Nardò - Nardò

Nardò, Latin Neretum, Greek Nerìton
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Nardò is a city with approx. 32,000 inhabitants on the southern Salento peninsula; it is in the province Leccethat is part of the southern Italian region Apulia is.


The municipality of Nardò extends in area with 190 km² relatively far over a plain in the hinterland of the coast of the Ionian Sea on the southern Salento peninsula, the bathing resorts are located on a total of 22 km of coastline Santa Maria al Bagno and Santa Caterina and also the regional nature park Regional Park of Porto Selvaggio.


There are various legends about ancient Greek and Minoan heroes about the founding of Nardò, at least there were paintings in caves near Uluzzo and from the Old Stone Age originating settlement traces, so that this culture as Uluzzia received a designation with local reference.

In the area where it is today, in the 7th century B.C. a settlement of Messapier, it is documented that the city was founded in 460 BC. with Athens against their adversary Syracuse had allied from Sicily. In the triangle of the formerly Greek foundations Gallipoli - Otranto - Nardò, dialects related to Greek, still bear witness to the culture brought with them by the Greek colonizers centuries later. Later the area came under Roman rule, was conquered by the Carthaginians together with the rest of Salento and then laid to rubble by troops from Rome until the city was rebuilt under Augustus and through the construction of the Roman road "Trajana Salentina" Tarent gained in importance. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the region became part of the Eastern Roman Empire, and Greek culture was continued under the rule of the Byzantines; Incursions by the Lombards and Muslim Saracens in the early (901/24) interrupted Byzantine rule. In 1058 the Norman prince Goffredo di Conversano seized the city and expanded it with a Norman fortress in 1088/92; the Normans and then the Stauffer ruled the south of Apulia as part of the Kingdom of Naples. In the 15th century tried the Muslim Saracens to gain a foothold on the peninsula, and were driven out again after the siege of Nardò, with a series of coastal towers the entire coastline was secured against Saracen invasions.

The rule now took over the House of Aragon with the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, southern Italy with Apulia was considered "Regno di Sicilia ulteriore" or the Kingdom of Naples. Feudal rule over Nardò was exercised by the Acquaviva family from 1497 until the abolition of feudalism in 1806, in 1743 the town was struck by an earthquake. The impoverished southern Italian kingdom of Naples last existed as a parliamentary monarchy until 1860, when it was conquered by Garibaldi's militants and united with the north to form the kingdom of Italy in 1861.

In 1943/45 a camp for former Jewish concentration camp inmates was set up in Santa Maria al Bagno, the refugees were welcomed by the population with great goodwill and friendly relations with a partner community in Israel have continued to this day.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is that of Brindisi Casalefrom which the whole Salento peninsula is supplied. In addition to Alitalia, various low-cost airlines land here, such as Ryanair and EasyJet.

By train

The long-distance trains of the Trenitalia / Ferrovie dello Stato end in coming from the north Lecce. Private railroad trains run on the Salento peninsula in Apulia Ferrovie del Sud Est. The 1 Nardò Centrale train station (located in the south outside the city) is served by line 5 Lecce - Nardò C. - Gallipoli supplied, line 3 also crosses here Novoli - 2 Nardò Città - Nardo Centrale - Casarano - Gagliano / Leucawhich also serves the city train station in the east of the old town.

In the street

The best way to travel from German-speaking countries is on the A14 along the Adriatic coast about Bari to Apulia. Of Bari follows the SS16 resp. the better developed SS379 to Brindisi along the coast, then continue on the older one SS16 or the more modern ones SS613 to the provincial capital Lecce. From there Symbol: AS 13B leads the SS101 to Nardò and further after Gallipoli, the SP359 crosses the city and follows parallel to the coastline Tarant in the north-west.


