Lecco - Lecchese

The Lecco it is an interprovincial district of the Lombardy.

To know

Fascinating mountains, peaceful small lakes, ancient villages that have safeguarded the atmosphere of their historic centers: this is the Lecco area, the most secluded area of ​​the area that is affected by the influence of the largest city, Lecco; the area that is perhaps not so popular like the centers of Lake Como - Lecco, but which enjoys more tourism calm and in any case consistent.

When to go

Summer climatic stays and offers of winter sports facilities make the Lecco area of ​​tourist attraction throughout the year.


He was always linked to Milan, which recognized its importance as a land of trade towards the Germanic world, but also a bulwark land to be opposed to that same world. In the following period, Milan made it the ideal destination for trips out of town and for climatic and sporting stays, launching the area for tourism and supporting its economy even today.

Territories and tourist destinations

Civate - San Pietro al Monte
View of Lecco from the Piani d'Erna, Resegone

Urban centers

  • Lecco - Capital of the homonymous province.
  • Barzio - It preserves the seventeenth-century building belonging to the family of Alessandro Manzoni, originally from the town. It was a privileged destination for nineteenth-century tourism in Valsassina.
  • Civate - The complex of the Basilica of San Pietro al Monte, isolated on the reliefs at the bottom of a steep mule track, dates back to the second half of the 11th century. Of great importance are its frescoes, stuccos and the ciborium. In front of the church the oratory of San Benedetto, with three apses, dates back to the 11th century.
  • Oggiono - In the fifth and sixth centuries it was a plebeian seat. It preserves a Romanesque complex with the Baptistery (11th century) and the church of Santa Eufemia, with a Romanesque bell tower in the lower part.

Other destinations

  • The minor lakes - In addition to the nearby and large Lake Como - Lecco, some smaller lakes are pleasant destinations for relaxing tourism, immersion in nature, such as the Annone Lake, the Lake of Pusiano and the Garlate lake.
  • Plans of Bobbio[1] Ski resort that together with Valtorta and Artavaggio constitutes the closest winter sports area to Milan. Connected with Barzio from a cable car with multiple cabins, the town is a destination for walks and excursions in summer. There are via ferratas on the Campelli Group. In winter, the ski area offers downhill slopes of varying degrees of difficulty, a cross-country ski track and a center equipped for skiers. There are also numerous mountain refuges at high altitude, as well as refreshment offers in bars and restaurants.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svgThey are Lombard airports:

How to get around

What see

Basilica of San Pietro al Monte
Oratory of S. Benedetto
  • 1 Basilica of San Pietro al Monte (to Civate). Simple icon time.svgFrom Tuesday to Friday by reservation only 9.30 / 16.00. Saturday: from March to October: 10.00 / 12.00 and 13.00 / 15.00 free opening and without reservation; from November to February open by reservation only. Sunday and public holidays (excluding Christmas, New Year, Easter, All Saints' Day): free opening at 10 / 12.00 and 13.30 / 16.00 with the possibility of a free guided tour. Monday: closing day.. It can be reached after about an hour of climbing along an impervious path. It is one of the most important monuments of the Romanesque period in Lombardy. It is located at 639 meters above sea level, on the slopes of Mount Cornizzolo. Its foundation dates back to the second half of the 11th century. A popular tradition, however, attributes its foundation to the Lombard king Desiderio. Of great beauty are the frescoes of the pronaos and the apse, dated to the 11th and 12th centuries. The ciborium of the eleventh century has reliefs and stuccos, as well as the crypt.
In front of the church stands theoratory of San Benedetto, with three apses and dating back to the eleventh century.
Villa Monastero
  • Church of Santa Eufemia (to Oggiono). The bell tower of the church retains the lower part of Romanesque construction. Inside the church you can admire a polyptych and a fresco by Marco d'Oggiono, who was a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci. Near the church is the Baptistery Romanesque dating back to the end of the 11th century.
  • 2 Monte Barro Park (Between Oggiono is Civate, between Lake Annone and Lake Garlate).
  • Villa Monastero, Varenna, 39 0341 295450, 39 0341 295598, fax: 39 0341 295441, @. The villa is a house museum with beautiful gardens. The buildings are used to host conventions, conferences and concerts.

What to do

Lake sports, mountain excursions, mountaineering, winter sports.

At the table

The Lecco area is characterized, especially in the area of Valsassina, from the production of cheeses that have achieved fame far beyond local borders. The Taleggio cheese of ancient origins - it was produced in Valsassina as early as the 10th century - it has now reached the Protected Designation of Origin (DOP). The quartirolo, with its characteristic square shape, it takes its name from the herb quartirola, that is the one that comes after the fourth cut of the hay and that gives the milk particular aromatic characteristics fat the bitto it is perhaps the best known, table cheese and to accompany polenta taragna. The gorgonzola, also for table and polenta; semi-fat cheeses produced in the mountain pastures; the goats sweet or spicy according to the duration of the seasoning, the ricotta cheese and the butter are other typical products that are obtained with traditional processing in the mountain valleys and pastures. Traditional dishes are then the polenta taragna, the lake fish in carpione, the game and the seasonal mushrooms.

Tourist infrastructure

The area most characterized by infrastructures is the named ski resort 5 Plans of Bobbio. which together with Valtorta and Artavaggio constitutes the ski area with downhill slopes of various degrees of difficulty, a cross-country ski track and an equipped center for skiers. There are also numerous mountain huts at high altitude, as well as refreshment offers in bars and restaurants.

  • 6 Resinelli tops. is a locality of the Grignetta and one climbing wall where the Italian Alpine Cai organizes mountaineering, hiking and climbing courses every year, modulated according to various degrees of difficulty. the Path of the Direttissma it is a path that winds through these peaks, up to the Southern Grigna, one of the most popular mountains, from whose top with favorable weather conditions the view sweeps from the Po Valley to Mont Blanc to Bernina.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Province of Lecco
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Province of Lecco
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