New Syracuse - Siracusa nuova

New Syracuse
The Sanctuary and the Ciane spring

New Syracuse is an area of ​​the city of Syracuse which includes modern neighborhoods.

To know

How to orient yourself

Bordering Ortigia are the nineteenth-century districts of Saint Lucia (at the Piazza Santa Lucia) e Neapolis where is the Archaeological Park with the Greek theater. North of Santa Lucia is located Grottasanta where are the latomie of the Capuchins. Following the modern district of Akradina identifiable with the northern section of the cycle path up to park of the Balza Akradina. Following Tics which ends with the northern section of the Dionysian walls and the Scala Greca avenue. Epipolis represents a suburb with the so-called Villaggio Miano and the Euryalus Castle.

The territory of the city is vast and also includes two hamlets: Belvedere located at the highest point of the city. It is a few kilometers from the city center and shares the presence of the Eurialo castle with the Epipolis. Cassibile it is a reality totally detached from Syracuse. Note for the historic signature ofarmistice which sanctioned the exit of Italy from the alliance with Nazi Germany and the agreement with the Anglo-American allies (in reality the signature takes place about three km from the hamlet; in the district of Santa Teresa Longarini of Syracuse), Cassibile takes its name from the homonymous river which, coming from the Iblei, laps it on its south side. Location suitable for a seaside and naturalistic stay. Cassibile embraces the Syracusan seaside districts of Ognina is White Fountains


  • Belvedere
  • Cassibile
  • White Fountains
  • Arenella
  • Ognina
  • Island

How to get

On a boat

  • 1 The blue aster, Via La Maddalena, 49, 393913006051, 393387232691, @. Landing in the Isola district on floating platforms. It also organizes port excursions and boat taxi service.
  • 2 Port of Ognina. Marina for tourists and fishing boats, located inside a natural inlet.

How to get around

Parking lots

  • 3 Toll Parking, avenue Theocritus. Ecb copyright.svg€ 0.70 per hour, € 2 per day. 1 € all night.. Simple icon time.svg24 hours.

