Avigliana Lakes Natural Park - Parco naturale dei laghi di Avigliana

Avigliana Lakes Natural Park
Great Lake
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Avigliana Lakes Natural Park is located in Piedmont.

To know

Geographical notes

The park is located about 20 km from Turin, in the municipality of Avigliana, at the outlet of the Val di Susa and consists of two lakes (Great Lake is Small Lake) and from the wetland of the Mareschi, set in the morainic amphitheater Rivoli-Avigliana.

The Small lake it is completely surrounded by woods and reeds, while the Great lake offers opportunities for recreation, sport and catering.

Flora and fauna

The fauna is made up of hundreds of different birds including Tufted Ducks, Teals, Moorhens and Swans. On Lake Piccolo, especially in autumn and winter, you can also see gray herons, mallards and coots.

When to go

The park is usable in every season.

How to get

By car

Highway A32Turin - Bardonecchia - Avigliana Est exit. Continue following the numerous indications.

Parking with spaces reserved for the disabled on the Piccolo lake, Sada hamlet.

Parking with parking spaces reserved for the disabled on Lake Grande, Via Pontetto. During the low season or on weekdays, you can also park along the road that runs along the lake in the various dedicated areas.

On the train

By train: from Turin Porta Nuova a train every half hour.

Permits / Rates

Permits are not required.

How to get around

The park managing body has set up trails, information structures, the fishing ecomuseum and orientation panels with particular attention to usability by people with disabilities (easy access, written in Braille, reserved parking spaces).

The paths around the lakes are accessible on foot and by bicycle.

What see

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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