Pushkin (Saint Petersburg) - Puškin (San Pietroburgo)

Facade of the Catherine Palace
Coat of arms and flag
Pushkin (Saint Petersburg) - Coat of arms
Pushkin (Saint Petersburg) - Flag
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Pushkin (Пушкин) is a city of the Russia south of St.Pietroburgo.

To know

Formerly known as Tsarskoye Selo (Царское Село), the "Tsar village", Pushkin is known for its numerous parks and imperial palaces.

Geographical notes

The city is located in the Neva plain, on the left bank of the Neva River. The landscape is very varied and contains hills, ridges and terraces mixed with valleys, plains, woods and farmland. Numerous springs give rise to streams and feeding ponds.

When to go

Maximum (° C)-2-149162122211592-1
Minimum (° C)-8-8-32712141384-2-6
Precipitation (mm)403135333864787767655649

The climate in Pushkin is temperate and humid, it is transitional between oceanic and continental. The length of the day varies from 5 hours and 51 minutes on the winter solstice to 18 hours and 50 minutes on the summer solstice. Summer is short and moderately hot, while winter is long and irregular, with frequent thaws. Air temperatures above 0 ° C prevail from early April to mid-November. The coldest month is February. The cloudiest months are November, December and January, while the least cloudy are May, June and July. There are at least 240 days of sunshine a year. White nights are observed between 25 May and 16 July when the sun passes only briefly on the horizon and the day lasts almost 19 hours. The area is mainly fed by surface and groundwater.


In 1609-1702, a Swedish estate stood in place of the Catherine Palace, which in Finnish was known as Saaren moisio. Traditionally the Ingrian Finns call the area Saaren kylä (Saari village) or Saari, which means "island" in Finnish. After the expulsion of the Swedes from the area, Peter the Great ceded the manor to Alexander Menshikov. Later, the whole area including 43 villages was assigned to Marfa Skavronskaya, wife of Peter, who later became Empress Catherine I. This date of June 13, 1710 is considered the founding date of the city.

During Elizabeth's reign, Tsarskoye Selo became the imperial residence. In the 1740-50s the modest palace of Catherine I was rebuilt into a luxurious summer residence, the Catherine Palace. Between 1751 and 1756 the reconstruction was led byItalian Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli and since then the current appearance of the building has not changed much.

The first public railway in the Russian empire, Tsarskoselskaya Railway, was laid in 1837 and connected Tsarskoye selo with the capital St.Pietroburgo. The prominent Catherine Cathedral was built in 1840. The city was expanding and by 1855 it had 44 streets, 10 churches, 400 houses, 8 military barracks, 3 hospitals and a women's seminary. Tsarskoye selo was one of the most developed cities in Russia. In 1887 it became the first fully electrified city in Europe and had a telephone network at the end of the 19th century. In 1902–1908 the city was equipped with the most advanced water system of the time with a separate sewer system and a water purification station.

In 1918, after the October Revolution, the palace and park complex were declared a museum and national property. On 7 November 1918 he was renamed Detskoye Selo (Детское Село, "Children's Village"), due to the large number of children's institutions established in the area. On February 10, 1937, on the occasion of the centenary of Alexander Pushkin's death, the city was given his name. On June 10, 1939, Catherine's Cathedral was demolished by the Soviet authorities. After the start of the Second World War, on September 17, 1941, the city was occupied by troops German. Several buildings in the palace complex were destroyed or damaged and many works of art were stolen, including the entire interior decoration of the Amber Room. The city was liberated on January 24, 1944. The city was liberated on January 24, 1944.

Since the early 1990s Pushkin has become a luxury residential area.

How to orient yourself

How to get

On the train

Local trains depart from Vitebskiy station St.Pietroburgo (not from the main hall, but from the smaller hall for local trains to the right and around the corner in front of the main hall) at Detskoe Selo station in Pushkin. A return train ticket costs 72 RUB and trains run at 15/20 minute intervals starting from 6:00 am until midnight with the following exceptions:

  • Leaving St. Petersburg, there is no train service between 10:00 and 12:00 on weekdays. Trains during this interval operate only on weekends and holidays; trains outside this range run 7 days a week. Note that all local trains departing from Vitebskiy station stop at Detskoe Selo e Pavlovsk; this makes it a little easier for non-speakers Russian, since you have to worry about which train to board even if different trains arrive at different terminal stations.
  • Returning from Pushkin to St Petersburg, there is a break in service between 12:30 and 14:30 on weekdays, although trains operate during this interval on weekends and holidays.

