Regional Park of Montevecchia and the Curone Valley - Parco regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone

Regional Park of Montevecchia and the Curone Valley
In the Curone park, the WWF.jpg oasis
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Regional Park of Montevecchia and the Curone Valley is a protected area located in Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

The park covers an area that affects ten municipalities: Cernusco Lombardone, Valletta Brianza, Lomagna, Merate, Missaglia, Montevecchia (which is its seat), Olgiate Molgora, Osnago, Sirtori is Viganò. The minimum altitude reached by the territory of the park corresponds to 242 m s.l.m., the maximum one to about 600. From the hydrographic point of view, it is crossed by the Curone and Molgora streams. Furthermore, the woods of this area are rich in natural springs.

Flora and fauna

This park, although small in size, represents a precious resource for the area. In fact, it is the last site of significant environmental interest to preserve uncontaminated wooded areas and animal species such as the crayfish, the salamander, the badger and the squirrel, before the Milanese megalopolis.

Environmental education

Among the tasks that the Park took on with its establishment in 1983, environmental education was almost immediately considered fundamental and priority. one task: to make one's habitat known and to promote the tools necessary to interpret and improve the relationship between man and nature.

Nature Network

The European Union, with the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive, has identified a list of habitats and animal and plant species considered to be of community interest, the protection of which is essential for the conservation of the biological and ecosystemic wealth of our continent. .

Among these habitats and species, some are considered of priority interest, since their conservation is particularly threatened.

The European Union therefore intends to establish a network of areas across the continent to ensure the protection of its environmental heritage.

Areas containing habitats and species of community interest would become part of this network as Sites of Community Interest.

In the Park of Montevecchia and Valle del Curone there are numerous species, animals and plants, and habitats of community interest. Three habitats are also of priority interest (petrifying springs, so-called lean meadows, wet woods).

For a large part of the Regional Park, the recognition of a Site of Community Interest was therefore proposed in 1995. The evaluation and recognition procedure by the European Commission is still in progress, slowed down by the progressive to the Union argument and therefore by the need to review and integrate the lists of entities to be protected.

Since the proposed site is within a protected area already established, which should already ensure attention and protection for the values ​​of Community interest, it is unlikely that recognition by the European Union will lead to further regulatory constraints.

Instead, it will entail the need to assess the impact that major transformations may have on the entities (species or habitats) that led to Community recognition, in order to avoid any negative impact.

Pending the decision of the European Commission, the State has therefore taken steps to "take note" of the proposed sites, to which the impact assessment must be applied.

How to get

By car

  • From Milan: East ring road towards Venice, pass the barrier towards Lecco and go straight on towards Lecco for 18 km., at the first traffic light in Merate turn left towards Pagnano, then the first right for Cà Soldato for 4 km.
  • From Bergamo: Bergamo - Como state road up to Brivio, turn left towards Milan, after 5 km. at the first traffic light in Merate, turn right towards Pagnano, then the first right towards Cà Soldato for 4 km.
  • From Como: Como-Bergamo state road up to Cast, turn right towards Milan, after 3 km. at the first traffic light in Merate, turn right towards Pagnano, then the first right towards Cà Soldato for 4 km.
  • From Lecco: Statale Lecco - Milano up to Merate, at the first traffic light in Merate turn right towards Pagnano, then the first right towards Cà Soldato for 4 km.

On the train

Line Milan-Lecco-Sondrio from the Central or Garibaldi station of Milan, 40 minutes of travel get off at the station Cernusco Lombardone and follow the path n. 2.

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

Pyramids of MontevecchiaWe are in Val Curone, fifteen kilometers from Lecco, but these three hill formations are reminiscent of the Giza plain. Apparently they look like three hills but satellite observation reveals something more enigmatic, such as the positioning that recalls the three stars of the Orion belt. The Egyptians always created a common thread with the sky for their pyramids, to allow the dead to find their way home. And these pyramids would have been built precisely for religious purposes and not for agricultural purposes, since that land cannot be cultivated. Montevecchia they recall that of the pharaoh Zoser, in the necropolis of Saqqara, considered one of the greatest monuments of the ancient Egypt. The incredible discovery was made by the architect Vincenzo di Gregorio fifteen years ago, sparking the curiosity of lovers of mystery and the supernatural. This is because according to the research carried out by the discoverer, it would have been an ancient civilization that shaped the hills of limestone, forming the steps that can be glimpsed today.

Castle of Cernusco The castle, inserted in the hilly landscape of Alta Brianza, offers itself as an enchanting location for unforgettable weddings, high-level business events and corporate meetings. Furthermore, the possibility of staying inside the suites of the Castle makes the structure a point of reference for hospitality.

The Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel Valletta BrianzaThe Sanctuary is located on top of a hill where you can admire a splendid panorama.The small white church that can be seen from half the Lombard plain represents a well-known symbol for the Brianza area. enjoys a truly enchanting panorama, which on clear days allows you to see the Emilian Apennines beyond the plain. Typical meta on hot summer days for the relative coolness it enjoys, can be reached by a straight and long staircase flanked by majestic trees, starting from the square / Montevecchia belvedere; after the "trek", on the way back, you can enjoy an excellent ice cream or have a snack with typical cheeses.

What to do

One of the paths of the Park

Boots on, rucksack and a pair of binoculars to observe the fauna: off you go!

You can leave your car in the car park of Lomaniga (fraction of Missaglia) and follow the directions for path n.8: follow the road that climbs and then continue along the cart track that leads to Casarigo; from here the path climbs alongside vineyards and terraced fields, touching the locality of Galeazzino before reaching Montevecchia alta, where you can admire the wide landscape that can be seen from this natural balcony.

After visiting the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Carmelo, you can continue following the indications of path n.2 towards "Ca 'del Soldato" along the old municipal road with a paved surface. From here, going down towards Cascina Ospedaletto, you will find one of the small streams that enter the Curone stream where you can admire the interesting springs.

You then follow the path, partially immersed in the woods, which climbs up a ridge and passes alongside some farmhouses until you reach Galbusera Nera (an interesting example of an ancient rural settlement) and Galbusera Bianca.

Follow the directions of path n.11 which leads to the top of a hill where tall cypresses rise towards the sky. We are in the area of ​​lean meadows which have a high naturalistic value due to the presence of Mediterranean floristic elements such as rare species of orchids.

Walking on the steps of the path n.7 you reach Deserto where you meet the panoramic road that connects Lissolo in Montevecchia alta: we are inside the V. S. Croce and Alta Val Curone nature reserve. Continue along a path that crosses the highest part of the S. Croce Valley halfway up to the Cappelletta di Crippa: from here you take the via dei roccoli, so called because along the ridge there are old disused rocks, once used for catching birds.

You arrive at Monte di Missaglia where you follow the signs for path n.9 for the Valle S. Croce: on the road you will find a stele erected in memory of the dead of the plague of 1630. Here you go along the path n.6 which follows the Molgoretta stream up to Pianetta where you go up following a path with slight ups and downs to Albereda. From this point we descend and arrive at the starting point in Lomaniga.

  • Path n.1. From north to south, starting from Sirtori (location Ceregallo) and arrival in Lomagna.
  • Path n.2. From the train station of Cernusco Lombardone to Beolco (Olgiate Molgora).
  • Path n.3. From the train station of Osnago to the Curone stream.
  • Path n.4. From the Osnago railway station in Valaperta (fraction of Casatenovo).
  • Path n.5. From the Cernusco Lombardone railway station in Maresso (fraction of Missaglia).
  • Path n.6. From Sirtori to Lomagna.
  • Path n.7. From the Cernusco Lombardone railway station to Missaglia.
  • Path n.8. From Lomaniga (fraction of Missaglia) to Beolco (Olgiate Molgora).
  • Path n.9. From Montevecchia to Missaglia.
  • Path n.10. From Sirtori (locality Ceregallo) to Montevecchia alta.
  • Path n.11. From the Cernusco Lombardone railway station a Perego.

Guided tours with the Voluntary Ecological Guards: Guided tours are organized throughout the year with the GEVs of the Park and the intervention of experts in the sector.

Practical professional updating meetings: During 2012, activities were organized to develop some topics of particular interest and dissemination.

Agricultural exhibition 'The colors of autumn': The Park of Montevecchia and Valle del Curone with the Consortium of agricultural producers of the park every year organize an Exhibition of Autumn Products of the Park of Montevecchia.

Interventions to enhance the agricultural territory of the Park: The Park of Montevecchia and Valle del Curone has decided to issue a new tender for the granting of Grants for interventions to enhance the agricultural territory of the 'Park for the year 2017', in continuity with the previous editions.

Conservation and enhancement of the rural landscape: Conservation, enhancement and recovery of the "minor" elements typical of the rural landscape of historical as well as functional value (terraces, wash houses, fountains, shrines, stone paved paths ...) in collaboration with the Cariplo Foundation.

The park and water between nature, necessity and culture: Activated in 2005 with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation, the project aims to enhance and qualify a decisive resource of the Park territory, attributing multifunctional values ​​to the water resource and giving continuity to some aspects identified by the 'Conservation and Enhancement of the Rural Landscape' project .


Where to eat

Where stay


The Lombardy Region has decreed the high danger of forest fires. Also in the territory of the Park there are strong risks and preventive patrols have been activated by the Forest Fire Team (AIB) and the Voluntary Ecological Guards, who will be able to sanction anyone who should light fires, even controlled ones, in the woods or at a distance from them. less than 100 m. All employees are requested to respect the ban on lighting fires and to promptly report any fire or start of fire to the number 1515 active 24 hours.

How to keep in touch


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