Muḥammad Ṭuleib - Muḥammad Ṭuleib

ʿIzbat Muḥammad Ṭuleib
عزبة محمد طليب
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'Izbat Muḥammad Ṭuleib (also Ezbet Mohammed Tuleib / Tauleib, Arabic:عزبة محمد طليب‎, ʿIzbat Muḥammad Ṭulaib) or 'Ain Muḥammad Ṭuleib (Arabic:عين محمد طليب‎, ʿAin Muḥammad Ṭulaib) is a farm in the north of the egyptian Sink el-Chārga in the Western desert. In its vicinity are the handsome remains of a fortress, which is located on the site of a former temple.


ʿIzbat Muḥammad Ṭuleib is located about 32 kilometers north of the city center of el-Chārga. The area is used for agriculture. The water is drawn from a well.

The Roman fortress was located within a dune in 2001, but has been free again since 2004. Originally there was a temple here, which was later expanded into a fortress. In the vicinity of the fortress there was a settlement in which residential and craft areas, cemeteries and cultural areas could be identified. Even if the water could be drawn from wells, the remains of a qanat system (underground aqueducts) could also be made out. The main purpose of the fortress is believed to be like in that of other sites like Qaṣr el-Gibb the monitoring of the caravan route Darb ʿAin Amūr have been that over Qaṣr el-Labacha to ed-Dāchla led.

The site was made famous around 1978 by the French archaeologist Jean Gascou. Since 2001 the area has been re-examined as part of the North Kharga Oasis Survey. During the investigations, a fallen painted plaster residue with the inscription "Horus, Lord of Uu" was found from the original temple. So the temple was once plastered and painted.

getting there

The homestead can be reached via the trunk road from el-Chārga to Asyūṭ. At 1 25 ° 41 ′ 45 ″ N.30 ° 39 ′ 7 ″ E turn off to the west on a slope and after 2.5 kilometers you reach the hamlet.


The archaeological site must be visited on foot.

Tourist Attractions

The rectangular one 1 fortress(25 ° 42 ′ 19 ″ N.30 ° 38 ′ 20 ″ E) was built from mud bricks, measures 16 by 22 meters and is 10 meters high. The entrance to the fortress is on the west side.

Parts of the former temple are still visible on the east side. This is also where his entrance was. The gate in the facade has a fillet and a round bar. The gate to the temple complex was located 27 meters away in an easterly direction.

In the southern half of the hamlet is on the eastern side of the road 2 mosque(25 ° 41 ′ 33 ″ N.30 ° 38 ′ 2 ″ E).


There are restaurants in town el-Chārga. There is also a bakery and café in el-Munīra.


Accommodation is usually in the city el-Chārga elected.


The visit of ʿIzbat Muḥammad Ṭuleib can be compared to that of Qaṣr el-Gibb and Qaṣr eḍ-Ḍabāschīya connect.


  • Gascou, Jean; Wagner, Guy; Grossmann, Peter J.: Deux voyages archéologiques dans l’oasis de Khargeh. In:Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (BIFAO), vol.79 (1979), Pp. 1–20, panels I – VI, especially p. 20.
  • Ikram, Salima; Rossi, Corinna: North Kharga Oasis Survey 2001-2002 Preliminary Report: Ain Gib and Qasr el-Sumayra. In:Communications from the German Archaeological Institute, Cairo Department (MDAIK), vol.60 (2004), Pp. 69-92, especially p. 73, plate 9.b.
  • Ikram, Salima; Rossi, Corinna: North Kharga Oasis Survey 2004 Preliminary Report: Ain el-Tarakwa, Ain el-Dabashiya and Darb Ain Amur. In:Communications from the German Archaeological Institute, Cairo Department (MDAIK), vol.63 (2007), Pp. 167-184, plates 23 f., In particular pp. 177-178, plate 24.b.

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