Lake Neusiedl - Neusiedler See

Evening mood at Lake Neusiedl

The region Lake Neusiedl (Hungarian Fertő tó) is lying in Northern Burgenland, in the easternmost state of Austria around the lake of the same name. The lake, Europe's most westerly Steppe lake, is about 33 km long, about 12 km wide and only about 1.5 meters deep. The water level is very dependent on precipitation and fluctuates greatly. The west bank of the lake is bordered by a wide belt of reeds. The southern part of the lake lies on Hungarian Viticulture is practiced on the slopes around the lake.



Map of Lake Neusiedl

in Austria:

  • Neusiedl am See - Shopping, school and district capital
  • Jois - on the slopes of the Leithagebirge
  • Willows by the lake - on the northeast bank of Lake Neusiedl
  • Podersdorf am See - the center of tourism on Lake Neusiedl
  • Illmitz - in the east of Lake Neusiedl
  • Breitenbrunn (Burgenland) - in the area of ​​the World Heritage Cultural Park Neusiedler See Leithagebirge
  • Purbach on Lake Neusiedl - West bank of Lake Neusiedl. Purbach is also known for its legend The Purbach Turk
  • Donnerskirchen - The Martinskirche rises above the place
  • Oggau on Lake Neusiedl - West bank of Lake Neusiedl
  • Rust (Burgenland) - City of storks and wine-growing community
  • Mörbisch - Maritime Festival

in Hungary:

Other goals

  • Eisenstadt - Capital of the federal state of Burgenland
  • Sopron - City in Hungary, right on the border with Austria, south of Lake Neusiedl
  • Sankt Margarethen in Burgenland - a village near Eisenstadt, known for the quarry, from whose white lime many magnificent buildings in Vienna (e.g. Votive Church) were built. The quarry is now closed and is used irregularly as a venue for plays and concerts. There is also a fairy tale park for children in St. Margarethen.
  • Frauenkirchen - Baroque cathedral


The fauna and flora at Lake Neusiedl is unique, it is created by the National Parks Neusiedler See-Seewinkel and Fertő-Hanság, which are part of the UNESCO world heritage UNESCO World Heritage, highlighted.

Neusiedler See Willows by the lake


The official language on the Austrian side is German, with regional dialects being spoken. In places with a share of Burgenland Croats or Hungarians, Burgenland Croatian or Hungarian is also spoken.

On the Hungarian side, the official language is Hungarian, although German is largely understood, at least in a rudimentary way, due to the proximity to the border and the numerous Austrian day-trippers. There are also numerous villages of the Burgenland-Croatian ethnic group on the Hungarian side of the border.

getting there

By plane

  • * The Meidl AirportFertõszentmiklós is located 5 km south of Fertőd and offers not only the possibility of getting there for private pilots, but also pilot courses, sightseeing flights and parachute tandem jumps. Grand plans to expand this airport into an international airport with scheduled connections have existed for years but have not materialized to date.
  • Another center for sport and private aviation is the Aerodrom Spitzerberg in the municipality of Hundsheim (approx. 20 km north of the north end of the lake). The Trausdorf an der Wulka airfield was shut down in the early 2000s.

By train

From Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest by train to Bruck an der Leitha or Parndorf. The regional railway line to Neusiedl begins from Parndorf and is divided into a stretch along the west bank (via Eisenstadt to Wulkaprodersdorf, connection to the ROeEE / GySEV Vienna-Sopron) and a route through the Seewinkel, about 10 km in the hinterland of the east bank (Gols- Frauenkirchen-Pamhagen-Fertőd, connection to the ROeEE / GySEV Gyõr-Sopron).

Since the international long-distance trains that run between Vienna and Budapest do not stop at any of the above-mentioned stations, you have to change to regional trains from Vienna or Hegyeshalom.

From Gyõr there are also express trains of the ROeEE / GySEV to Sopron, which makes it easy to reach the southern area (Fertőd).

In the street

The north side of the lake is off Vienna Reachable on the A4 (Ostautobahn) in about 45 minutes (interchanges Neusiedl, Gols / Weiden and Mönchhof). The Gols / Weiden exit is the preferred approach to the east bank of the lake (Podersdort, Illmitz).