What see

New Syracuse

  • Archaeological Park of Neapolis - The park is one of the must-see attractions of the city. Inside there are the most important monuments of Greek and Roman times such as the Greek Theater, the Roman Amphitheater and the Ear of Dionysus.
The so-called Roman gymnasium
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears
  • 1 Roman gymnasium, via Elorina. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat. This monument along the road axis of the ancient Via Elorina dates back to Roman times. It has always been considered as a gymnasium, but according to other interpretations also linked to some findings as well as to the information that Cicero gives us it should be a serapeum. This highlights the presence of the Egyptian cult of Serapis also in Syracuse. It is a monument that is far too underestimated by tourists, both because it is out of the way and because it is not sufficiently valued. Roman gymnasium on Wikipedia Roman gymnasium (Q17631557) on Wikidata
  • 2 Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears, Via del Santuario, 3. The Sanctuary was erected following a miraculous event that took place in 1953. At a humble house the little picture of the Madonna began to weep, immediately attracting a large crowd, also procuring healings. Following this, the construction of the modern sanctuary was started on a project by the French architects Michel Andrault and Pierre Parat. The works began in 1966, then interrupted for several years, until completion in 1994 with the inauguration by Pope John Paul II.
Today the internal empty spaces do not grant that sense of concentration and sacredness hoped for and the visit in this sense can also disappoint expectations. However, it remains an architectural work of great importance for the city. Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Lacrime (Syracuse) on Wikipedia shrine of Our Lady of Tears (Q2223786) on Wikidata
Latomia dei Cappuccini
  • 3 Latomia dei Cappuccini, via Puglia, 39 329 2417142, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 5, reduced € 3. Simple icon time.svgOn request. This latomia is certainly one of the most evocative places in the city, it is a quarry from the Greek era famous for being one of the places where Athenian soldiers were massed after the defeat of the fleet in the waters of Syracuse in 413 BC. Later it became the property of the nearby Capuchin convent, transforming into a lush garden with different species of plants and a small theater for summer performances. Latomia dei Cappuccini on Wikipedia latomia dei Cappuccini (Q3827524) on Wikidata
  • 4 Catacombs of San Giovanni, Largo San Marciano, 3, 39 0931 64694, fax: 39 0931 66751, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull 8 €, reduced 5 €, school groups 3 €. Simple icon time.svgIn winter Mon-Sat 09: 30-12: 30, 14: 30-16: 30; 26 December-6 January 09: 30-12: 30, 14: 30-17: 00; 7 January-7 February closed; in summer Mon-Sun 09: 30-12: 30, 14: 30-17: 30; July and August 10: 00-13: 00, 14: 30-18: 00.
    Church of San Giovanni alle catacombe
  • 5 Church of San Giovanni alle catacombe, Piazza San Giovanni. Ecb copyright.svgAttached to the visit of the Catacombs of San Giovanni. It is a 6th century church, according to tradition it is the place where Bishop Marciano was martyred and for this reason there is also the crypt. It is one of the few examples of Gothic style in the city since the earthquake of 1693 destroyed almost all of the heritage of the time. The rose window that stands out on the square is very beautiful. Church of San Giovanni alle catacombs on Wikipedia church of San Giovanni alle catacombe (Q3670539) on Wikidata
  • 6 Villa Reimann, Via Necropoli Grotticelle, 14, 39 329 2417142, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 5, reduced € 3. Simple icon time.svgOn request. This villa, located near the Neapolis Park, was the residence of Christiane Reimann who spent so much for the city. Inside there is a beautiful garden and some archaeological remains, in addition to the fact that the villa is a historical place.
Syracuse War Cemetery
  • 7 Syracuse War Cemetery (Road to Floridia, one kilometer after the Municipal Cemetery). Simple icon time.svg00:00-24:00. Commonwealth cemetery containing the bodies of WWII soldiers who died during the landing in Sicily in the summer of 1943. Syracuse War Cemetery on Wikipedia Syracuse War Cemetery (Q3979195) on Wikidata
  • 8 Stentinello, via Stentinello. It is a prehistoric settlement on the northern outskirts of Syracuse close to the industrial area. This is an area where the holes for the laying of the hut poles have been identified. Today the site is hard to read and not easy to identify, but its findings, which constitute an important aspect of Sicilian prehistory, can be found in the Paolo Orsi museum. Stentinello on Wikipedia Stentinello (Q726619) on Wikidata
The Eurialo castle
