Piran - Pirano

Piran / Piran
Coat of arms
Piran - Coat of arms
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Slovenia
Tourism site
Institutional website

Piran (or Piran of Istria, in SlovenianPiran), according to many the most beautiful town on the Istrian coast of Slovenia, is one of those places where culture and entertainment blend wonderfully. Known for being the birthplace of the composer Giuseppe Tartini and proud of the beauty of its medieval and Renaissance buildings, it is also an attractive destination for those who want a holiday by the sea, perhaps enlivened by events and music on the beach.

To know

Geographical notes

Piran is located on the Istrian peninsula, in the Gulf of Piran and is washed by the Adriatic Sea. The historic center of the city is located on a small peninsula surrounded by the sea on three sides and by walls dating back to the seventh century AD. on the fourth.

When to go

Maximum (° C)11,813,216,918,722,426,732,331,524,720,716,910,2
Minimum (° C)4,14,67,28,911,813,714,214,213,410,97,85,3

The best time to visit this small coastal town is obviously the summer, when it is possible to combine cultural tourism with seaside tourism. For those who do not like crowds very much, it is however advisable to visit the city, away from holidays and bridges, in spring.


The town of Pirano is mentioned for the first time by the Anonymous Ravennate in the 7th century, with the name of Piranòn (Πιρανὸν). According to tradition, Piran was founded, like Venice, from refugees Aquileians fugitives from the Huns. Known by the Greeks, the city was incorporated into the Roman state along with the rest of theIstria in the 2nd century BC From 830 to 935, Piran was subject to the Kingdom ofItaly, later became a Bavarian possession together with Friuli, to pass in 976 under the Carinthia: a dominion that lasted until 1040.

The following two centuries were characterized by the gradual approach of the town to the Republic of Venice first with commercial and diplomatic relations, then through a real political union (in 1283). Thus began the long association between Piran and the Serenissima, which ended only with the fall of the latter in 1797.

Surrounded by mighty walls, Piran resisted various attacks by pirates or various enemies of Venice, repelling two sieges Genoese in 1354 and 1379.

A series of epidemics struck Piran in these centuries: the last was the great plague which in 1558 reduced its inhabitants by two thirds.

When Trieste became the main port of the domains of the Habsburgs, the decline of Venice also marked the regression of the saline industry and for Piran began a slow downward trend until - after the fall of the Serenissima in 1797 - it passed to Austria, except for a brief Napoleonic interlude during which was submitted to the district of Koper.

In the first decades of the nineteenth century the saline activity resumed its ancient vigor: Piran became a substitute port of Trieste, and it was in that period that - towards Portoroz - the city shipyard was built. City inhabited almost exclusively by Italians, Piran participated in the struggles between Italians and Slavs (Slovenes and Croats) for the exercise of power in the Istrian peninsula, rising in 1894 against the imposition of bilingual tables (Italian - Slovenian) by the Austrian government.

In the second half of the 19th century, Piran was positively affected by tourist flows, which made nearby Portorož one of the most attractive places in the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Partly evacuated during the Great War, Piran was later assigned to Italy. The Italian period was not characterized by particular events.

At the end of the Second World War, after the German occupation, Piran was included in the B-zone of the Free Territory of Trieste, subject to the military administration of Tito's Yugoslavia, experiencing one of the hardest periods in its history.

Since 1993 it has been twinned with, among others Castel Goffredo, in Italy.

How to orient yourself

Narrow streets and small houses give the city its special charm. The town is divided into two historic districts: Tip is Marciana (or Martana) divided by the inlet of the port and by the space that belonged to the ancient mandrake; they are surrounded by numerous districts and small hamlets.

How to get

Portoroz airport

By plane

The nearest airports are (in order of distance):

View of the port of Piran

By car

It is possible to reach Piran with the state road 111. There are almost no car parks in the center, but just outside there is a multi-storey car park (Parkinh House Arze).

On boat

From Trieste there is a daily navigation service.

On the train

The nearest railway station is that of Koper (Koper in Slovenian) which is 15 km from Piran.

By bus

Piran is connected with frequent buses with Island is Koper (about 20 minutes) and withbus station of Trieste (about 1 hour). There are buses that connect Piran to Portoroz.

From Ljubljana buses depart approximately every hour and the journey takes between two and two and a half hours depending on the route. The complete list of buses is available here.

How to get around

The village is so small and mostly closed to cars that it is advisable to visit it on foot or by bicycle: it will take no more than half an hour. From Tartini square a shuttle bus leaves for the Fornace car park every 15 minutes. Portoroz, well connected with the center of Piran through a shuttle service at the modest price of 1 €.

