Dębica poviat - Powiat dębicki

Dębica poviat
Zawada 06.JPG
POL Debica County COA.svg
RegionPodkarpackie voivodeship
Surface923.79 km²
Population135 090
Area code14
Postal Code39-200
The Raczyński Chapel in Dębica
Igloobud brickyard in Dębica. Wls50-2068 with cradles under the viaduct at ul. Krakowska (as of 2007)
The parish church of st. Stanisław Biskupa in Jodłowa
White church
Pilsen market

Dębica poviat - poviat in Poland, in (Podkarpackie Province), created in 1999 as part of an administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Debica.

It is located in the strip of three counties (Mielecki, Jasielski, and Dębicki). It borders on the north with Mielec County, from the west with with the Tarnowski County and Dąbrowski County from the south with Jasło poviat, from the east with Ropczycko-Sędziszów poviat, from the south-east with Poviat of Strzyżów.

The poviat covers the total area of ​​776.36 km², which constitutes 4.3% of the voivodship's area. It is inhabited by 135,090 people, i.e. 6.2% of the voivodeship's population, including 64,981 men and 68,083 women, and the poviat capital is inhabited by 46 557 people.


Geographical location of the district capital: 50 ° 03′05 ″ N 21 ° 24′42 ″ E

The Dębica Poviat has unique tourist attractions. In its area, the richness of the flora and fauna as well as numerous monuments harmonize with each other.

The historical and landscape value are numerous memorabilia related to the period of World War I (war cemeteries with original architectural and urban assumptions) and the battles of World War II.


fauna and Flora

  • There are the following nature reserves in the district:
    • The "Kamera" floristic reserve - established in 1995, located in the central part of the Brzostek commune (in the village of Smarżowa), has an area of ​​38.01 ha, the subject of protection is a natural cluster of southern knots and a community of fertile Carpathian beech forests.
    • “Słotwina” floristic reserve - Established in 1987, located in the Pilzno commune, on the border of Machowa and Podlesie Machowski, it has an area of ​​3.30 ha, the natural habitat of the ostrich plume (fern) is the subject of protection.
    • "Torfy" peat bog reserve - established in 1987, located in the Czarna commune, with an area of ​​11.66 ha, the subject of protection is the stand of round-leaved sundew and plants associated with the peat bog and bog forest biotope, as well as breeding sites and refuges for rare species of water and marsh birds .
  • There are the following landscape parks in the district:
    • Czarnorzecko - Strzyżów Landscape Park

Established in 1993, it covers part of the area of ​​the Brzostek commune. Many protected species of animals (including eagle owls, lesser spotted eagles, lynxes) and plants (giant horsetail, nightshade) can be found in the park. In the southern part of the park there are numerous rock formations (caves, sandstone rock outcrops).

    • Pasma Brzanki Landscape Park

Established in 1995, it covers the southern part of the Jodłowa commune. It is a latitudinal mountain range. It has a varied topography. Examples of protected plants: daffodil daffodil, fern fern, southern camel.

  • There are also other natural monuments in the poviat:
    • Common beech in the city of Dębica, ul. August 23 (trunk circumference 375 cm, height 15 m).
    • Pedunculate oak in Stasiówka (trunk circumference 368 cm, height 27 m, approx. 250 years old).
    • Oak Avenue in Żdżary - the most impressive tree is a 600-year-old oak (trunk circumference 680 cm).
    • Raised ash in Braciejowa (trunk circumference 558 cm, height 32 m).
    • Pedunculate oak in Januszkowice (trunk circumference 1008 cm, age about 600 years, the inside of the trunk is almost completely empty - it was burnt by fire).
  • There are over a dozen nature, walking and educational routes outlined in the poviat.


  • The oldest town in Dębica County is Pilzno. The earliest known written source mentioning the name of the settlement of Pilzno dates back to the year 1105. "Idzi's Document" - Cistercian abbot in Tyniec.

The favorable location at the intersection of trade routes leading from Red Ruthenia and the Hungarian lowlands forced the rapid development of the settlement, transforming it into an important trade junction to such an extent that in 1354 King Casimir the Great granted it Magdeburg city law and granted it numerous privileges.

  • The first mentions of Dębica come from 1293, when the settlement, granted by prince Leszek the Black, came into the hands of the Gryfit family. His descendant Świętosław Gryfita in the years 1358-1372 founded the town of Dębica. In the 15th century, Dębica and the surrounding villages were part of the judicial Pilsen County within the borders of the Sandomierz Province. This period is a period of dynamic development of the farm and serf economy. Gaining access to the sea by Poland enabled the rapid development of grain cultivation, which flowed into the Vistula River through the Wisłoka basin.

In 1850, Dębica became the seat of the judicial district. In 1867 she found herself in the judicial district with the seat in Pilzno, and later in the Ropczyce district.

In 1856, a railway line from Kraków reached Dębica, which became an important factor in the development of the Dębica region.

  • In 1367, Jan Tyniec, abbot, allowed Jakub, the son of Stefan, to establish the town of Brzostek. Stanisław of Saspolin received a similar privilege in 1394 from Władysław Jagiełło. The king allowed the establishment of a town called Mały Brzostek, located in the vicinity of the abbey town (later Mały Brzostek became a suburb, and in the 18th century a separate village called Nawsiem).

In 1772, after the First Partition of Poland, the lands of the Pilzno poviat became part of the Austrian partition as part of the Kingdom of Galicia. In the first years of the partition, an important imperial route was built from Bielsko through Pilzno, Dębica and further to Lviv.

The dynamic economic development of the Dębica Land resulted in the fact that in 1935 Dębica became the seat of poviat authorities (winning the competition with Ropczyce). Ropczyce and Pilzno.

