Path of the Reclamation - Sentiero della Bonifica

Path of the Reclamation
he path of the Reclamation in Valiano di Montepulciano
Itinerary type
Difference in height
Difference in descent
Tourism site

Path of reclamation is an itinerary that develops through the Tuscany.


Geographical notes

It develops on the ancient road for the maintenance of the Canale maestro della Chiana, which runs along its banks, between the cities of Arezzo is Closed.

Who is it for?

It is aimed at cyclists who want to travel a beaten path.

How to get

By plane

By car

Arezzo can be reached from the highway A1 Milan-Naples (Arezzo exit). It is also easily reachable using the E-45 highway (then continuing on the SS73).

On the train

  • 3 Arezzo station. The Arezzo station is located on the line Milan-Rome-Naples, and connections with Florence. Arezzo station on Wikipedia Arezzo station (Q3968902) on Wikidata


  • 4 Chiusa dei Monaci, built around 1151 by the friars of the monastery of Santa Flora and Lucilla of Arezzo as a weir, with the function of regulating the flow of water from the marshy area of ​​the Valdichiana towards the Arno.
  • The 5 Callone di Valiano, built in 1723 to regulate both the water level of the lakes Montepulciano and of Closed, and the unloading of the same in the Canal Maestro also for the purpose of ensuring their navigability.
  • The 6 Montepulciano lake, with its natural reserve, a protected area established in 1996.
  • The 7 Chiusi lake, a protected natural area of ​​local interest, site of community importance and special protection area: there is one of the major heronries in Central Italy. In the southern part of the lake there is also an 8-hectare WWF oasis.
  • The 8 towers of Beccati This and of Beccati This other, made by the Sienese and Perugians at the beginning of the 1400s.


The entire track is well signposted and with several support points. Very popular especially in spring.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Path of the Reclamation
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Path of the Reclamation
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