What see

Church of the Blessed Virgin
View of Tartini square from the cathedral
  • 1 Cathedral of San Giorgio and baptistery. Built during the fourteenth century, it was consecrated in 1344. The current baroque appearance dates back to the restoration of 1637. The bell tower, inspired by that of Venice dedicated to San Marco, it was finished in 1608, while the adjacent baptistery in 1650. Important works of art are two statues of San Giorgio and two paintings by Angelo De Coster depicting The Mass in Bolsena ed The miracle of St. George. It is possible to climb the bell tower to enjoy an even better view of the village.
  • 2 Church of the Blessed Virgin. Dating back to 1439, it was once dedicated to San Michele. The current baroque appearance dates back to the restoration of the seventeenth century. Important are four frescoes depicting The stories of St. Augustine performed by G. Angeli of the Tiepolo school.
  • 3 Church of the Madonna della Neve.
  • 4 Church of San Francesco. Simple icon time.svgPinacoteca: in summer every day from 9 to 12 and from 17 to 20, rest of the year: by appointment. Located next to the friars minor convent, it was built in 1301. The current interior dates back to the 17th century, while the exterior dates back to the 19th century. The most famous work of art that was kept in this church was by Vittore Carpaccio: The Madonna with child, two musician angels and saints, flow in Italy in 1940. The church contains important masterpieces such as the oval of Christ and the Samaritan woman by Gregorio Lazzarini, Last dinner, the paintings of popes Alexander V and Gregory II, of St. Magdalene, of St. John of Nepomuk and of St. Peter and St. Paul. The convent has a beautiful cloister and on the ground floor a picture gallery has been set up with fourteen works by Venetian painters.
  • 5 Tartini Square. Once outside the city walls and used as a minor port for Piranese fishing boats, it grew in importance with the construction of the Town Hall, in neo-Renaissance style, designed and built by the Trieste architect Giovanni Righetti. The white ellipse in the center of the square, built to celebrate the three hundredth anniversary of Tartini's birth, takes up the shapes of the rails of the electric tram that once connected the city with Portoroz. In the center of the square there is a monument dedicated to Tartini on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of his birth.
  • 6 Piazza Primo Maggio. center of life in Piran until the 12th century, the market was held on this square and the old town hall overlooked it.
  • 7 The city walls. The first walls date back to the 7th century and over the years, hand in hand with the expansion of the town, they have expanded, up to the construction of a third wall in the 16th century. The walls that exist today were built between 1470 and 1534 and had eight defense towers.

Events and parties

Monument to Tartini, the Piranese composer to whom a Baroque music festival is dedicated every year
  • Antiques and crafts market. Simple icon time.svgEvery fourth Saturday of the month. Various exhibitors set up stalls in Tartini square.

Other markets are also set up in Tartini square.

  • Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Simple icon time.svgAugust 14-15. The day before Mid-August, the statue of Our Lady of Strunjan, through a solemn procession, is carried from the cathedral of Piran to the main pier. From here a procession of boats leaves for Strunjan. Once at its destination, the statue is taken to the church of Santa Maria della Visione. After a solemn mass, after sunset, the procession continues with torches and candles to the cross above the cliff of the Baia della Luna.
  • Festival Musical evenings. Simple icon time.svgduring some summer evenings. In cloister of the convent of San Francesco it is possible to attend concerts
  • Olive oil festival. Simple icon time.svgApril.
  • Tartini festival (Classical music festival). Simple icon time.svgAugust and September. Between August and September the city commemorates one of its most illustrious sons, the conductor Giuseppe Tartini, dedicating this beautiful classical music festival to him, one of the very few of its kind in the region.

What to do

  • Watch the sunset. As in many port cities, even in Piran, at the tip of the lighthouse, it can be exciting to watch the sun cross the horizon.
  • To swim. Although there are no real beaches, it is possible to swim from the cliffs or even dive from the city walls (only in some places).
  • Excursions by motor ship. It is possible to participate in excursions that allow you to see the Slovenian coast from the coast, some of these also include the possibility of diving.
  • Hiking in nature. The Piran area and its surroundings are a real paradise for hikers. In addition to improvised routes, you can choose one or more of the different ones official hiking trails featured on the Piran tourism website.
  • Stroll along the seafront from the church of San Giorgio in Fiesso. The route is about 1 km long.
  • 1 Visit to the Aquarium (Akvarij Piran), Kidričevo nabrežje 4, 386 56 73 25 72, @. Simple icon time.svgJanuary-March: 9: 00-17: 00, end of March-June and September-November: 9: 00-19: 00, summer: 09: 00-22: 00. Piran has always had, obviously given its position, a marine vocation. Therefore, two institutes have arisen in the city interested in the study of the sea and marine life: the institute of marine biology and the aquarium. Today the aquarium, born in 1964, is home to nearly 140 marine animal species and 200 examples of marine ecosystems.


There aren't many souvenir shops in Piran, but it's still easy to find where to buy postcards and small gadgets.

