Paestum - Paestum

Paestum is an archaeological park in the province of Salerno, part of the municipality of Capaccio in Campania.

To know

Paestum is the name of an ancient city of Magna Graecia founded with the name of Posidonia, where you can find the best preserved Greek Doric temples in the world. Most of the Greek city has not yet been excavated.

In addition to the three temples, remains of a gymnasium wall, city walls and house walls remain.

It was declared by UNESCO in 1988 World Heritage. It is one of the main archaeological parks ofItaly and d 'Europe.

How to get

Temple of Hera

The archaeological area is about 30 minutes on foot from the beach.

By plane

The nearest international airport is that of Naples.

By car

Salerno-Cosenza-Reggio di Calabria motorway: exit Battipaglia south.

On the train

From Salerno or Naples central to the station of Paestum. From here a road in about ten minutes leads to the archaeological site.

By bus

Buses available in all cities of Campania. Line 34 of the CSTP - Salerno Mobility Company of Salerno.

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

Part of the walls of Paestum
The amphitheater
The temple of Athena

The sacred areas

  • The Temple of Athena - Temple dedicated to the goddess Athena.
  • Basilica (Temple of Hera) - The oldest of the three Doric temples, dates back to the 6th century BC.
  • Temple of Neptune - It is located near the "Basilica", dates back to the 5th century BC.

The public areas

  • Agora
  • Hypogeum Sacellum (Heroon)
  • Ekklesiasterion
  • The Forum
  • The Comitium, Curia and Carcer (or Aerarium)
  • Curia (Basilica)
  • Temple of Peace
  • Sanctuary with natatio (swimming pool)
  • Amphitheater
  • The living areas


  • archaeological Museum, Via Magna Grecia, 919, 39 0828 811023, @. The museum is one of the most important in southern Italy and is located inside the ancient city. It is organized into three sections with the aim of narrating the history of Paestum and the territory through the finds.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Paestum
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Paestum
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Paestum
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