Okavango-Chobe - Okavango-Chobe

Zebras at the Chobe National Park

Okavango-Chobe is a tourist region of the Botswana.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Etsha
  • 2 Gumare
  • 3 Kasane - Village where the entrance to the Chobe National Park. It is close to the point where the borders of four African states meet (Botswana, Namibia, Zambia is Zimbabwe).
  • 4 But a - The main regional center which has grown enormously thanks to the tourism industry and its international airport where tourists flock, often fully armed to visit the surrounding parks.
  • 5 Born - Bathed by the river of the same name, Born is a town of about 5,000 inhabitants, also developed thanks to tourism. Born it constitutes in fact the base for excursions to the salt lakes of the Zambezi basin (Makgadikgadi Pan).
  • 6 Shakawe

Other destinations

  • 1 Okavango Delta - Okavango is a river that has its headwaters in Angola and flows in Namibia in the said region Caprivi's finger. Once entered Botswana the Okavango is lost, after a journey of more than 1,400 km, in the sands of the Kalahari desert with a huge fan-shaped delta. The canals and marshes of the delta are populated with crocodiles and attract several species of large mammals and myriads of birds.
  • 2 Gcwihaba caves (Drotsky's Caves) - Remote caves candidate to be included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites. They were discovered by chance in 1932 by the farmer Martinus Drotsky,
  • 3 Lake Ngami - An endorheic basin which constitutes a wreck of the Makgadikgadi lake.
  • 4 Makgadikgadi Pans - One of the largest saline complexes in the world. In fact, it occupies an area of ​​over 12,000 km². The expanses of salt mixed with clay originated from a dried lake after the last ice age (10,000 years ago). During the rainy season, the soils fill up with algae.
  • 5 Nxai Pan National Park - A large salt pan that is part of the Makgadikgadi Pan complex and established as a national park in 1971. During the rainy season (between December and April) the salt pan is covered with vegetation and attracts herds of zebras and wildebeests.
  • 6 Chobe National Park - The park covers an area of ​​11,700 km² and hosts a varied fauna thanks to the abundance of waters represented by the Chobe River (Cuando), the largest tributary of the Zambezi which has its sources in Angola and in crossing the Botswana it forms countless swamps. The entrance to the park is near the village of Kasane and of course to cross it you need a sturdy and tall 4WD jeep as well as fully equipped equipment, mechanical knowledge and skills. More information on the page of the park managed by the national tourist office.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table
