Pantelleria - Pantelleria

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Pantelleria - Location
Coat of arms
Pantelleria - Coat of arms
Institutional website

Pantelleria it's an island Italian located in the canal of Sicily.

To know

Pantelleria is the largest island in Sicily that the stable climate makes it a destination that can be visited all year round. In addition to the renowned sea, the hilly areas are also an excellent destination for rediscovering the island's traditions. Archaeological monuments and volcanic cliffs are other destinations a tourist may be interested in during his stay. The excellent road network allows you to reach all points of major interest.

Geographical notes

The island, as can be seen from the edge of the Great Caldera that surrounds the whole island, from Great Mountain (Sciaghibir in Arabic) and from Kuddie, forty hills, all ancient craters, is of volcanic origin. Favare, similar to geysers: jets of water vapor are emitted from rocks. These thermal resources with therapeutic properties are used in Dry bathroom and in Stoves. Thermal springs are also the Caldarelle scattered all over the island with maximum temperatures around 70 ° C.

Sese of the king

When to go

Summers are typically warm and winters mild. The average temperature is around 18 degrees and due to the constant wind that drives the clouds away, on the island it rarely rains (only 350 mm per year).

Spoken languages

In addition to Italian, the official language, the Sicilian language in its Pantelleria variant is also widespread on the island.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Bugeber (FromArabic ancient AbuGiabir trad. contrada del padre conciaossa) - Quiet village of peasants, overlooking the cliff with a spectacular view of Lake Venus. The latest archaeological observations have established that the district was active since prehistoric times. Remarkable natural views, between lava flows and vineyards.
  • Bukkuram (FromArabic ancient BuKarm trad. district rich in vineyards) - An ancient district characterized by the presence of numerous typical citrus gardens 'Jardina'. Nearby is the curious 'Pirtusu du Nutaro' (particular geological phenomenon: a small cave where gusts of icy air come out, already used as a refreshment in the very hot summer days by the Punics and the Romans). The patron saint of the district is San Michele.
  • Khamma (FromArabic ancient Hamma, literally: hot spring) - With the nearby Tracino it constitutes the 2nd inhabited agglomeration of the island, of a purely agricultural vocation, it develops along a promontory on the east side of the island. There are at least 2000 dammusi (the typical houses of Pantelleria). From the promontory it dominates the suggestive Cala di Gadir, renowned thermal and archaeological center also famous for the dammuso of Maestro Giorgio Armani. The visit to the ancient cemetery on the Cuddia is interesting.
  • Our Lady of Grace (FromArabicNaubiccibbib trad. contrada del mandorlo in fiore) - Small rural center in the western part of the island, it develops with agglomerations of dammusi on the slope of a hill around a small church of 1700.
  • Margàna (FromArabic 'marg' trad. cultivated fields) - Tiny district at the foot of today's airport. Until the end of 1800 it was the gateway to one of the most fertile areas of the island (transformed into an airport by Mussolini). Seat of the only sanctuary on the island dedicated to the Madonna della Margàna where a precious Byzantine icon (857 AD) is preserved, depicting a black Madonna with child.
  • Monastery - Small agricultural district within the island, renowned for the production of zibibbo grapes.
  • Mueggen (FromArabic ancient 'muagen' trad. cisterne) - Behind the Tracino district and at the foot of the eastern side of the Montagna Grande, dominating the Piana di Ghirlanda. The ancient church of Sant'Antonio is interesting. The agricultural landscape surrounded by ancient Dammusi is remarkable, very reminiscent of Palestine. In the area there are numerous Punic cisterns in cocciopesto.
  • Pantelleria Center - Located above sea level and centered on the harbor and the Medieval Castle. Devastated following the Second World War and later rebuilt. Not much remains of ancient Pantelleria: ruins of the old Arab Medina located in via Cristoforo Colombo and an arch of an ancient Norman church located in via Roma. During the summer the seafront it becomes a lively meeting point for Pantelleria and tourists.
  • Rekhale (FromArabicRahalAli, trad. property of Alì) - Located at the foot of the Volcano of Fossa du Russo the district presents important secondary volcanic phenomena that allow the inhabitants to exploit the heat that escapes from the ground to heat the rooms of the dammusi. The good southern exposure and the characteristic agricultural landscape have allowed this district, in recent years, to become a permanent and non-seasonal residence for many tourists.
  • Scauri - Important agricultural district located on the overhanging coast (Caldera) on the west side of the island. It is reminiscent of the Greek island of Santorini in many ways. From the cliff overlooking the port of the same name and the remains of a large Roman villa, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the African coast and witness spectacular sunsets. In Scauri there is the only cinema on the island. U Friscu Cafè, located in the center of the village, is one of the most popular youth haunts on the island.
  • Sibà (FromArabicSahah, trad. district of the morning) - It is the 'highest' district of the island and the farthest from the sea and is affected by a cool climate even during the summer. At the foot of the Great Mountain, develops around the ancient Byzantine church of the Madonna del Rosario. Sibà is the ideal starting point for visiting the newborn Volcanoes National Park managed by Forest. Numerous paths branch off from here and cross it. Recommended for lovers of nature and trekking.
  • Tracino - Practically attached to Khamma it develops inwards and towards the perimeter (Conitro - Kania). Many of its dammusi have become magnificent summer residences for tourists.

