Procida - Procida

Marina Corricella, the fishing village in Procida
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Procida is a municipality of the city of Naples. The municipal area includes entirely the islands of Procida is Vivara.

To know

Procida is the smallest island of the Gulf of Naples, relatively rich in attractions and archeology.

Procida's architecture has a Greek origin. The history of Procida, in fact, focuses first of all on the medieval village “Terra Murata” and on “Corricella”, the settlement of fishermen.

Procida's landmarks reflect typical Mediterranean pastel colors.

Procida has been named the Italian Capital of Culture for 2022.

Procida Marina

How to orient yourself

How to get

The port of Marina Grande

On boat

Ferry service is available at reasonable rates from Naples, Capri is Ischia.

From the ground floor of the Napoli Centro train station, you can take the metro to the station of Pozzuoli, then get off and take the ferry at 1 port of Pozzuoli.

How to get around

The historical part of the island can be reached on foot in 15 minutes. Walking across the island is also feasible, but due to the narrow streets it is not particularly pleasant.

By public transport

Local EAV buses travel at 20/30 m intervals around the island on numerous (partially identical) routes, the price is around € 1.20 / ride. The one-way trip around the island takes about 15 minutes. While the buses come from the main ferry port. There 2 Bus Station tends to be relatively empty, in other directions you may not even be able to climb.

By car

Carrying a car on the island doesn't make too much sense and in order not to scratch it you will have to avoid buses, motorcycles etc. Two wheels are a valid alternative.

On boat

Moorings Sailing Holidays have a base in Procida, which offers boat tours to explore the islands and the coast at your own pace.

What see

Terra Murata is Corricella from Punta Pizzaco
  • 1 Terra Murata. A medieval village with a quiet atmosphere, some small cafes and viewpoints.
  • 2 Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo.
  • 3 Marina of Corricella. A romantic ancient fishing village, today mostly a restaurant center, full of colorful houses.
  • 4 Vivara (Take the bus to Chiaiolella, then continue on foot along the road.). This small island is a nature reserve, connected to Procida by a bridge. Archaeological excavations have been carried out here.