  • 9 Euryalus Castle, Piazza Eurialo 1, Belvedere of Syracuse, 39 0931711773. Ecb copyright.svgFull 4 €, reduced 2 €. Eurialo Castle draws its importance for the fact that it is a rare example of a castle from the Greek era that is still perfectly legible. Erected in a strategic position on the highest point of the city from where it is possible to see all the sides of the ancient walls, it was promoted by the tyrant Dionysius I whose construction took a few years between 402 and 397 BC. Its completion together with the 17 km of Dionysian walls made Syracuse impregnable to any attack. The defense moats are still visible today only a few meters away, while the three towers were an excellent means of throwing darts at the enemies. Furthermore, the tunnel system allowed for easy movements in complete safety.
The mighty walls protected the cultural assets of the Paolo Orsi Museum during the bombings of the Second World War and was also visited by the King in honor of the city's great past. At the entrance there is an antiquarium with finds and images of the castle. Eurialo Castle on Wikipedia Euryalus castle (Q538394) on Wikidata
The Temple of Zeus
  • 10 Temple of Zeus (I ru culonne (the two columns)), via temple of Jupiter. The Temple of Zeus is a Greek temple from the 6th century BC. It was built in a strategic point in a place from where the boats entering or leaving the port of Syracuse could clearly see it, because propitiatory rites were made on board to ingratiate themselves with the divinity. The temple was often plundered (being outside the city walls), today two columns remain, hence the name in Sicilian dialect. Unfortunately it is almost always closed due to a lack of staff on the part of the Sicily Region, which is responsible for it. Temple of Zeus (Syracuse) on Wikipedia Temple of Zeus (Q3983290) on Wikidata
A section of the walls in viale Epipoli
  • 11 Dionysian walls (At the highest point of Viale Epipoli). The Dionysian walls are a defensive complex that extends for 17 km around Syracuse. Unfortunately, only the stretch near the Eurialo castle remains visible, which partially give the meaning of the work. Of the remaining parts remains the basement interspersed with defense towers. The work was built by the tyrant Dionysius I between 402 and 397 BC. to defend the city from continuous assaults making it impregnable. It is for this reason that the final fall in 212 BC. with the Romans of the consul Marcello it happened for the betrayal of a few and not for the yielding of the defensive positions. Dionysian walls on Wikipedia Dionysian Walls (Q3867332) on Wikidata
The door falls
  • 12 Door Scea, via San Cataldo (At the end of the road, drive north for about ten meters on the unpaved stretch). The Scea gate was part of the defensive system of the city in Greek times. Located on the northern side of the city, it was not far from the Exapilon gate just below the road axis of Viale Scala Greek. This door together with the Exapilon constituted the doors that allowed to move in the direction of Catania. The traces of the wagons and the layout of the defensive walls are clearly visible on the spot. This site, practically unknown to Syracusans and official guides, is totally neglected as you can see but it is an important piece of the city's history. As far as possible, the signs of the carriageways that extend towards the north are evident. Take Scea to Wikipedia Porta Scea (Q17056980) on Wikidata
  • 13 Catacombs of Vigna Cassia, Via A. Von Platen, 34, 39 093164694, fax: 39 093166751, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 11: 00-13: 00 and 14: 30-17: 30. They are the largest catacombs in Sicily and have several frescoes that evoke the cult of the first Christians. The visit to this monument is entrusted to the Kairos company which carries out specific openings and generally on request.
  • 14 Baths of Dafne. Terme di Dafne on Wikipedia Baths of Dafne (Q21329012) on Wikidata
  • 15 Tonnara of Santa Panagia. Tonnara of Santa Panagia on Wikipedia Tonnara di Santa Panagia (Q3993150) on Wikidata
  • 16 Monument to the Italian Fallen of Africa. Monument to the Italian Fallen of Africa on Wikipedia monument to the Italian fallen of Africa (Q28949622) on Wikidata
  • 17 Church of San Tommaso al Pantheon (Pantheon). Church of San Tommaso al Pantheon on Wikipedia church of San Tommaso al Pantheon (Q16540436) on Wikidata
  • 18 Church of Santa Lucia al Sepolcro (Church of Santa Lucia extra moenia). Church of Santa Lucia al Sepolcro on Wikipedia church of Santa Lucia al Sepolcro (Q667321) on Wikidata
  • 19 Latomia Carratore, Viale Teracati (Hidden behind some buildings, it is possible to see it partially from the street). It is the smallest of the Syracusan quarries, however, although it is mistreated (garbage is often found) and hidden by the buildings it is still a stone quarry from the Greek era. The name Carratore simply derives from the old owners on whom the land fell. The latomia is one of the many in Syracuse.
Santa Panagia Necropolis
  • 20 Necropolis of Santa Panagia, viale Santa Panagia (Lidl car park). Simple icon time.svgFree access. Greek necropolis with pit tombs carved into the rock discovered during the creation of the parking lot of a supermarket and datable to between the end of the sixth and the first half of the fifth century. B.C. This necropolis is part of a larger necropolis present in the area. A second part is visible at the traffic island of viale Santa Panagia (opposite the church). The other even larger area (distinguished only by the presence of the road axes, is the fenced area next to Via Mazzanti. Santa Panagia Necropolis (Q98012705) on Wikidata
  • 21 Hellenistic baths, Via Sebastiano Agati, 23.


