Silì - Silì

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Silì is a center of the Sardinia western, in the province of Oristano.

To know

Geographical notes

Fraction of Oristano from which it is 3 km away, it is located in the historical region of Campidano of Oristano.


The territory of Silì has five thousand years of history. Neolithic men farmers and ranchers (about 3000 BC) settled on the alluvial mounds of the left bank of the Tirso river, at Bau Proccus and Cuccuru 'e Frumini. In those sites the tools chipped in the black volcanic glass of Mount Arci, obsidian, and the fragments of pottery, sometimes decorated with geometric decoration, produced by those people can still be collected. During the Nuragic age, around 1500 BC, and on the slight hill of Sartuccinu, a mighty nuraghe built in blocks of basalt was built. At the foot of Mount Arci a formidable nuragic fortress, the Bau Mendola, allowed for adequate control of the Gregari territory, up to the Tirso bed. The Phoenicians and the Carthaginians who settled in the next city of Othoca (today Santa Giusta) had to radiate into the fertile plains of Silì, although we still lack precise documentation. During the Roman rule (238 BC - 460 AD), the territory of Silì was affected by the rational agrarian colonization of the Romans. The main road of the island, which connected Porto Torres with Cagliari, passed east of the present town of Silì to reach Othoca. evidence of the Roman presence has been recognized in Sartuccinu and in the locality of Bia Manna, crossed by the Roman road.

The inhabited center of Silì must date back at least to the Byzantine age, since in the last century a tomb was identified containing silver earrings with a mammellated globe, characteristic of the Byzantine production of the VI-VII century AD During the Giudicato period (IX century - 1420), Silì belonged to the Giudicato of Arborea, falling under the curatoria of the Campidano di Oristano. Testimony of that era is the beautiful church of Santa Maria Maddalena, with a single nave, with a square tribune, attributable to the Gothic currents of the fourteenth century. that the Oristano churches of San Martino and Santa Chiara expressed. The parish church dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle and the church of San Michele Arcangelo could date back to the Giudicato period, if not to the early medieval period. The current structures are, however, very late, reflecting reconstruction works of the subsequent Spanish age. The beautiful, richly gilded polychrome wooden statues of St. Peter and N.S. are brought back to this last phase. de les Arecomanadas.

At the fall of the Giudicato (1420) it became part of the Marquisate of Oristano. After the definitive defeat of the Arboreans, in 1478, it passed under the Aragonese dominion and became a fiefdom assigned to the Carroz family. Around 1767, in the Savoy period, it was incorporated into the marquisate of d'Arcais, a fief of the Flores Nurra, to whom it was redeemed in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system, for which it became a municipality administered by a mayor and a municipal council.

Comparison between historical references and today's data

The etymology of the name Silì is so far unknown. The erudite attempts to go back, through a Semitic root, to a meaning "my rest" or similar, remain without foundation. The oldest writing that mentions Silì is dated 20 August 1282, where the arborense judge Mariano II gives Mariano Mameli di Tramatza , among other assets, also a part "de quator partibus Saltus de cello, here east in the territory of Villa Silli". The church of the Maddalena is instead named in the will of judge Ugone II of Arborea, viscount of Bas (father of Mariano IV) , dated 4 April 1336: fifteen sheep and an ox are left to this church "for the salvation of the soul" of the deceased. Silì was an autonomous municipality until the royal decree of 1922, which configured the town as a fraction of Oristano. This decree was implemented in 1926. Other documents are cited in the works of scholars Giovanni Spano, Dionigi Scano, Vittorio Angius, Pasquale Tola, Raffaello Delogu, Giovanni Francesco Fara, Raimondo Bonu. More up-to-date data on current research was provided during the conference held in Silì, by the Mollu and Cannas cultural circle, by scholars Raimondo Zucca, Salvatore Sebis, Carlo Luglio and by the Superintendent of archaeological heritage for the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano, Professor Vincenzo Santoni.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The Oristano-Fenosu airport
  • 1 Oristano-Fenosu airport (IATA: FNU) (About 4 km from Silì). Used until 2011 for tourist and charter flights. Closed to passenger traffic and used since 2013 by the VII Flight Department of the State Police. In the summer months it also hosts the helicopters of the regional firefighting fleet.

The airports open to passenger traffic are:

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Silì.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and take the "Oristano-Simaxis" exit, then turn right to reach your destination.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

It is possible to reach Silì from Oristano through the urban line 4 of the ARST.

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Parish church of San Pietro Apostolo.
  • 2 Church of San Michele Arcangelo.
  • 3 Church of Santa Maria Maddalena.

Events and parties

  • San Daniele. Simple icon time.svgMay 9.
  • Saint Peter. Simple icon time.svg28 and 29 June.
  • Archangel Michael. Simple icon time.svg8 May and 29 September.
  • Our Lady of Carmel. Simple icon time.svgJuly 16.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Mediterranean, Via Adua 52, 39 0783 26579. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 19: 00-22: 30. Pizzeria.
  • 2 Marco Pizzeria, Via Nazionale 2, 39 347 3811807. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 12: 00-15: 30 and 19: 00-22: 30. Pizzeria.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Sa Domu de Nonna, Via Emilia 13, 39 328 9475516.
  • 2 Ida, Via Adua 106. Check in: 15:00-23:00, check-out: 6:00-11:00. B&B.
  • 3 Sa Tebia, Via Simaxis 17, 39 347 7661778. B&B.


How to keep in touch

Post office


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Silì
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