Events and parties

Following the "mysteries", some confreres carry the funeral pallium in procession
Younger children, called little angels, dressed in black and gold, queuing up for the procession
  • Procida Holy Week. Procida's Holy Week rites represent one of the most important religious events taking place on the island. The cycle of festivities opens with the ceremony on Palm Sunday to culminate with the rites of Thursday and Good Friday, and then end on Easter.
Participants of the Palm Sunday they go to church bringing with them a branch of olive or palm, with propitiatory value. The twigs, adorned with rosettes, are blessed by a priest, who then leads the procession in procession. All the participants sing liturgical songs. The procession ends at the church of the Madonna delle Grazie, where Mass is celebrated. During the afternoon of Sunday there is the custom to go to the cemetery to leave the blessed branches on the graves of dead relatives as a sign of peace. Immediately after, the procession that symbolizes the Via Crucis begins.
The Holy Monday the preparation of the funeral pallium takes place.
The main phase of the Holy Week celebrations begins on the evening of Holy thursday, with the rite of Washing of the feet it's the following Procession of the Apostles.
The procession of the "Capped Apostles" is organized by the Arciconfraternita dei Bianchi, founded in 1581 by Cardinal Innico d'Avalos d'Aragona. At the end of the celebration of the washing of the feet, the twelve "apostles" (dressed in the guise of a brother) hooded themselves and with a cross on their shoulder and a crown of thorns on their heads, they parade in procession through the streets of the island, preceded by the "centurion ", and followed by the master of ceremonies and the other confreres.
Before the procession, in the former church of San Giacomo (former seat of the Archconfraternity), the twelve perform the rite of the Last Supper, a real table set based on unleavened bread, fish, lamb and wine. During the Upper Room the spiritual father blesses the bread which is distributed to all the faithful present.
Around four in the morning the "trumpet" group begins the so-called "call", with typical trumpet blasts and drumbeats, around the streets of the island.
Around five o'clock, the funeral wake begins at the statue of the "Dead Christ", a work of 1728 by the sculptor Carmine Lantriceni. A real vigil made up of "praises", prayers and songs. The wooden statue of Christ is placed in the center of the church of San Tommaso D'Aquino. Around six o'clock, preceded by the trumpet and drum players, the procession begins carrying the statues of "Christ" and "Addolorata" through the streets of the island to the village of Terra Murata, in the church of San Michele, from where at 07.30 the procession of the "mysteries" starts.
This rite began in the sixties, with the liturgical reform that took place after the Second Vatican Council. Until then, the statue of the dead Christ was brought to Terra Murata the night before (Thursday), accompanied by the "twelve apostles" of the Arciconfraternita dei Bianchi, who, once the tour for the adoration of the "sepulchres" was over. 'island, awaited the statue of Christ in Piazza dei Martiri and six were arranged on one side and six on the other and together they climbed towards the abbey of San Michele.
The climax of the rites of the week is found in the procession of the Mysteries on the morning of Good Friday, sometimes also referred to as the Procession of the Dead Christ. The origins of the rite date back to the end of the sixteenth century, organized by the Confraternita dei Turchini (founded in 1629 by the Jesuits) since the second half of the seventeenth century, a period from which it draws its main characteristics. Until the middle of the 18th century it would have essentially been a procession of flagellants, transformed since then into a procession exclusively of Mysteries, or allegorical floats of a religious nature.
Characteristic feature of the procession, in addition to the almost "total" participation of the island population, is also the presence, next to the so-called "fixed Mysteries", used every year and coming from the different churches of the island, also of "variable" or "mobile Mysteries" ", prepared annually by individuals or by artistic associations of the island, carried by the arms of young people dressed in the classic dress of "brother dei Turchini "for a fixed route, from the oldest village of Terra Murata to the port of Marina Grande.
The procession closes with the statue of the dead Christ by the Neapolitan sculptor Carmine Lantriceni. In the general silence, the sound of the trumpet and the drum characterizes the passage of the procession.
THE Mysteries they are allegorical floats of a religious nature handcrafted from year to year by the Procidani, sometimes gathered in dedicated artistic schools. They generally consist of one or more wooden boards (called "bases") up to 8 meters long and about 2 meters wide, on which sculptural representations (or rather, symbolic interpretations) of passages from the New or Old Testament are set up, and in particular of the Passion of Christ. The materials used are generally papier-mâché, wood, plastic, polystyrene, DAS and fabric; typical is the "mold" technique that allows you to faithfully reproduce a three-dimensional object using papier-mâché.
Generally during the realization (which can last several months) the Mysteries are kept hidden from the public, so that they can be seen for the first time directly during the Good Friday procession, and often immediately after, on the same day, they are immediately dismantled. or even destroyed. Rarely, in recent times some of them are kept for a few months to make them visitable by tourists in the summer season.
The creations range from the classic "Last Supper"up to much more complex constructions (both in meaning and in realizations). Often the" Mysteries "refer to architectural and artistic styles of different eras, thanks also to the extensive use of colonnades (over 4 meters high).

What to do

  • Beach life. Procida has 6 beaches and 3 tuff sides with crystal clear waters.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Procida offers simple cuisine and at least 10 excellent restaurants with simple cuisine based on fresh fish. This simple style never fails, thanks to the 20 fishing boats and many small boats.

The specialties of the kitchen are:

  • Procidana rabbit - stewed rabbit - which dates back to the Bourbons who came to Procida to hunt the wild rabbit on Vivara
  • spaghetti with sea urchin (spaghetti with sea urchin)
  • various fish dishes (especially grilled or as a sea sauce for pasta)

The best refreshment points are in Marina Corricella even if the quality is practically the same everywhere.

To drink there is the inevitable Limoncello and all the local wines. The local "island wine" probably comes from nearby Ischia island.

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Keep informed


  • Ischia island - There are ferries that depart several times a day.

Useful information

  • information3 Touristic office, Via Libertà 12bis, 39 081 8109258.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Procida
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Procida
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Procida
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