Objects on display at the Paolo Orsi museum
Venus Landolina
  • Main attraction22 Paolo Orsi Regional Archaeological Museum, Viale Teocrito, 66, 39 0931464022. Ecb copyright.svgFull 8 €, reduced 4 €. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sat 09: 00-18: 00, Sun and holidays 09: 00-13: 00, Mon closed. The medal table: Tue, Thu-Sat 09: 30-13: 30, Wed 9: 30-17.30. Sun-Mon closed. Archaeological Museum of Eastern Sicily in which a considerable amount of finds from the prehistoric age up to the Roman age are kept. The museum is considered to be among the most important of its kind.
Do not miss the sector of the medal collection, with the very valuable Syracusan coins, the Venus Landolina and the Sarcophagus of Adelfia. An exhaustive visit would take a full day because the sectors are many and complete with captions and explanations. Outside the museum it is also possible to visit the so-called Villa Landolina, that is the garden in which various tombstones and objects from the museum are arranged. It is also possible to visit the poet's tomb von Platen died in Syracuse in fortuitous circumstances in the so-called non-Catholic cemetery. Paolo Orsi Regional Archaeological Museum on Wikipedia Paolo Orsi Regional Archaeological Museum (Q1954223) on Wikidata

Outside the built-up area

  • 23 The Church of the Marquis Loffredo di Cassibile, Via Nazionale, 2 (Cassibile). This church closed for decades is part of the old village of Cassibile.
  • 24 House of the three sisters (House of the three touches), SP 104. Abandoned building alongside the road. According to local reports, it is a haunted house with ghosts and for superstitious reasons many motorists pass three honks. This custom has been lost over the years as well as that mysterious aura that accompanied it years ago.
  • 25 Tower of Ognina (Near the port of Ognina). Coastal watchtower, used to counter pirate attacks in the 17th century.
  • 26 Greco-Roman furnaces. Right next to the sea there are various circular shapes intensified as kilns for the production of lime, probably from the Greek-Roman era. Nearby there are also traces of a road, perhaps the via elorina or a carriage road used to carry the finished products. Nearby there are also visible grooves on the live rock used for the careening of boats.

What to do

Excursions and trips

  • 1 Syracuse open tour, Via Rhodes, 39 0931 959912. Ecb copyright.svg4,10€. Simple icon time.svg9: 00-19: 00 every hour. City tour in 16 stops departing every hour from the terminal in via Rodi (at the Sant'Antonio car park).
  • 2 Sicilian nature, piazza S. Lucia 24 / C-D, 39 3387799417, 39 3288857092, @. Simple icon time.svgWed 18: 30-20: 00. Naturalistic association, organizes excursions every weekend in natural and archaeological areas of the province of Syracuse.
Boat trip indication
  • 3 Tecnoparco Archimede, Viale Giuseppe Agnello, 26 (In front of the south entrance of the Archaeological park of Neapolis), 39 0931758807, 39 3474826670, 39 3936252963, fax: 39 0931411430. Ecb copyright.svg4-6 €. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun by reservation. March-October: 9: 30-18: 30; November-February Mon-Fri 9: 30-13: 30, Sat-Sun 9: 30-17: 00. Park with the reconstruction of the war machines and the inventions of Archimedes.
  • 4 Arethusa Park, Contrada Shoulder Melilli, 39 0931 765559, @. Ecb copyright.svg13-18€. Simple icon time.svg9:30-18:30. Acquapark with slides and summer attractions.
  • 5 Boat excursions on the Ciane (via Elorina, leaving Syracuse past the bridges of the Anapo and Ciane rivers on the left). Ecb copyright.svgAbout € 10. Excursion by motor boat going up the Ciane river.
  • 6 Canoe excursion (Barbagallo nautical club) (along via Elorina, leaving Syracuse just before the bridge over the Anapo, on the left side street next to the Dafne restaurant). Ecb copyright.svg€ 5 per hour. Canoe rental to go up the Ciane river, the Anapo or the Mammaiabica canal.

