Puławy poviat - Powiat puławski

Puławy poviat - poviat in Poland, in Lubelskie Voivodeship, reconstructed in 1999 as part of an administrative reform. Its seat is in the city PulawyIt has an area of ​​93,409 ha (934 km²), population 116,526 people, population density of 125 inhabitants per 1 km², urbanization of the poviat 49.54%, almost 58,000 people live in cities, including 30,750 women (53%) (according to GUS as of 31 December 2012).

The Puławy Poviat is one of the largest poviats in the Lubelskie Voivodeship, it ranks 7th in terms of the number of communes and the 2nd in terms of the number of inhabitants. The city of Puławy has a population of 50,000 in front of the communes of Puławy, Nałęczów and Końskowola. Two other cities Nałęczów and Kazimierz Dolny there are fewer than 4,000 inhabitants, and the remaining communes have less than 9,200 inhabitants.

Coat of arms of the Puławy poviat
Flag of the Puławy poviat
Location of the poviat in relation to the voivodship

The poviat is located in the border zone of the Lublin Upland and the Masovian Lowland. It includes the Nałęczowski Plateau - an upland range about 15 km wide, whose northern border on the line of Puławy - Garbów - Ciecierzyn is also the edge of the Lublin Upland, and the southern border on the line of Kazimierz - Charz - Lublin, separates it from the Bełżyce Plain, going down towards Vistula and the Bełżyce Plain with a sharp edge 90 m high in the vicinity of Dobre. The relief of the area is particularly rich within the river valleys, where there are numerous, deep (approx. 20 m) ravines and valleys, often dry, overgrown with bushes and forests. The gorge of the Vistula through the Central Polish Uplands ends in Puławy. A picturesque valley with steep banks, 1.5 km wide, widens to several kilometers in the north.

Agriculture is a sector of the economy that is one of the most important sources of work, and the development of communes largely depends on its development, perceived as an important element of the region's development. The main crops include wheat, rye, potatoes, sugar beets, fruit and vegetables, hops, tobacco. There is little saturation of rural areas and small towns with small plants offering jobs outside agriculture. Distributed settlement network, causing high costs of infrastructure construction, lacking in many localities with sufficient road network density, and power lines require modernization, there is a low level of telephony, sewage, gas and water supply networks.

Due to the concentration of tourist and recreational facilities and sanatorium complexes in the area of ​​Nałęczów, Wąwolnica and Kazimierz Dolny, there is a great chance for the development of ecological agriculture. There are already agritourism farms in the poviat, for example in the communes of Wąwolnica, Janowiec.

The natural environment is a favorable aspect and strength of the poviat. There are areas covered by various forms of protection in the poviat - Kazimierz Landscape Park (14,961 ha) with a buffer zone (24,189 ha) established to protect the landscape of the Vistula gorge, loess ravines and rare plant sites. The protected landscape areas are: "Kozi Bór" (12 681 ha), "Pradolina Wieprza" (33 159 ha). There are nature reserves: "Czapliniec near Gołębia", "Kępa" (44.41 ha, riparian forest), "Krowia Wyspa" (62.3 ha, riverside sites of water birds), "Piskory" (203 ha, water and marsh ecosystems) and forest), "Sucha Dolina" and "Skarpa Wiślana", are particularly protected by landscape and geological values. There are 52 natural monuments and 10 ecological sites. The county's forest cover amounts to 22.75% with the total forest area of ​​21,238 ha, including forests not owned by the State Treasury (over 9,073 ha), which account for approximately 39% of the total forest resources.

The dominant species of stands is pine, typical for both dry and fresh coniferous forest habitats (the poviat's lowlands). The area of ​​the poviat is situated in the land of coniferous forests and mixed forests, where tree stands with pine, oak and larch are considered natural. The most forested communes are: Janowiec, Puławy, Baranów and Żyrzyn. Parts of the poviat, mainly more urbanized, are largely degraded in terms of nature and landscape.

There are 10 municipalities and 173 localities in the poviat with 24 Poczta Polska outlets, and there are 53 tourist accommodation establishments.

