Sieradz poviat - Powiat sieradzki

Sieradz poviat - poviat in Poland (in the western part of of the Lodz voivodeship), created in 1999 as part of an administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Sieradz. In the years 1975-1999 the poviat did not exist, then poviats did not exist, and among several dozen voivodeships there was also the Sieradz voivodeship.

The Sieradz poviat in comparison to the Łódź voivodeship
Coat of arms of the Sieradz poviat
Flag of the Sieradz poviat

It is situated in the western part of the Łódź Province in the strip of the Central Polish Lowlands. It is the largest poviat in the Łódź Province in terms of the area of ​​1,491 km². Only in the south there is a narrow upland belt that stands out in the landscape and belongs to the Kraków-Wieluń Upland. The entire area of ​​the poviat lies in the basin Worth it.
The poviat is part of the historic Sieradz Land, then the Duchy of Sieradz and the Sieradz Province. From 1793, it was a land poviat.

The poviat consists of 11 self-governmental administrative units, which constitute the city of Sieradz and urban-rural communes Błaszki, Guard and Zloczew and the rural communes of Burzenin, Brąszewice, Brzeźnio, Goszczanów, Klonowa, Sieradz and Wróblew. The population of the Sieradz County is 120.8 thousand. persons, which constitutes 4.7% of the total number of inhabitants of the Lodzkie Voivodship (third place in the region in terms of population after Łódź and Zgierz poviat) and 0.31% of the country's inhabitants. The population of the poviat is decreasing both in cities and in rural areas. Only in the gm. Sieradz and the commune The number of inhabitants has increased in Brzeźno. Urbanization in the district of 43.88%.

The Sieradz poviat has an agricultural and industrial character. Forests constitute 18.5% of the total area.
154 historical objects and 10 archaeological sites are registered in the poviat. There are many places to commemorate important events related to the struggle for independence. The architecture is represented by numerous churches and monastic complexes, palaces and manor and park complexes. Medieval urban layouts in Sieradz, Warta and Burzenin have survived.
Areas with legally protected natural and landscape values ​​cover 22.9% of the poviat's area. There is a part of the Międzyrzecz Warta and Widawka Landscape Park and 6 nature reserves with a total area of ​​2,616 ha. Półboru nature reserve, Wrząca Nature Reserve, Nowa Wieś nature reserve.
Also an ornithological reserve "Jeziorsko" established in 1998, it protects the shallow part of the Jeziorsko reservoir with refuges for many water and wetland birds. The rich migratory birdlife classifies the reserve as a bird refuge of European importance. About 250 species of birds have been found, including 150 breeding ones. Black-headed gulls, terns, herons and cranes dominate here, while cormorants nest in colonies. Rare species can be found here: white tern, small and silver gull, wader, dandelion, ruff, black storks, and from birds of prey - cobas, peregrine falcons and white-tailed eagles.
307 nature monuments and 2 nature and landscape complexes "Góry Wapienne" and "Lipiczeńskie Błota" with a total area of 725.5 ha.

Antoni Cierpikowski - the world famous hairdresser and Ary Sternfeld - an outstanding cosmonautics theorist were born in the capital of the voivodeship - Sieradz.