Navelli - Navelli

Panorama of Navelli
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Tourism site
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Navelli is a center ofAbruzzo.

To know

It is part of the mountain community Campo Imperatore - Plain of Navelli and it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.


The first Italic settlements in the Navelli area date back to the Vestini family around the sixth century BC, when in the area below the current town there was the vicus Incerulae; as a trace of these origins there is an inscription in the Vestine language preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Naples and dating back to the third century BC. which mentions an Italic temple dedicated to Hercules Iovius on the site of the current Church of Santa Maria in Cerulis.

The current town was founded by the union in medieval times (VIII-X century) of six villages: Villa del Plano, Villa della Piceggia (or Piaggia) Grande, Villa della Piceggia (or Piaggia) Piccola, Villa di Santa Lucia, Villa del Colle and Villa di Turri; some medieval churches remain as a trace of the original villages in the plain, such as that of Santa Maria in Cerulis already mentioned in 787 on Chronicon VulturnenseThe original villages gathered in a single castle, built on the hill where the town still stands, already mentioned in 1092 in a bull of the Monastery of San Benedetto in Perillis. The fortress was equipped with a tower which in the Renaissance period was transformed into the bell tower of the parish church. The Baronial Palace was then built on the ruins of the castle in 1632. The houses were built in medieval times in the area of ​​the "Villa di Piceggia grande", expanding in the Renaissance period towards the "Villa di Piceggia small": the two areas, medieval (the 'current "big beaches") and Renaissance ("small beaches"), are still distinguishable in the town.

The Navelli castle belonged to the Diocese of Valva and in 1269 participates in the foundation of the Comitatus Aquilano in the Quarto di Santa Maria. To settle the conflicts relating to the payment of tithes, on 29 August 1424 he passed from that of Valva to the diocese ofEagle on the initiative of Pope Martin V. In 1423 Navelli defended itself from the troops of Braccio da Montone, surrendering without being conquered; to honor the resistance to the siege, Queen Giovanna II of Naples was allowed to insert the inscription "Navellorum Merito Coronata Fidelitas" in the town's coat of arms. On 4 and 5 December 1456 a disastrous earthquake destroyed numerous centers, some of which were never rebuilt. . In 1498 the Navelli Castle was surrounded by walls; one of the town's five gates (Porta Villotta or South Gate) was later incorporated into Palazzo Onofri.


The most characteristic production of Navelli is that of Aquila saffron. Saffron was introduced in Italy from Spain by a Dominican monk belonging to the Santucci di Navelli family who, being part of the tribunal of the inquisition established in the Synod of Toledo in 1230, he sensed the possibility of cultivating it in the Navelli Plain.

Soon the cultivation of saffron spread to the whole area of ​​L'Aquila, just founded, starting a flourishing trade with Milan is Venice in Italy, e Frankfurt, Marseille, Vienna, Nuremberg ed Augusta abroad. In 1317 King Robert of Anjou abolished the taxes on saffron in order to favor its trade. For the inland areas, the saffron trade represented one of the traditional sources of income, as did the marketing of sheep farming products.