Puławy poviat - communes and towns

  • Baranów: Baranów, Czołna, Dębczyna, Gródek, Huta, Karczunek, Klin, Kozioł, Łukawica, Łukawka, Łysa Góra, Motoga, Niwa, Nowomichowska, Pogonów, Składów, Śniadówka, Wola Czołnowska, Zagóźdź
  • Janowiec: Brześce, Brześce-Kolonia, Janowice, Janowiec, Nasiłów, Oblasy, Trzcianki, Trzcianki (Polesie Wojszyńskie), Wojszyn
  • Kazimierz Dolny: Lobster, Kazimierz Dolny, Kazimierz Dolny (Cholewianka), Kazimierz Dolny (Dąbrówka), Kazimierz Dolny (Second Mountains), Kazimierz Dolny (First Mountains), Kazimierz Dolny (Third Mountains), Kazimierz Dolny (Jeziorszczyzna), Kazimierz Dolny (Mięćmierz), Kazimierz Dolny (Okale ), Kazimierz Dolny (Wylągi), Parchatka, Rzeczyca, Rzeczyca-Kolonia, Skowieszynek, Wierzchoniów, Witoszyn, Ząbowice
  • Końskowola: Chrząchów, Chrząchówek, Końskowola, Las Stocki, Młynki, Nowy Pożóg, Opoka, Pulki, Rudy, Sielce, Skowieszyn, Stara Wieś, Stary Pożóg, Stok, Witowice, Wronów
  • Kurów: Barłogi, Bronisławka, Brzozowa Gać, Buchałowice, Choszczów, Dęba, Dęba (Paluchów), Klementowice, Kłoda, Kurów, Łąkoć, Marianka, Olesin, Płonki, Posiołek, Szumów, Szumów (Wygoda), Wólka Nowodworska, Zastawie
  • Markuszów: Bobowiska, Góry, Góry-Kolonia, Kaleń, Łany, Markuszów, Olempin, Olszowiec, Wólka Kątna, Zabłocie
  • Nałęczów: Bochotnica-Kolonia, Bochotnica-Kolonia (Antopol), Bronice, Bronice-Kolonia, Chruszczów-Kolonia, Zynków, Czesławice, Drzewce, Drzewce-Kolonia, Ludwinów, Nałęczów, Nałęczów (Bochotnica), Nałęczów (Charz First), Nałęczów (Chruszczów), Nałęczów (Cologne), Paulinów, Piotrowice, Sadurki, Strzelce
  • Puławy: Anielin, Borowa, Bronowice, Dobrosławów, pigeon, Góra Puławska, Janów, Jaroszyn, Kajetanów, Klikawa, Kochanów, Kochanów (Wólka Pachnowolska), Kolonia Góra Puławska, Kowala, Leokadiów, Łęka, Matygi, Niebrzegów, Nieciecz, Opatkowice, Pachnowola, Piskorów, Polesie, Puławy, Sadłowice, Sadłowice, Smogorzów, Sosnów, Tomaszów, Wólka Gołębska, and Zarzecze
  • Wąwolnica: Bartłomiejowice, Celejów, Grabówki, Huta, Karmanowice, Kębło, Łąki, Łopatki, Łopatki-Kolonia, Mareczki, Rąblów, Rogalów, Stanisławka, Wąwolnica, Zarzeka, Zawada, Zgórzyńskie
  • Żyrzyn was inhabited by 6,599 people in the area of ​​128.73 km² (13.8% of the poviat), including 56% of agricultural land and 35% of forest land.

The settlement in the vicinity of Puławy began about nine centuries ago. At that time, the areas where the city exists today were covered with enormous primeval forests, woods and forests. The only travel route at that time was the Vistula River. It was the queen of Polish rivers that attracted people who settled on its banks and established their settlements. Many "villages" were founded on the Vistula River near Puławy. Human settlement brought with it the need to build new connections with other parts of the country. No wonder then that the axes set in motion and the forest began to give way to new communication connections. One of the first was the road leading west towards Radom and further to the Baltic Sea. A human settlement was established at the water-road junction, on the high bank of the valley, which gave rise to today's Puławy.

In the books of Jan Długosz (Liber Beneficjorum) the villages of the present Poviat are mentioned: Jaworzec, Karczmiska Pierwsze, Rzeczyca, Skowieszyn, Wietrzna Góra (today's Kazimierz Dolny) and Wojszyn, which belonged to the Benedictines from Łysa Góra (Świętokrzyskie Mountains), and later to the Norbertine nuns from Zwierzyniec near Krakow (11th and 12th centuries).

In the years 1867-1915, as part of the Congress Kingdom, under the tsarist decree of 1867, there was a New Alexandrian (i.e. Puławy) poviat in the Lublin governorate.

Interesting architectural and cultural monuments:

  • Bochotnica - the ruins of the castle from the 13th century, the Renaissance mausoleum of Jan of Oleśnicki, the 19th century water mill and numerous ravines.
  • Gołąb - a 17th-century mannerist church, Loreto Chapel.
  • Janowiec - the ruins of a castle from the 16th century, a late Renaissance church with fragments of a Gothic church from the 14th century, an open-air museum.
  • Kazimierz Dolny - a beautifully situated city with a valuable urban layout (market square, tenement houses, churches, castle ruins, tower and granaries).
  • Kurów - a church with a late Gothic presbytery from the 16th century, expanded in the 17th century, a palace and park complex in Olesin.
  • Końskowola - the parish church from the 16th-18th centuries - the Tęczyński mausoleum, the hospital church from 1613, the fortified tenement house of the Tęczyński family from the 16th century, the Evangelical-Augsburg cemetery from the 18th / 19th centuries.
  • Markuszów - churches from the 17th century
  • Nałęczów - a spa park with a pump room, the Małachowski Palace, 19th / 20th century villas, sanatorium houses, a chapel.
  • Puławy - the Czartoryski family palace and park complex (palace, Temple of the Sybil, Gothic House, Rotunda Church).
  • Wąwolnica - a 14th century chapel with a statue of Our Lady of Kębło (a place of numerous pilgrimages) and a church from the beginning of the 20th century. Twentieth century

The network of tourist routes in the Puławy poviat (Puławy, Baranów, Janowiec, Kazimierz Dolny, Końskowola, Kurów, Markuszów, Nałęczów, the City of Puławy Commune, Wąwolnica, Żyrzyn) and several neighboring communes (Kamionka, Garbów, Wojciechów, Ryki, Dęblin) has a total length approx. 500 km.

Your information source can be too http://www.pulawy.powiat.pl/ - official website of the County Office in Puławy