Bosco di Malabotta nature reserve - Riserva naturale orientata Bosco di Malabotta

Bosco di Malabotta nature reserve
The Malabotta wood
Bosco di Malabotta oriented nature reserve - Location
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Bosco di Malabotta nature reserve is a protected area located in Sicily.

To know

The Reserve includes the Bosco di Malabotta, considered one of the oldest but above all one of the most beautiful woods in Sicily.

Geographical notes

The area rises between the Nebrodi mountains between the municipalities of Francavilla of Sicily, Malvagna, Montalbano Elicona, Roccella Valdemone is Tripi. The megalithic site of theArgimusco. It extends over a relatively small area compared to the large reserves of Sicily, and is located at an average altitude that varies between 700 and 1300 m a.s.l.

When to go

The best season is undoubtedly autumn when the colors of the leaves and landscapes are colored, but it is also indicated in the summer, sheltered from the high temperatures of the coast and in spring. In winter, atmospheric conditions and temperatures can be difficult for a visit.


The reserve was established in 1997.

How to get

By car

Access road to Argimusco and the Malabotta reserve

From the highway A19 PA-ME exit at the junction for Falcon: from here take the SP112 for Montalbano Elicona. After the built-up area, continue along the SP110 towards Tripi, up to the fork on the left where you take the SP115. Exceeded the1 entrance of the Argimusco follow the road that leads up to2 entrance to the forest.

By bus

There is no bus service to the reserve.

Permits / Rates

Free admission

How to get around

Map of the forest

To move from one part of the reserve to the other, you can use the car. Within the reserve you must proceed on foot or by bicycle.

What see


The eagle of Argimusco

Panoramic plateau famous for the presence of antopomorphic monolithic stones suspected of being prehistoric and a ritual and archaeoastronomic use of the place. But beyond the conjectures, given that up to now there are no certain confirmations, this place is undoubtedly one of the most full of energy in Sicily.

Megaliths of the masculine and feminine
  • main attraction1 The eagle (Along the main road of the site heading north). It is the most famous and most recognizable monolith of the plateau, it shows itself as an eagle with open wings and a beak in the direction of Etna.
The person praying
The warrior
  • 2 Megaliths of the masculine and feminine (Portal of the Argimusco) (Immediately after entering the site). These are two large, elongated boulders, which would recall the sexual symbols of virility and femininity, next to each other or as an entrance portal to the site.
  • 3 The person praying. This is the most striking rock on the site. Seen from the east it looks like a female figure in the act of prayer. It is a 25 meter high rock which is part of the so-called Water cliff. The face in profile faces north. If you go up into the block of rocks that stand out from the other floor, you can find the pools dug into the rock at the highest point. Its use is not known, but a ritual function unknown to date is suspected.
  • 4 The warrior or the priest (Lion's Gate). A rock that shows, when viewed from the east, the shape of an oblong human face with a hole identifiable with the eye. The forum makes scholars suspect of a possible astronomical use of the same.
Rock with circular shape
  • 5 Rock with sphere. It is a triangular shaped rock with a recessed sphere, a fairly well known symbol in occultism.

What to do

Argimusco night sky

The forest is a perfect place to go hiking while enjoying the fresh air and spectacular views. But it is also possible to use the bike along circular routes, however the altitude trend determines a certain commitment.

In the newspapers of clear sky from the Argimusco plateau it is possible to see Capo Milazzo, the sanctuary of Tindari and even the Aeolian Islands in addition to the neighbor Montalbano Elicona.

Argimusco is well suited as a site for astronomical observation and night astrophotography.

  • 1 Picnic area.


There are no shops except to look for them in the nearest towns: Montalbano Elicona, Roccella Valdemone, Tripi is Moio Alcantara.

Where to eat

There are no places to eat, except to go to neighboring villages.

  • 1 Bar, Quadrifoglio Restaurant, SP 122.

Where stay

There are no structures present except to look for them in the nearest cities: Montalbano Elicona, Roccella Valdemone, Tripi is Moio Alcantara.


The access road to the main entrance is particularly bumpy and full of holes. It is advisable to proceed with the utmost caution to avoid breaking the car and the shock absorbers. In case of bad weather it is strongly not recommended to stay in the area due to possible landslides and landslides. In the winter and autumn seasons, always wear warm clothes because the climatic conditions are subject to frequent changes.

It is strongly recommended to have an off-line map on a smartphone or a GPS system to identify your position. The paths of the forest are in fact devoid of indications.

How to keep in touch


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