Tourist Attractions

Nardo - Piazza Salandra
Cattedrale di Nardò
  • the 1 Piazza Salandra is the center of the city.
  • in the central piazza is the 2 Palazzo della Università: the baroque palace was built in 1588/1612 and had to be renewed after the earthquake of 1743. Here the Università met, the assembly of the council during the feudal rule of the Kingdom of Naples, later it was the seat of the city administration for some time.
  • also in the Piazza Salandra stands the 3 Guglia dell'Immacolata: after the earthquake of 1743, the pyramidal structure with a sculpture of the Madonna Immacolata on the top was erected until 1769. It is 19 m high.
  • the 4 Basilica Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta was built on the site of a Byzantine church around 1088 AD. Erected under Norman rule and subsequently heavily changed, including after the earthquake of 1456, the baroque facade dates from 1725 (Ferdinando Sanfelice). Frescoes of Christ Pantocrator (12th century) and St. Nikolaos and St. Augustine date from the 14th century, a wooden crucifix from the 13th century, the baroque altars from the middle of the 17th century. Attached is a convent of Benedictine monks.
  • 5 Chiesa di San Domenico was built in 1580/94 next to Piazza Salandra and had to be almost completely rebuilt after the earthquake in 1743, the late baroque facade dates from this time.
  • the little church 6 Chiesa di San Trifone was at the beginning of the 18th century. Erected in honor of St. Tryphon, the single-nave baroque building is located in the central Piazza Salandra.
  • the 7 Chiesa di Santa Teresa with the subsequent convent was in the early 18th century. in the baroque resp. built in early rococo style, the facade dates from 1750, the church could not be consecrated until 1769.
  • the 8 Chiesa dell'Immacolata was built in 1580 on older foundations, also in the Baroque style, the subsequent convent of the Franciscan Minorites was converted to residential purposes with the abolition of the monasteries.
  • the 9 Chiesa Beata Vergine Maria del Carmelo was also in the 15th century. built and had to be renewed after the earthquake of 1743, the interior is decorated with rich baroque stucco. The church belongs to a Carmelite convent.
  • the 10 Chiesa di Sant'Antonio da Padova was built in 1497 at the instigation of Belisarioa Acquaviva after the expulsion of the Jews, the statue of St. Anthony of Padua dates from 1514. A cenotaph was erected in 1545 in memory of Belisario and Giovanni Acquaviva. Only the cloister survived of the Franciscan Minorite Convent built next to it.
  • 11 Tempietto di Osanna (Osanna Temple) is a baroque building consisting of eight roofed columns, which in 1603 was immediately adjacent to the church 12 S. Maria della Carità was built outside the city walls.
  • the 13 Chiesa Santa Maria della Purità was built in 1710/24 by Ferdinando Sanfelipe in the style of Borromini.
  • the 14 Chiesa di Santa Chiara with the subsequent Clarissenkonvent was in the 13th century. Built in the area of ​​an older fortress structure, this church also had to be heavily renovated after the earthquake of 1743.
  • Chiesa San Cosimo (1618).
  • in the 15 Castello di Nardò the city administration is housed today. It was built in the 15th century as a castle of the Acquaviva dynasty, who shaped the fortunes of the city as feudal lords for centuries. built and architecturally changed again and again over the centuries.
  • There are numerous other palazzi in the city.
  • A number of villas are also worth seeing, and there are quite a few in the area Masseries, fortified manor height and numerous along the coastline Saracen towers.
  • 1 Pista di Nardò, Test track for motor vehicles, a circuit with raised side walls suitable for highest speeds (originally the circular track was intended for a particle accelerator); the operation of the route was taken over by Porsche.

Santa Maria al Bagno (district)

Torre del Fiume di Galatena
  • the district 16 Santa Maria al Bagno is the coastal settlement belonging to Nardò with a small one Bathing beach
The complex of the 17 Torre del Fiume di Galatena or the Quattro Torri: here in the 16th century To ward off Saracen invaders, a fortress complex with four corner towers was built to protect a freshwater spring near the coast. The central building collapsed, leaving only the ruins of the four towers.
After the collapse of the fascist regime, a camp for Jewish Holocaust survivors was set up in Santa Maria al Bagno in the Masseria "Mondonuovo" in 1943/47. In this "Kibbutz Elijah" numerous Jews prepared to emigrate to the state of Israel, which is currently being established. Among others, David Ben Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Dov Shilansky and Golda Meir are said to have passed through this camp. The 18 "Museo della Memoria e dell'Accoglienza" and some wall graffiti remind of what happened.

Santa Caterina (Nardò) (district)

  • the district is located on the coastline to the northwest Santa Caterina
Here is a 19 Marina Worth mentioning, you can also swim on the small sandy beaches at the harbor.
The Saracen Tower is located on a hill in the village 20 Torre Santa Caterina and at the northern end of the village 21 Torre dell'Altowhich can be reached on a short footpath.

here begins the

Parco Naturale Regionale di Porto Selvaggio

Torre dell'Alto
Torre Uluzzo
Palude del Capitano
The 22 Parco Naturale Regionale di Porto Selvaggio extends northwest of Santa Caterina. It includes a natural stretch of beach with a pineta around the 23 Bay of Porto Selvaggio, this also includes the marshland of the 24 Paludo del Capitano.
In the southeast is the Torre dell 'Alto, at the other end of the park in the northwest of the 25 Torre Uluzzo and near it the 26 Grotta del Cavallo with traces of prehistoric settlement (access closed by a grille).


  • sightseeing of the various sights in the old town
  • Swimming in the coastal towns
  • hike in the Parco Naturale di Porto Selvaggio, possibly combined with bathing pleasure






  • Lecce. Provincial capital.


Web links - Official website of Nardò

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