Reichenau (island) - Reichenau (Insel)

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The Reichenau Island is the largest island in Lake Constance. It is about 4.5 km long and up to 1.5 km wide. The mild climate on the island favors the cultivation of vegetables and wine, but it became famous primarily because of the monastery founded in 724.


DEU Reichenau COA.svg

The island of Reichenau is located in Submarine, the western part of Lake Constance. It is connected to the mainland by a 1.3 km long dam that was raised in 1838. On the island are the places Oberzell, Mittelzell and Niederzell with a total of around 3,200 inhabitants. They form the municipality of Reichenau with its administrative headquarters in Mittelzell. The districts of Waldsiedlung and Lindenbühl on the mainland also belong to the community. The water surface between the island of Reichenau, the Reichenauer Damm and Allensbach is also under the name Mercy Lake known. To the west of the island, the Untersee is known as the Zellersee.

getting there

Map of Reichenau (Insel)

By train

The train stops at 1 Reichenau stop (Baden) in the suburb of Lindenbühl on the route between Constancy and Radolfzell. Reichenau is approached every half hour by the "Seehas", which offers connections to Engen and Constance.

In the street

The districts of Lindenbühl and Waldsiedlung are located on the B33. From this the L 221 and leads over the Reichenauer Damm to the island. The dam has a cycle and footpath that is separate from the road.

By bus

Line 7372 Reichenau (Insel) - Reichenau train station - Konstanz-Wollmatingen (for timetables, see the transport association's website Hegau-Bodensee)

By boat


The island has a well-signposted cycle and footpath, which mostly runs close to the shore.

Tourist Attractions

The monastery island Reichenau has been part of the UNESCO world cultural heritage


Minster St. Maria and Markus, with monastery garden
  • 1 Munster St. Maria and Markus, former monastery church of the Benedictine abbey, which was founded in 724 by St. Pirmin. The oldest part dates from 816, the tower was consecrated in 1048, the choir is from the middle of the 15th century.
  • Treasury in the minster
  • Monastery courtyard
  • Herb garden, laid out according to a monk's pattern Walafried Strabo (around 840)
  • 2 Museum Reichenau, open Apr-Oct Tue-Sun 10:30 a.m.-4: 30 p.m., July, Aug Tue-Sun 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Nov-Mar Sat, Sun, Holidays 2 p.m.-5 p.m., admission adults € 3
  • 3 Königsegg Castle (Towards the landing stage)


St Georg Oberzell Reichenau
  • 4 St. George in Oberzell, built from 888, the well-preserved wall paintings from around 1000 AD. show scenes from the life of Jesus.
  • 5 St. George Museum
  • 6 Schopflen castle ruins (on the dam to the mainland, with viewing platform)


  • 7 St. Peter and Paul the 11th century church was renovated around 1750 in the Rococo style.
  • 8 Museum of St. Peter and Paul


  • The nature reserve Wollmatinger Ried left and right of Reichenauer Damm with a NABU center at Reichenau train station
  • Vineyards and vegetable-growing areas
  • Island holidays have a tradition:
    • St. Mark's Festival April 25th,
    • Holy Blood Festival: Monday after Whit Monday,
    • Assumption August 15th

Shops are closed on the island holidays.


  • 9 Hike to the Hochwart (438.7 m above sea level). The highest point of the island is about 44 m above the water surface of the Untersee and offers a good all-round view. In addition, when the goal is reached, there is delicious coffee and cake, as well as a nice ceramic studio / shop to browse.
  • 2 Reichenau leisure center Rental of bicycles, motor boats
  • The various farms on the island offer guided tours again and again.


Supermarket, clothing stores, etc. are available on site.


  • 1  Buddy sheet, Am Vögelisberg 10, 78479 Reichenau. Tel.: (0)7534 999702, Fax: (0)7534 999947. It doesn't matter whether it's about eating, drinking or having good entertainment.Open: Mon - Sat 5:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
  • 2  Ganter Hotel & Restaurant Mohren, Pirminstrasse 141, 78479 Reichenau. Tel.: 49 (0)7534 99440. with products from the Lake Constance region, classic cuisine onion roast beef or cheese spaetzle.
  • 3  The little lion, Pirminstrasse 144, 78479 Insel Reichenau. Tel.: 49 (0)7534 229. American.
  • 4  Museum café, Ergat 5, 78479 Insel Reichenau. Tel.: 49 (0)7534 271017.Museum Café on Facebook.Open: Sat - Thu 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.facebook url used
  • 5  To the old mesmer, Burgstr 9, 78479 Insel Reichenau. Tel.: 49 (0)7534 239.




Practical advice

  • 1  Tourist Information Reichenau Island, Pirminstrasse 145, 78479 Reichenau. Tel.: (0)7534 92 07-0, Fax: (0)7534 92 07-77, Email: . Open: May-Sept Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Apr, Oct Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-12: 30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m.-5 p.m., Nov-Mar Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-12.30 p.m. and 1.30pm-4pm.



Web links

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