The best way to get to the south side of the lake from Vienna is via Eisenstadt or Sopron. On the west bank, the B50 (Eisenstadt-Neusiedl) opens up all places, to Rust you take the B51 from Eisenstadt.

The best way to travel from Budapest is via the M1 motorway. For the eastern area from Mosonmagyaróvár via secondary roads; for the southern area from Győr on trunk road 85 towards Sopron.


  • Ferries run across the lake that take pedestrians and bicycles (no cars!). There are ferry docks in Rust, Mörbisch, Neusiedl am See, Podersdorf am See, Illmitz and Fertőrakos. You can also shorten a trip around the lake by bike with the Mörbisch / Rust-Illmitz ferry and limit it to the Austrian or Hungarian part.

Tourist Attractions

Bathing bay at Willows by the lake

Numerous sights and activities can be explored with the Neusiedler See Card use it for free or at a reduced price, also on the Hungarian side.

Important sights in the vicinity of Lake Neusiedl are:

  • city Rust: beautifully preserved historical town center
  • Mörbisch: The southern neighboring community of Rust also impresses with its beautiful center
  • Saint Margarethen: Roman quarry and pan-European picnic
  • Eisenstadt: State capital with Esterházy Palace, Haydn House and old town
  • Sopron: West Hungarian metropolis with city wall, fire tower and cathedral
  • Fertőd: Large baroque castle
  • Frauenkirchen: Baroque basilica and stations of the cross

In addition, of course, the lake and the surrounding nature reserves offer many attractions for nature lovers.


  • In practically every village there is a bathing beach (for a fee), where the access for swimmers has been de-rilled and dredged.
  • The lake offers excellent conditions for sailing and windsurfing.
  • Around the lake - also across Hungarian territory - the Lake Neusiedl cycle path. Thanks to only slight inclines, a circumnavigation of the lake is also possible for less trained cyclists. If you are in good shape, you can do a complete circuit in one day.
  • In winter, when it has been very cold for a long time, the lake freezes over (this happens on average about every third winter). Then you can go on long hikes with ice skating shoes, but ice sailing is also possible. You should definitely inquire on site whether the ice is safe before venturing out onto the lake.
  • Bird watching: Main attraction of the National parks Neusiedler See - Seewinkel is the bird world: great egrets, spoonbills, white storks, gray goose, great bustards, avocets and much more. are based here. The huge reed areas, which are particularly important for nature conservation, are home to large populations of herons, gray geese, bog ducks, railings and various songbirds (reed warbler, bearded tit, reed bunting). The salt lakes of the Seewinkel are among the most important breeding and resting places for ducks and geese, waders and seagulls. The Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park is also of great importance for bird migration in spring and autumn. There are some signposted observation points from where you can watch birds, it is advisable to bring binoculars.

Arts and Culture

  • Haydn Days Eisenstadt
  • Mörbisch Lake Festival
  • Opera Festival St. Margareten
  • Nova Rock, in Nickelsdorf.


The regional cuisine has strong Hungarian influences. The fish from Lake Neusiedl are also recommended, although the "Stecklfisch" offered around the lake does not come from the lake.

The entire region around Lake Neusiedl is known for its extensive viticulture, with mainly red wines (Blaufränkisch, Zweigelt) being cultivated. Numerous award-winning wineries are located in the area, which are marketed in local area vinotheques as well as through direct sales, where the prices are often somewhat cheaper than in specialist wine shops.


During the summer season Seefestspiele in Mörbisch (operetta performances on the lake).

and otherwise...

  • House in the pulse. Wines and cultural events.
  • Burgenland wine works. 400 wines from 140 winegrowers in Burgenland. From internationally celebrated stars to hopeful young winemakers with an exciting future.
  • Mine. drinks & music - music bar with weekly live even.


Like all of Austria, the Neusiedler See region is a safe travel destination. However, in strong storms the waves get very high, which can easily put small boats in distress.

A reed belt surrounds Lake Neusiedl


The entire region is influenced by the Pannonian climate, and the area around Lake Neusiedl and Seewinkel is also the driest area in Austria.


For sightseeing tips in the vicinity of the lake, see the following regional articles:

Practical advice

  • Information center of the National Park Neusiedlersee - Seewinkel in Illmitz


Web links

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