How to get

By plane

  • 1 Pantelleria airport (Pantelleria airport), via Venice (2 km from the port, follow Via San Nicola towards the geographical center of the island), 39 0923911398, @. The routes to Palermo and Trapani are part of the public service by law, therefore always guaranteed, and are operated by the Alitalia-Ethiad group. Some flights are operated in the summer charter.

On boat

From Trapani:

  • The Cossyra and the Siremar carry out the passenger and car transport service from Trapani with departure in the afternoon around 14.00 and at 24.00 in the night. Tickets can be bought at the Egatur ticket office (near the port of Trapani) or booked online on the companies' website island ferries is siremar.
  • The hydrofoil of the Ustica Lines carries out the passenger transport service with departure at 13.20 from the port of Trapani. For information visit the company's website.

Ferries to Susa in Tunisia.

How to get around

It is advisable to rent a car or moped to get around the island

What see

Piana della Ghirlanda seen from Montagna Grande
Mirror of Venus
Elephant arch
Cala Gadir
Cala Tramontana
Dammuso of Pantelleria

There Natural Reserve of the island of Pantelleria includes:

  • The Big Mountain.
  • The Mirror Lake of Venus. iridescent lake of volcanic origin used partly for sporting activities and partly for naturalistic observations.
  • The Mediterranean scrub of the Khagiar. luxuriant flora and refined fauna, which rises above the remains of an ancient lava flow.
  • The Salto della Vecchia. 300 m cliff from which you can enjoy an amazing view.
  • The Plain of Garland. Byzantine necropolis which rises on a plain surrounded by volcanoes.
  • Numerous bathing areas. On the island you can find numerous points where it is possible to swim in crystal clear waters immersed in beautiful natural environments. Important are in fact the Faraglione and theArch of the Elephant, a natural monument symbol of the island. The main coves and beaches are: Karuscia, Campobello, Kattibuali, Cala Cinque Denti, Cala Tramontana, Balata dei Turchi near which is the ancient obsidian quarry, Nicà with thermal springs up to 100 ° C e Suvaki is Punta Fram with natural sculptures shaped by the flow of lava in past ages. Also noteworthy are the sea ​​caves reachable by boats.
  • The natural stoves of Sibà and Dakalè.
  • The Pantelleria structures.
  • The peasant districts. You cannot visit the island without walking through the districts that make it up, between dammusi and citrus gardens protected by traditional Iardina, stone buildings.
  • The cellars. On the island the Passito di Pantelleria DOC and the Moscato
  • The Capperificio. place where the famous Pantelleria capers are packaged
  • Archaeological Museum. Where three imperial heads depicting are kept Julius Caesar, Titus is Antonia Minor.
  • The Barbican Castle. In the center of the island, in summer it is used for exhibitions and film screenings.

Events and parties

What to do


On the island it is possible to buy a great variety of typical products: from the aromatic capers to the Zibibbo grape jam, from the famous passito to the intoxicating oregano, from the "malaga" raisins to the delicious dried figs and many other specialties.

How to have fun

Where to eat

The gastronomy of the island is influenced by the various populations that have dominated it over the centuries. Not to be missed are the Bitter ravioli with ricotta and mint and the Pantesco pesto prepared with raw tomato, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, chilli and basil.

Pantelleria salad

Typical is also the Fish cous cous of Maghreb origin. If you find in the menu Sciakisciuka is Cuccurummà do not be scared: the first is a hot vegetable caponata, while the second with the zucchini of the island's plants. Finally, the imaginative salads with the Tumma, fresh local cheese, oregano and capers, which also accompany numerous other dishes.

Fresh fish dishes are very popular on the island, cooked both grilled and baked or in tasty fish soups. THE Go on they are reef crabs.

Typical Easter cake is the Cannateddro. Other typical sweets are the Mustazzola, a pastry filled with honey, candied orange peel and spices, i Sweet ravioli made with sweet ricotta, the Exhaust us, similar to pancakes, i Cassateddri and i Pasticciotti.

Average prices

  • "La Favarotta" restaurant and pizzeria, Contrada khamma - khamma outside, 39 0923 915446. exceptional cuisine and not high cost

Where stay

High prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pantelleria
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pantelleria
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