Parks and natural areas

The cycle path of Syracuse
  • 7 Rossana Maiorca cycle path - Suggestive cycle path along the eastern cliff of the city. Ideal for bike rides or excursions along the coast to discover parts of the Dionysian walls.
  • 8 Syracusan Forum. City park with ancient trees and the ancient Roman forum of the city. Inside there are columns that testify to its historical aspect. Syracusan Forum on Wikipedia Syracusan Forum (Q19545377) on Wikidata
  • 9 John Paul II Park (Acradina flounce). City park known for being the place where Pope John Paul II celebrated a mass during his visit in 1994.
The Ciane papyrus
The beach of Punta della Mola
  • Marine Protected Area Plemmirio - The Plemmirio promontory south of Syracuse has been transformed into a protected marine area since 2004. The whole area is subject to restrictions and authorizations, however for the simple tourist it is a nice place to admire the panorama of the city as well as to swim. The access points to the sea are different and marked by special signs. The most famous point and the most beautiful from a landscape point of view is that of Punta della Mola or "Pillirina" (this point is indicated in the placeholder), a rocky gulf among the ruins of a former military area in disuse. The area also lends itself to the possibility of excursions along the cliff on foot or by bicycle.
  • 10 Largo public gardens 2 June (Gardens of Piazza Adda), Largo 2 June. Gardens with rides for children. Gated place in the city center.


  • 1 Belvedere commercial park (in front of the water park), 39 0931 765161. Simple icon time.svg09:30-21:00. Commercial park outside the city including the supermarket Conad and a shopping arcade. Nearby are also located Decathlon is Mediaworld.
  • 2 Via Giarre market, via Giarre. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 8: 00-13: 00.
  • 3 Wednesday Fair, Marcello Sgarlata square. Simple icon time.svgevery Wednesday. This fair attracts vendors from nearby cities, I know you can find everything.
  • 4 Farmer's Market, Adda Square. Simple icon time.svgevery weekend. Sale of local products.
  • 5 The Greek, Via Lido Sacramento, 172, 393209422666. Convenience store


How to have fun

  • 1 Hippodrome of the Mediterranean, Str. Spinagallo, 50, 39 0931 710129, fax: 39 0931 710000. Hippodrome for horse racing, with national level competitions.
  • 2 Bingo Adda, Via Simeto, 2, 39 0931 449688. Simple icon time.svg10:00-03:00. Local for the game of bingo.
  • 3 Syracuse racetrack. The structure is closed today, except to open from time to time for motorcycle rallies or small events. Syracuse circuit on Wikipedia Syracuse circuit (Q16541929) on Wikidata


Night clubs

  • 6 Innkeeper pub, via Benghazi (in front of the Sant'Antonio parking entrance), 39 0931 198 9083. Simple icon time.svg18:00-02:00. Great pub for pizzas, pizzoli, salads, first and second courses. Live music every Friday
  • 7 Koala pub, Via Necropoli Grotticelle, 25, 39 0931 442525. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 20: 00-03: 00. Pub very popular with Syracusans. Possibility to sit outside. It is advisable to book.
  • 8 Hmora (Aperitifs Beer Wine Cafè), Via Tisia, 27 int. 5, 39 320 036 2481, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 18: 00-02: 00. Bar, wine bar, aperitifs, coffee. Among the few clubs in the upper part of the city.