By bus

By bus from metro stations Line 2 (Moskovskaya) - bus 187 and minibus K545K, K545B; Line 2 (Zvezdnaya) - bus 179 and minibus K363; Line 2 (Kupchino) - minibus K286.

How to get around

By public transport

Minibuses and buses run through the city, going to Pavlovsk and returning to St.Pietroburgo. They can be used to get from Tsarskoe Selo station to Catherine Park. For example, on buses K-287, K-347, No. 273.

From Aleksandrovskaya station, you can take bus no. 378 for Orlovskiye Vorota of the Yekaterininsky Park.

What see

The main attraction of the city is the Tsarskoe Selo Museum-Reserve, which includes Ekaterininsky and Alexandrovsky parks - complexes of palaces and parks from the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Catherine Park

Corner of the Amber Room inside the Catherine Palace

The park consists of two parts: the old regular garden and the English landscape park.

  • 1 Catherine Palace (Екатерининский дворец). Ecb copyright.svgEntrance fee 700 RUB. Simple icon time.svgIndividual admission: 12: 00-14: 00 and 16: 00-17: 00, group admission: 10: 00-12: 00 and 14: 00-16: 00. In the absence of groups (often in low season, such as mid-winter), access will be given to individuals even at these times. The show is truly breathtaking, especially during the winter, with the snow covering the magnificent park. The palace was built by the architect Italian Bartolomeo Rastrelli, famous for having also designed the Winter Palace in St.Pietroburgo, on behalf of the Empress Catherine the Great. It houses huge rooms completely gilded and incredible paintings. The main sight is the "Amber Room", an amber copy of the original, which was lost during the Second World War. A gift from the Kaiser German to the empress, with its walls and furniture completely carved in pieces of amber Baltic. Although the original has been lost, this copy is made from the same materials. The park offers breathtaking landscapes, with a forest and a pond, covered with ice during the winter. Nearby is the "Petite Hermitage", an isolated house used by the empress to attend private meetings. Below the main room is the kitchen, where the servants lifted the dishes with a lift to the private rooms, without disturbing the Empress. Catherine Palace on Wikipedia Catherine Palace (Q2854543) on Wikidata
  • 2 Cold bathroom with Agate rooms (Холодная баня с Агатовыми комнатами).
  • 3 Cameron Gallery (Камеронова галерея).
  • 4 Upper bathroom (Верхняя ванна).
  • 5 Lower bathroom (Нижняя ванна).
  • 6 Hermitage Pavilion (Павильон Эрмитаж).
  • 7 "Grotto" Pavilion (Павильон Грот).
  • 8 Hall Pavilion on the Island (Павильон Зал на острову).
  • 9 Chesme Column (Чесменская колонна).
  • 10 Admiralty (Адмиралтейство).
  • 11 Turkish bath (Турецкая баня).
  • 12 Gatchina door (Porta Orlov, Гатчинские ворота).

Alexander Park

It is divided into a regular new garden (a park with a geometrically correct layout) and a landscaped garden.

  • 13 Alexander Palace (Александровский дворец). The last residence of the Russian royal family. A glorious building recently reopened after a long restoration completed at the end of 2019. Alexander Palace on Wikipedia Alexander Palace (Q1519034) on Wikidata
  • 14 Chinese theater (Китайский театр).
  • 15 Chinese village (Китайская деревня).
  • 16 White Tower (Белая башня).
  • 17 Pavilion of the chapel (Павильон Шапель).
  • 18 Arsenal Pavilion (Павильон Арсенал).


  • 19 Pushkin Monument (Памятник Пушкину). One of the most famous monuments to the great poet. Opened in 1900 (sculptor R.R.Bach). Pushkin is depicted sitting on a bench in the form of a high school student.
  • 20 Pushkin Monument (Памятник Пушкину) (Crossing of Oktyabrsky Boulevard and Dvortsovaya Street). The sculpture was made by L. Bernshtam in 1912 in Paris. It was originally located in the Lyceum atrium, but was moved to the entrance to the city in the late 1930s. During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans used the monument as a target for filming, but it was later restored.


