Bytów poviat - Powiat bytowski

Bytów poviat - poviat in Poland, in Pomeranian Voivodeship, created in 1999 as part of the then administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Bytów.

County coat of arms
County flag
Map of the county in the voivodeship
Castle in Bytów
Church tower St. Catherine in Bytów
Building of the railway station in Bytów
Railway bridge over Boruja
Church in Miastko
Jasień, a granary next to the manor house


Geographical coordinates of the district capital: 54 ° 09′45 ″ N 17 ° 29′10 ″ E

The area of ​​the poviat is 2 192.07 km² (12% of the poviat of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, the second largest poviat after the Słupsk poviat), it is inhabited by 78 325 inhabitants, i.e. the population density is 35 people / km².

27,963 people (including 14,438 women) live in cities, so urbanization is 35.7%.

Neighboring poviats:

Forests cover 116,210 ha (53% of the district's area).


  • Railway lines:
  • Dear:
    • domestic:
      • national road No. 20 StargardGdynia(via Miastko, Tuchomie, Bytów), *** national road No. 21 Ustka - Miastko
    • provincial:
      • provincial road No. 206 Koszalin - Miastko,
      • provincial road No. 209 Warszkowo - Bytów (via Kołczygłowy, Borzytuchom),
      • provincial road No. 210 Unichowo - Słupsk
      • provincial road No. 211 ŻukowoNowa Dąbrowa(via Czarna Dąbrówka),
      • provincial road No. 212 Osowo Lęborskie - Kamionka (Chojnice commune, by Zamarte Lake) (via Czarna Dąbrówka, Bytów, Lipnica),
      • provincial road No. 228 Bytów - Kartuzy (via Parchowo)

Worth seeing

In the Bytów poviat, there are numerous objects that have been entered in the register of monuments of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Most of the monuments can be found in the communes of Bytów, Miastko and Studzienice.

List of objects entered in the register of monuments of the Pomeranian Voivodeship from the area of ​​the Bytów poviat

  • Bytów castle.

Teutonic castle from the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries (1398 - 1405)

  • Orthodox Church st. George

Church of st. George from 1675-1685, a former Evangelical temple, built with a half-timbered system, now, after general renovation in the 1980s, a Byzantine-Ukrainian church, where you can see a tabernacle from the 17th century from the Surochów church, iconostasis and church dome in the style of Byzantine architecture.

  • Church in Trzebielin

Church of The Immaculate Heart of Mary in Trzebielin was built in the years 1688-1691. The tower dates from the mid-18th century. The church was completely renovated in 1888.

  • Church in Sominy

The church in Sominy was built in 1757. Oriented, wooden, with a carcass structure and shingled walls. A two-storey tower with a carcass construction and boarded walls.

  • Church in Ugoszcz

St. Mary Magdalene in Ugoszcz, a half-timbered, skeleton structure, filled with brick, erected on a stone foundation on a rectangular plan. The tower is built into the face of the façade, with a pole structure, topped with a hip dome.

  • Church in Tuchom

Church of Michael the Archangel in Tuchom was built in the years 1905-1906. A brick church, on stone foundations, plastered, roof covered with ceramic tiles. The church has a neo-baroque tower covered with a copper sheet.

  • Church in Łubno

A branch church under the invocation of st. Antoni Padewski in Łubno was built in 1633, renovated in 1711. Equipment: organ, gallery and baptismal font (bowl from 1667) and a bell from 1649.

  • Church in Cetinje

Church of The Holy Savior in Cetyń was built on the site of a medieval wooden temple from 1696. The church is situated on a hill in the center of the village, surrounded by beautiful old trees.

  • Palace in Tursk

The village of Tursko is located 15 km north of Miastko on Lake Tursko (6.71 ha).

  • 19th-century railway bridge over the Boruja River.

The bridge consists of six brick spans with circular vaults, made of ceramic bricks. The arches of the vaults are supported by brick supports made of granite stone.

  • other landmarks, incl Struga hydroelectric power plant on the Słupia River - unique, the first of its kind in Europe, one of the oldest in the world (from 1896) still operating hydropower plants, near the small Kashubian village of Soszyca, a historic site, listed in the list of unique cultural heritage sites.


  • In the vicinity of Miastko, there are 10 large lakes 3 km away, as well as 3 nature reserves
  • The highest range of moraine hills in Pomerania, 210-230 m above sea level, runs through the vicinity of Parchów. The main element of the landscape are forests, which constitute approx. 50% of the commune's area. Most of them are pine forests with extensive blueberries. There are also lakes, among them crystal clear lobelia lakes. This area is inhabited in 90% by Kashubians who cultivate local Kashubian traditions in dialect, music, dances, embroidery and folk products. Almost the entire area of ​​the Parchowo commune is located in the buffer zone of the Słupia Valley Landscape Park. There is also the "Jeziorka Chośnickie" nature reserve.

On the Internet:

Geographical Coordinates