  • 1 Benečanka - Piranske Soline (Salt pans of Piran), Ulica IX. korpusa 2 (At the end of Tartini square), 386 5 673 31 10, @. Simple icon time.svgOpen every day from 9 to 18. In a Venetian house, the shop sells salt from the nearby Piran salt pans.
  • 2 Čokoladnica, Tartinijev trg 5, 386 5 6733100. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun: 8-13, 16-21. On the Tartini square, a small chocolate shop produced following the original recipes of Alfonz Videtič.
  • 3 Mercator, Levstikova ulica 5. Simple icon time.svgMon, Tue, Wed, Sat: 7 am-9pm, Thu: 8 am-8pm, Fri: 7 am-8pm, Sun: 8 am-2pm. Small supermarket of the large US chain.

How to have fun


Night clubs

Most of the nightclubs are located in the nearby Portoroz, however in Piran there are the following bars:

Where to eat

On the promenade (Prešernovo nabrežje) there are numerous restaurants with covered verandas and beautiful views. The prices and menus of these restaurants are similar. In the restaurants located in the "less touristy" areas (actually simply not on the seafront) you can find restaurants with slightly cheaper prices and numerous pizzerias and ice cream parlors.

In many restaurants it is possible to taste Gibanica, a typical Slovenian dessert that is prepared from a base of shortcrust pastry filled with layers of poppy seeds, white cheese, walnuts and apples, arranged in a precise order and separated by phyllo dough. At the end the dough is covered with a topping of cream and butter.

Average prices

  • 1 Fountain, Gallusova ulica 2 (on piazza Primo Maggio (Trg 1.maja)), 386 5 673-1200. A small restaurant with a veranda serving seafood and typical Slovenian dishes.
  • Gostilnica, Prešernovo nabrežje, 386 5 6732226. Large selection of fish dishes.
  • 2 Neptun, Župančičeva ulica 7, 386 5 6734111. A small restaurant on the road behind the harbor specializing in sea fish.
  • 3 Pavel (1-2) (two locations on the waterfront), Prešernovo nabrežje, 386 5 6747101, 386 5 6747102. On the waterfront with tables inside and outside (in a veranda). Here it is possible to eat good dishes based on both meat and fish. To try is the Gibanica.
  • Batana Pizzeria, Kidričevo nabrežje 4, 386 5 6762517. Pizzeria on the inner harbor.
  • 4 Pri Mari, Dantejeva 17 (Near the Fornace car park.), 386 5 6734735. Small restaurant serving seafood.
  • Restaurant Riva, Gregorčičeva 43 (on the waterfront, almost at the end of the small peninsula.), 386 5 6732225. It serves numerous dishes based on both meat and fish.
  • 5 Tri V where, Prešernovo nabrežje 4, 386 5 6730290. Waterfront restaurant serving a variety of meat and fish dishes.

High prices

  • 6 Restaurant Miralonda, Stjenkova 1 (in the Piran hotel), 386 5 6762514. The restaurant with a varied and extensive menu.

Where stay

Since there are not many hotels in Piran, the best option to stay in the country is to rent an apartment (usually by the week) or stay in a bed & breakfast.

Moderate prices

  • 1 Val Hostel, Gregorčičeva 38a, 386 5 6732555. This hostel has 22 rooms (double, triple or quadruple).
  • 2 Youth Hostel Piran, Vodopivceva 9 (Located in the pedestrian area, in the historic center of the city.), 386 040752660, @. All rooms have a television, bathroom and kitchen are shared between 4 rooms.

Average prices

High prices


  • 4 Tartini Pharmacy, Tartini square 4, 386 05 673 01 50. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri: 7.30-20, Sat: 7.30-13.
  • 5 Piran Health House (tourist clinic), strada dei Salinai 1, Lucia, 6320 Portorož, 386 5 677 33 20 (ambulance). Simple icon time.svg1 July - 23 July and 16 August - 28 August: Mon-Sat 8: 00-12: 00 and 16: 30-20: 00 (office opening hours). The emergency services are active every day of the year from 7:00 to 20:00 as well as a night service from 20:00 to 7:00). It is a small clinic designed specifically for the needs or emergencies of the many tourists who frequent the area.

How to keep in touch

Post office

There is only one post office in Piran, although others can be found in nearby Portorož;

  • Piran post office (Pošta Piran), via Lenin 1, 386 5 671 33 00. Simple icon time.svg8: 00-19: 00 (Saturdays only until 12:00).


In the center of the village there is a WiFi internet connection without registration (Alternet). Alternatively, if you haven't brought a computer or a device capable of connecting to the Internet, there are several Internet Points in the city as well as in nearby Portorož and Lucia. In the territory of Piran we mention:


Useful information

  • Pirano has been twinned since 1993 with Castel Goffredo.
  • Banks are generally open from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00.
  • 7 Piran Tourist Information Office, Tartini square 2, 386 05 673 44 40, @. Simple icon time.svgSeptember-June: 9: 00-17: 00, July and August: 9: 00-20: 00.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Piran
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Piran
3-4 star.svgGuide : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the city without problems. The article contains an adequate number of images, a fair number of listings. There are no style errors.