The establishment of the first cooperative of saffron growers on the initiative of Silvio Sarra of Civitaretenga dates back to the twentieth century. On February 4, 2005 the Saffron delthe Eagle it was registered in the Register of Protected Designations of Origin [12] and on 13 May 2005 the Consortium for the Protection of L'Aquila Saffron was founded. The producers who can use the "Zafferano DOP dell'Aquila" brand are registered in special lists managed by the control body and the DOP production area includes the municipalities of Navelli, Barisciano, Caporciano, Fagnano Alto, Fontecchio, L'Aquila, Molina Aterno, Poggio Picenze, Prata d'Ansidonia, San Demetrio ne 'Vestini, San Pio delle Camere, Tione degli Abruzzi and Villa Sant'Angelo.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the town of Civitaretenga.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A24 L'Aquila east motorway exit on the A24 Rome - Teramo
  • Strada Statale 17 Italia.svg former state road 17 of the Abruzzese and Appulo-Samnite Apennines.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Parish Church of San Sebastiano. Built in 1631 in late Baroque style with neoclassical nuances, it incorporated a medieval watchtower making it its own bell tower. It is a building with three naves with twelve altars to which the main altar is added.
It was restored after the earthquake of 1703, taking on the baroque characteristics on that occasion. Inside it displays stucco decorations.
  • 2 Church of the Madonna del Rosario. In Baroque style, it was built after the earthquake of the eighteenth century; on the vaults of the interior it preserves late-eighteenth-century paintings representing paradise. It counts six altars, in addition to the main one; four of them show the stucco coats of arms of the noble families of Navelli who enjoyed the property: Bertolfi, Francesconi, Piccioli. It preserves a large Baroque organ. The church stands at the foot of the village above Piazza San Pelino.
Church of Santa Maria in Cerulis
  • 3 Church of Santa Maria in Cerulis. The church has a trapezoidal plan, a decidedly unusual shape for a temple. It has its roots in a very distant era; it was in fact built around the year 1000 on the ruins of an Italic temple dedicated to Hercules Iovius. The first mention of the church dates back to 1021. The construction of the castle determined a marginalization of the building which, for its importance, became a country church. Before the 2009 earthquake, he only celebrated mass there on August 15th. The place is linked to the ancient city first of the Vestini Cismontani, then of the Romans, of Incerulae, the memory of which echoes in the denomination in Cerulis.
In medieval times the basement of the church was used for the burial of the dead; in 2000, forty-five medieval mummies were found in excellent condition.
The interior has three naves ended by as many apses and separated by massive pillars. It preserves fourteenth-century frescoes. The current entrance consists of a stone portal from 1863 located on the side. Restored in 2006, it was severely damaged by the 2009 earthquake; for safety, the interior is not accessible (2015).
  • Cemetery church of the Suffragio. It is in the Renaissance style, with a half roof and half vaulted roof. It counts five altars; the main altar is dedicated to San Gregorio, the minor ones to San Gennaro, San Vincenzo Ferreri, Santa Maria Maddalena and the Santi Angeli Custodi. The area below the altars on the right side was used for the burials of the nobles of Navelli. In 1654 it was also used for the burial of eight hundred victims of the plague.
  • Oratory of San Nicola. Located in the countryside, it has a roof structure with a single nave.
  • Oratory of the brotherhood of the Gonfalone. In Baroque style, it is circular in shape and is located near the Baronial palace immediately above the church of San Sebastiano.
  • Church of the Madonna del Campo. Renaissance style with a single nave.
  • 4 Church of San Girolamo. It has a single nave in the Renaissance style.
  • 5 Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Vaulted in Renaissance style with a single nave.
  • Church of the Madonna of Loreto.
  • Chapel of San Rocco.
  • Baronial Palace. Fortified palace built in 1632 stands on top of the town and has four corner sentry boxes; the interior has vaulted rooms. Palazzo dei baroni (hence the name), feudal lords of the town from the seventeenth to the end of the eighteenth century, was built on the ruins of the ancient medieval fortress.
  • Piccioli Palace. Eighteenth-century building in neoclassical style. The stucco coat of arms of the Piccioli family stands out on the entrance door.
  • Francesconi Palace, via delle Mura Rotte. Seventeenth-century building with adjoining noble chapel of San Pasquale which dates back to the Baroque seventeenth century, has a single altar, a vaulted roof and preserves remarkable paintings and stuccos. Built by the Mancini family, it came to the Francesconi after a passage to the Coppa di San Nicandro barons. Its current appearance is due to the reconstruction after the earthquake of 1703; the body of the building joined pre-existing houses and is divided into three levels. On the first floor there are two stalls covered with barrel vaults. The level of the main floor has rooms with barrel, mirror and bowl vaults and plastered, except for the entrance and main hall which have stucco decorations. Finally, the ceilings of the third level are made of wood.
The most important decorative architectural element of the palace is a beautiful loggia with round arches that opens on the south-west side.
  • Piccioli Palace. Another seventeenth-century palace of the Piccioli family, with an adjoining noble chapel of San Gennaro and Rosario.
  • Palazzo de Roccis. 19th century palace located near the Church of the Madonna del Rosario; internally it has vaulted ceilings decorated with Liberty frescoes.
  • Onofri Palace. Dating back to 1498, it is attached to one of the five access gates to the town. It has fine decorated vaulted ceilings and a noble chapel. It was renovated in 1703 following the earthquake.
  • Porta San Pelino (North Gate).
  • Porta Villotta (East Gate).
  • Slaughterhouse door (South Gate).
  • Porta Santa Maria (West Gate).

Archaeological site

  • Navelli necropolis (II-I century BC).

In Civitaretenga

  • Castle.
  • Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova. Damaged by the 2009 earthquake, the church was reopened in 2011 after the restoration works. It was built in 1492 with a single nave; it has four altars and a Gothic-style presbytery; it has a vaulted ceiling with remarkable frescoes. The adjacent convent of the Franciscan Friars Minor dates back to the 13th century; the cloister was also reopened to the public.
  • Ghetto.

Events and parties

  • Festival of chickpeas and saffron, San Pelino square. Simple icon time.svgin August. The food and wine event promotes the traditional productions of the territory and registers a high number of visitors at each edition. Founded in 1976, its historic site is the Santucci grove, replaced in 2007 by Piazza San Pelino following the forest fires that hit the area. In addition to cooking dishes with saffron or local chickpeas, the festival also allows the purchase of other local products and is enriched by sporting and cultural side events.
  • Palio degli Asini, via Pereto. Born in 1980 as a side event to the Chickpea and Saffron Festival, the Palio degli Asini wants to be a parody of the famous Palio di Siena. Preceded by a parade of floats starting from Piazza Piccioli with characters in traditional costumes and flag-wavers, the race, which took place in the Santucci grove, took place along via Pereto with jockeys assigned to the donkeys of each district at the last moment by drawing lots. Costumes and sets are developed in collaboration with the Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo.
  • Live the Tratturo. Simple icon time.svgthe second Sunday of September. Event organized on the occasion of the celebrations of the Madonna dell’Arco, with the desire to rediscover and experience this peculiar aspect of inland Abruzzo.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Navelli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Navelli
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).