In 1934 Brzostek became a rural single commune. At that time, the Brzostek II commune, including the surrounding villages, was also created. In 1954, the Brzostek I commune was liquidated.

The successful and rapid economic development of the region in the interwar period continued even after the end of World War II. Until 1955, there was a large Dębicki District, which that year was divided into two smaller ones: Dębicki and Ropczycki. Until May 31, 1975, the district of Dębica covered 594 km² and 77.8 thousand inhabitants lived there. people. There were two towns in the poviat: Pilzno and Dębica, and five communes: Brzeźnica, Czarna, Dębica, Pilzno and Żyraków.


In the times of the Second Polish Republic, after the period of war devastation and after over 100 years of lack of trade contacts between Galicia and other provinces of the country, the process of industrialization of the region began. In 1925, a meat processing plant was established (today's Zakłady Mięsne Dębica S.A.), which employed 200 people. Several small brickyards and sawmills were also opened.

However, the construction of the Central Industrial District by the authorities turned out to be a real revolution. As part of the Central Industrial District, a rubber plant was established (Zakłady Chemiczne Dębica SA - sodium butadiene rubber, now Tikkurilla Beckers-Polifarb Dębica), a tire factory Fabryka Gum Jezdnych, whose founder and first director was Major Stefan Dwornik [9] [10] (later Stomil, Tire company "Dębica", Dębica SA) and a chemical factory in the nearby Pustków estate. The most dynamic economic development took place in the post-war period - the city became an important industrial center on a regional scale.

Industry changed the face of the city and accelerated its development. In 1937, the Ropczyce district was liquidated and Dębicki was established. In 1939, the number of inhabitants exceeded 10,000.

The major part of the area of ​​the Dębica poviat is occupied by arable land (64%), which defines the main sector of the poviat's economy as agricultural. Rural areas are inhabited by 60% of the total population of the poviat. 80.6% of farms have an area between 1.01 and 4.99 ha. The average area of ​​one farm is 3.5 ha.

Fertile soil and a well-preserved natural environment create opportunities for the development of various agricultural production, in particular "healthy food".


By plane

The poviat does not have air transport. The nearest airport is located in Jasionka near Rzeszów, about 50 km away.

By rail

It also runs through the poviat railway mainCracowRzeszowMedic.

By car

The A4 motorway (international road E40), national road no. 94, national road no. 73 and provincial road no. 985 run through the district.

By bus


The poviat consists of:

Municipal communes

Urban and rural communes

Rural communes


Interesting places

  • Regional Museum in Dębica - established in 2003, it has internal exhibitions (including "Dębica and its surroundings at the beginning of the Polish state", "Dębica and its inhabitants from 1358 to 1939") and an external military exhibition (tanks, helicopter, plane, anti-aircraft missiles) .www.muzeumdebica.pl
  • The Doll Museum - Headquarters: Pilzno, ul. Grodzka 24 - Branch in Lipiny (next to "Gospoda u Wiedźmy"), Lipiny 228. Museums present exhibitions of dolls. The specialty of the museum is the production of dolls in regional costumes and the arrangement of exhibitions referring to the legend and threads of Polish history. www.muzeumlalek.pl
  • Historical monuments
  • Brzostek commune

- noble houses in Klecia (first half of the 19th century), Przeczyca (end of the 19th century), Smarżowa (end of the 19th century) and Zawadka Brzostecka (end of the 18th century),

- ruins of the manor in Januszkowice and Siedliska Bogusz,

- burgher houses from the 18th century on the market square in Brzostek,

- a brick inn from the end of the 18th century in Brzostek,

  • Czarna commune

- manor house - palace in Przyborów from 1918, designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz in the Zakopane style, together with a park with an area of 14.2 ha,

- a hunting manor and a park from the 19th century in Chotowa-Słup,

- St. Peter and Paul from the 18th century in Stara Jastrząbka.

  • Dębica Commune

- Sanctuary of Our Lady of Zawadzka, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary built in the 17th century,

- an 18th-century inn in Zawada,

  • Pilzno Commune

- the gothic church of St. John the Baptist from the 14th century in Pilzno,

- a classicist monastery from 1848 of the Carmelite Fathers in Pilzno,

- tenement houses in the market square from the first half 19th century in Pilzno,

- 18th century manor house in Parkosz,

  • Żyraków commune

- manor house in Korzeniów from the 18th century,

- ruins of the Łubieński manor in Zasów from the 18th century,

  • The city of Dębica

- St. Jadwiga from the 16th century, rebuilt in 1558-1650 and 1705-1721, restored in 1978-1980,

- synagogue from the second half of the 18th century, rebuilt and adapted as a commercial facility around 1960,

- a manor house in the suburbs of Wolica from the second half of the 19th century,

- manor park from the first half of the 19th century

  • A dozen or so hiking, bicycle and horse-riding tourist routes and thematic routes have been marked out in the poviat, among others Wooden Architecture Trail.




External links

- World War I military cemeteries - http://www.galicyjskiecmentrawy.w.interia.pl, http://www.cmentaniem.1wojna.pl, http://www.cmentaniem.gorlice.net.pl

- Jewish cemeteries in Poland - http://www.kirkuty.xip.pl

- Small sacred architecture and historical buildings in the district of Dębica - http://www.kapliczkikrzyze.w.interia.pl

- SS training ground in Pustków - http://www.pustkow.republika.pl

- Reserves of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship - http://www.rezerwaty-podkarpackie.pl

- Historic churches of the Tarnów diocese - http://www.tarnowskie.koscioly.sl.pl

Website: http://www.debicki.bip.podkarpackie.eu/

Geographical Coordinates