Beaches, lidos and solariums

  • 9 Lido Arenella, Arenella beach, 39 0931 715025. Historic lido on the Arenella beach
  • 10 Gate 23, Str. Capo Murro di Porco, 199, 39 331 956 6696, @. Simple icon time.svgFrom June to September 9: 00-20: 00. Lido, restaurant and nightclub after 20:30 with music and organized evenings.
  • 11 Lido Sayonara, Viale dei Lidi, 523 (White Fountains), 39 0931 790345. Lido of the Fontane Bianche beach
The two Friars solarium

During the summer the Municipality makes available to the free solarium in different parts of the city:

  • 12 Porto Piccolo solarium, disembarked from Santa Lucia.
  • 13 Solarium Due Frati, Rossana Maiorca cycle path.
  • 14 Solarium dei Piliceddi, Rossana Maiorca cycle path.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Civic malty, Via G. Battista Perasso, 9, 39 0931 196 5990. Local for sale of beers with a list of selected international brands.
  • 2 Bar Drago, Via Politi Lauden 1 / A. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun. Bar with a wide selection of ice cream, granite and rustic. Aperitifs and bread.
  • 3 Marisia café, Via Lido Sacramento, 97. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 08: 00-20: 00, Sat-Sun 08: 00-01: 00. Bar, aperitifs and cocktails overlooking the Grand Harbor. Open only in summer.
  • 4 El Cubano, Viale dei Lidi, 30, 39 0931 790639. Simple icon time.svgOpen in summer. Ice cream bar in Fontane Bianche.

Average prices

  • 5 Cafè San Giovanni Sicily, Via S. Giovanni alle Catacombe, 11 (In front of the Church of San Giovanni alle Catacombe), 39 0931 464559. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 6: 30-21: 30. Bar, patisserie and restaurant.
  • 6 CasadiPà, Via Montedoro, 99, 39 0931 22928, @. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 19-23. Takeaway restaurant.
  • 7 Plan B, Via Cairoli, 18, 39 0931 66851. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 19: 30-24: 00. Restaurant with excellent quality of products as well as selection of craft beers
  • 8 Pizzeria The black sheep, Via Cairoli, 12, 39 0931 64926. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun. Pizzeria, salads and pizzoli.
  • 9 A rutta e ciauli restaurant, Riviera Dionysius the Great, 194 (Near the monument to the fallen of Africa), 39 0931 65540. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon. Seafood restaurant with sea view.
  • 10 Olivia Natural Bistrot (Vegetarian restaurant), Viale Teocrito, 118, 39 0931 61364. Simple icon time.svg7:30-23:30. Vegetarian restaurant and bar.
  • 11 Siracusano Brewery: Il Feudo, Contrada Spalla, Belvedere, 39 0931 745554. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 19: 00-00: 00. Restaurant, pizzeria, pizzoleria. Own production of beers.
  • 12 Blue Wave Island, Via La Maddalena, 17, 390931721980. Fish restaurant with stunning views of the harbor.
  • 13 The Frateria, Str. Tremmilia, 143, 390931711227. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 19: 30-02: 00. Pizzeria with excellent quality of products, ample parking. The place is often crowded and does not accept premotations on Saturdays. Come early if you don't want to wait.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • 3 B&B Kosmos, Via Monte Cervino, 21, 39 0931 740395, 39 392 7895704, @. Ecb copyright.svg60€. Astronomical-themed B&B, each room recalls the theme of a planet from the Solar System.
  • 4 Mediterranean Villa, Via the Mediterranean Sea (Hamlet of Cassibile), @. Ecb copyright.svg50€. Villa Mediterraneo offers holiday home apartments in the seaside resort of Fontane Bianche. Great prices for an apartment in an independent villa complete with all comforts.
  • 5 La Frescura farmhouse, off to Floridia 50 (Syracuse south exit towards Floridia), 39 338 940 1937, @. La Frescura is a 3 ears farmhouse built in an old eighteenth-century farmhouse. A few kilometers from the city center of Syracuse, the property has a garden of oranges, lemons and mandarins.
  • 6 Lakkios Residence, Via allo Sbarcadero S. Lucia, 2 / A, 39 0931 465468. Ecb copyright.svg100€.

High prices

How to keep in touch


All accommodation facilities offer internet connection. There are also many places that provide a free wi-fi internet connection.

2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition contains enough information to allow a brief visit to the district. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).