm and take the first fork on the left) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.Monument classified or registered as historical monuments in France Complex of five dolmens of which only the no 3 is classified as a historical monument.
  • 14 Millau Viaduct Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Highway A75 – Inaugurated in 2004, it has a length of 2,460 meters, a maximum free height under the apron of 270 meters (above the Tarn) and the highest pile-pylon (the closest to the Tarn) has a height, above ground, of 343 meters, i.e. 19 meters more than the Eiffel Tower.
  • 15 Chapel of Saint-Pierre de Brocuéjouls Route de Brocuéjouls Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • Panoramic viewpoints - There are dozens of panoramic viewpoints overlooking the Tarn or the Dourbie, the most famous are:
    • 16 The Dressières Cavalry Route (Coming from Millau, near the parking area, continue for about 1,650 meters up to a path on the right allowing you to make a safe U-turn) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (including toilets) Presence of public toilets for men and women (free). Parking area, picnic tables, spotting scopes, orientation tables.
    • 17 Puncho d'Agast (take the departmental roadD110and follow the signs The Puncho d'Agast) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Parking area, picnic tables. Paragliding and hang-gliding free flight departure area.
    • 18 Martinerie (take the departmental roadD911and follow the signs Martinerie) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.
    • 19 Solanes Former oppidum of Cap Barré de Solanes (take the departmental roadD911then the road from Prignolles to Solanes following the signs Solanes) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility
    • 20 Boffi Castle (take the departmental road D110 to the sign praising the site of Montpellier-le-Vieux then take the dirt road furthest to the right to the car park and continue on foot) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.
    • 21 Explorer's Trail Logo indicating a link to the website (from the highway A75, take the “Millau Viaduct” service area; from the center of Millau, take the route des Aumières then the route de Brocuéjouls), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 616154 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs tickets available at the “Viaduc Expo” on the motorway service area (audioguide included) adult: , child and student: . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


To buy

  • Côtes-de-millau Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Logo indicating tariffs count between and (organic product) for a 75 cL bottle of red wine. – Wine AOCPDO whose vineyard, probably dating from Roman times, extends fromAguessac To Viala-du-Tarn following the Tarn valley and as far as Saint-Georges-de-Luzençon following the Cernon valley. The reds are fragrant with real aromatic persistence and can age between three and four years. The rosés, with fruity notes, and the whites, much more floral and long in the mouth, are to be drunk young and very fresh.
  • 1 Inter Caves Logo indicating a link to the website 24 Boulevard de la Capelle, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 81 559237 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat. : 10 h - 13 h and15 h - 20 h, Sun. : 10 h - 13 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 2 Artistic Trades Space Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 10 Rue de la Capelle, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 623973 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat. : 10 h 30 - 12 h 30 and14 h 30 - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Sales area for 20 Millavois artisans. Organization of temporary exhibitions on one of the trades of the craftsmen of the association.


  • 1 Capion Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 3 Rue Jean François Almeras, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 600091 Logo indicating timetables Game.- Mon. : 12 h - 13 h 45 and19 h 30 - 21 h, Tue. : 12 h - 13 h 45. Logo indicating tariffs menus between 16,5  and 46 , children's menu at 12,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityScore between 12.5 and 13.50 / 20 in the Gault et Millau 2020 guide. French cuisine.
  • 2 Nordic heat Logo indicating a link to the website 2 rue Mathieu Prevot, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 60 03 19, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : 12 h 00 - 13 h 30 and19 h 30 - 21 h 00,sat.- Sun. : 19 h 30 - 21 h 00. Logo indicating tariffs around 15  To 35 . – Nordic family cuisine

Have a drink / Go out



  • 1 Motorhome Park (Parking du Four à Chaud) Logo indicating a link to the website Rue de la Saunerie, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 1 83 646921 Logo indicating timetables permanently open. Logo indicating tariffs 11,01 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityaccessible Wi-Fi network 41 places for motorhomes. 30 electrical terminals, drinking water points, emptying area.
  • 2 Eco-Camping du Larzac Logo indicating a link to the website Route de Saint Martin, Le Cun, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 61357, e-mail :  – Star full.svgStar full.svg
  • 3 Saint-Lambert Campsite Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 2050 Avenue de l'Aigoual, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 600048, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables from to . – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility accessible Wi-Fi network
  • 4 Campsite Les Rivages Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 860 Avenue de l'Aigoual, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 610107, e-mail :  – 4 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility accessible Wi-Fi network
  • 5 Huttopia campsite Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 455 Avenue de l'Aigoual, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 611883 – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 6 Camping des 2 Rivières Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 61 Avenue de l'Aigoual, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 600027, e-mail :  – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Electric car charging station (1 terminal).
  • 7 Viaduct campsite Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 121 Avenue de Millau Plage, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 601575, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables from 2e Friday from April to 3e Sunday in October. – 4 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 8 Campsite Les Érables Logo indicating a link to the website Avenue de Millau Plage, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 591513, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables from to . – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free.
  • 9 Larribal campsite Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Avenue de Millau Plage, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 590804, e-mail :  – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free.
  • 10 Millau Beach Logo indicating a link to the website Avenue de Millau Plage, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 721277, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables from to . – 4 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free.