  • 21 Egyptian door (Египетские ворота) (Intersection of Dvortsovaya Street, Oktyabrsky Boulevard and Petersburg Highway). Egyptian style door, built in 1830 by architect A.A. Menelas, who was inspired by the Khonsu Temple in Luxor. The doors are decorated with Egyptian hieroglyphs and scenes from the life of the ancient Egyptians.

Events and parties

  • City day. Simple icon time.svgJune 24. Notable festivals take place every year on the weekend following June 24th.
  • Carnival. International carnivals have been held in the city since 1995 and since 2000 Pushkin has been a member of the Federation of European Carnival Cities.

What to do

The following two museums belong to the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin.

  • 1 Lyceum Memorial Museum (Мемориальный музей-лицей), st. Sadovaya, 2, 7 812 476-64-11. Simple icon time.svg10:30-17:00.
  • 2 Pushkin A.S. (Dacha A.K. Kitaeva, Мемориальный музей-дача Пушкина А.С.), st. Pushkinskaya, 2/19, 7 812 476-69-90, fax: 7 812 315-73-79. Simple icon time.svg10:30-18:00.
  • 3 Chistyakov P.P. Summer Museum (Музей-Усадьба Чистякова П.П.), Moscow Highway, 23, 7 812 451-70-85. Ecb copyright.svg100 rub. Simple icon time.svg10:00-17:00.
  • 4 Pushkin City Historical and Literary Museum (Историко-литературный музей города Пушкина), st. Leontievskaya, 28, 7 812 466-55-10. Simple icon time.svg10:00-17:00.
  • 5 "Tsarskoye Selo Collection" Museum (Музей Царскосельская коллекция), st. Shop, 40/27, 7 812 466-04-60. Simple icon time.svg11:00-17:00.
  • 6 Museum of the History of Education (Музей истории народного образования), st. Pushkinskaya, 28, 7 812 466-24-86. Simple icon time.svg10:00-18:00.
  • 7 "Russia in the Great War" Museum (Музей Россия в Великой войне), Fermskaya street, 5A, 7 812 415 76 92. Ecb copyright.svgAdults: RUB 300, reduced: RUB 150, children under 16: free. Simple icon time.svg10:00-18:00. The first and only WWI museum in Russia, opened in 2014. The museum has 13 sections: "Start of war", "Military operations", "Balloons and airmen", "Fleet", "War of position", " Knights of St. George "," The imperial family during the war "," Red Cross and prisoners "," Clergy "and others.


Souvenirs can be bought in the halls of the Catherine and Alexandrovsky palaces, in the Lyceum, in the souvenir shops on the territory of Catherine Park, as well as in the stalls and souvenir shops of Lyceisky Lane.

  • Tsarskoselsky Gostiny Dvor (Царскосельский Гостиный Двор) (Between Moskovskaya, Leontievskaya, Oranzhereinaya and Pushkinskaya streets). Simple icon time.svg10:00-17:00. It has existed on this place since 1818, when Y. V. Zakharzhevsky, in accordance with the new plan of Tsarskoye Selo, ordered to transfer to this place the fairground, which was temporarily located from 1808 to the enclosure of the Church of the sign on the side of Srednaya Street. At the same time, the Constantine Fair, founded by Catherine II in Sofia, was also transferred here. An architectural monument of federal importance. It is one of the rare buildings that have never changed their historical mission. Here you can still buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, herbs, freshly baked bread, honey from the Pskov and Novgorod regions, local dairy products, fresh meat and live fish.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • Pyshki (Пышки), st. Oranzhereinaya, 16 (Entrance from the end of the house from the side of the house, Oranzhereinaya st., 20). Inexpensive, but loved by the lush Tsarskoe Selo.

Average prices

  • Italian Pizza (In the square in front of the train station. In front of the station, it is in the building on your left; enter through the basement stairs). Simple icon time.svg11:00-24:00. A clean, reasonably priced restaurant with a variety of good food, from pizza to burgers to salads to sushi.

High prices

  • Catherine Palace (Inside the building near the cloakroom rooms). Quite an expensive cafe.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices


How to keep in touch


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