Mittelbergheim - Mittelbergheim

Center of Mittelbergheim
Coat of arms
Mittelbergheim - Coat of arms
Prefix tel
Time zone
Institutional website

Mittelbergheim is a city of France in the region ofAlsace.

To know

Quiet Mittelbergheim is included in the list of the most beautiful villages in France and looks like a small rural center in the department ofUpper Rhine in Alsace, on one side of the Crax hills a few kilometers from the border German between two other picturesque cities such as Barr is Epfig.


Mittelbergheim was already inhabited at the time of the Franks and possibly even earlier when the region was part of the Roman Empire. In the 9th century, Emperor Charles the Fat gave the possession of Mittelbergheim, literally "refuge in the mountains" in German, to his wife Richarde. After Richarde's death, these lands were under the tutelage of the bishop of Strasbourg, who then transferred them to the Berckheim family.

It will then be up to the city of Strasbourg to hold dominion over the small city which in the 13th century will become the main residence of the Berckheim family, descendants of the counts of Andlau. In the region, the Berckheim counts have a house, Crax Castle, whose name derives from the Alsatian word for "convent", Krax.

After the Protestant Reformation the city remained Catholic and acquired a parish, which is still visible today.

In the modern age Mittelbergheim owes much of its wealth to its artisan workshops, now gradually being replaced by small companies in the mostly textile sector.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

Ancient oil mill
Protestant church of Mittelbergheim
Hotel Ville
  • 1 Catholic church, Main Rue 10. The church was built in 1893 on the initiative of the priest Victor Brach and was built with raw materials extracted from the nearby Vosges mountains.
  • 2 Protestant church. This fine example of Protestant architecture was probably built on the site of an old chapel dedicated to St. Stephen, whose origin dates back to 1180. The Romanesque church from the late 12th century was built with stones from the Stein quarry. With the establishment of the simultaneum, the old chapel was transformed into a choir for Catholics. In that period, in fact, to avoid revolts caused by Catholics or Protestants for the unrest following the Lutheran reform, there was a decree, the simultaneum, in fact, which obliged the two confessions to welcome each other, so that each could use the same building. for their own celebrations. In 1894, with the construction of the new Catholic church, the simultaneum ended and the church returned entirely to the Protestants.
  • Crusher. Used for oil production since the 18th century, it is one of the best preserved in France.
  • Renaissance houses (Maisons de la Renaissance). Mittelbergheim preserves a whole series of houses built in the 16th century, magnificent examples of perfectly preserved Alsatian architecture.
  • 3 Tombstone from the 12th century, rue de Rotland 2. Now disappeared, in Mittelbergheim there was a tomb, probably dedicated to the prior of the first local convent, Canon Conrad, dating back to the 12th century. What is still visible today are the remains of a tombstone.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Barr - a stone's throw from Mittelbergheim, Barr is another picturesque town in Alsace.
  • Epfig


  • The most beautiful villages in France

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Mittelbergheim
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Mittelbergheim
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