  • 11 Commerce hotel Logo indicating a link to the website 8 Place du Mandarous, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 600056, e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs Double room : 72  breakfast included. – Star full.svgStar full.svgInaccessible to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Rooms for 1 to 4 people. No restaurant
  • 12 Hotel L’Étape Logo indicating a link to the website 91 Avenue Jean Jaurès, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 611643 room available from 17 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs double room: from 36 . – Star full.svgStar full.svgInaccessible to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Rooms for 1 to 4 people. Bar and restaurant, terrace (accessible to PMR). Free parking. Accepted animals.
  • 13 Travelers Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website 110 Avenue Jean Jaures, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 601034 room available from 16 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs double room: from 49 . – Star full.svgStar full.svgAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Rooms for 1 to 4 people. No restaurant. Free private parking. Accepted animals.
  • 14 Deltour Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Path of Salelles, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 608525, e-mail :  – Star full.svgStar full.svgAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double and triple rooms. No restaurant. Secure and free private parking. Accepted animals.
  • 15 Hotel Cévenol Logo indicating a link to the website 115 Rue du Rajol (entrance from the rue du 19 mars 1962), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 607444 room available from 13 h 03, to be released before 11 h 03. Logo indicating tariffs double room: from 87 . – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double, triple and quadruple rooms. Bar and restaurant with regional specialties. Outdoor pool. Free parking. accepted animals
  • 16 Chapel Hotel Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 7 Place de la Capelle, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 601472, e-mail : room available from 14 h, to be released before 11 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs double room: from 84 . – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double, triple and quadruple rooms. No restaurant. Nice terrace. Paying parking at impasse de la Tassette (24 h)
  • 17 Ibis hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Sacred Heart Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 592909, e-mail : room available from 12 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs Double room : 97  breakfast included. – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double and triple rooms. Bar but no restaurant. Secure private parking (supplement). Accepted animals.
  • 18 Campanile Logo indicating a link to the website 133 Chemin de Salelles, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 591760, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs Double room : 76  breakfast included. – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double, triple and quadruple rooms. Bar and restaurant, terrace. Free secure parking. Accepted animals.
  • 19 Mercure hotel Logo indicating a link to the website 1 Place de la Tine, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs Double room : 127  breakfast included. – 4 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double and triple rooms. Bar and restaurant. Secure private parking. Accepted animals.
  • 20 Hotel des Causses Logo indicating a link to the website 2 rue Mathieu Prevot, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 60 03 19, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 11 h. – 3 starsWireless free., Single, double, twin, triple and quadruple rooms. Bar and restaurant and terrace. Private and secure parking (supplement). Accepted animals.


  • 2 Post Office Logo indicating a link to the website 10 Avenue Alfred Merle, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 8 99 233438 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sea. : h - 17 h 30, Game.- Fri. : h - 12 h and13 h 30 - 16 h, sat. : h - 12 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

Manage the day-to-day


  • 3 City Hall Logo indicating a link to the website 17 Avenue of the Republic, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 595000 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h and13 h 30 - 17 h, sat. : 10 h - 12 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


Location of ATMs:

  • 4 Banque Populaire Occitane 1 Rue du Sacré Coeur Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 indoor distributor.
  • 5 Savings Bank 26 Boulevard de la Capelle – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 external distributor.
  • 6 CIC 19 Republic Avenue – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 external distributor.
  • 7 Agricultural credit Boulevard Georges Brassens (in The Giant Gallery) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h 30 - 21 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 indoor distributor.
  • 8 Credit Agricole Nord Midi-Pyrénées 5 Place des Halles – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 external distributor.
  • 9 Credit Agricole Nord Midi-Pyrénées 35 Avenue of the Republic – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 external distributor.
  • 10 Credit Mutuel Massif Central 10 Avenue Jean Jaurès Logo indicating timetables permanently accessible. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 indoor distributor.
  • The post office 10 Avenue Alfred Merle (on the facade of post Office) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 external distributor.
  • 11 LCL Banking and Insurance 15 Republic Avenue – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 1 indoor distributor and 1 outdoor distributor.
  • 12 Societe Generale 37 Avenue of the Republic


  • 13 Millau Hospital Center Logo indicating a link to the website 265 Boulevard Achille Souques, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 593000, 33 5 65 593135 (emergency room) Logo indicating timetables permanently open. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility14 Night entry and emergencies

For those traveling with a pet:

  • 15 The Acanthes Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 41 Avenue Jean Jaurès (entrance through the Parc des Lilas), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 610920 (including for emergencies) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h and14 h - 19 h, sat. : h - 12 h and14 h - 17 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Veterinary clinic
  • 16 Major Causes Clinic Logo indicating a link to the website 25 Rue de la Fraternité, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 603700 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h - 12 h and14 h - 19 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Veterinary clinic. Free parking.


  • 17 National Police Station Logo indicating a link to the website 14 Rue de la Condamine, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 65 612300 Logo indicating timetables permanently open. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


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Complete list of other articles from the region: Aveyron