Lombard sites - Siti longobardi

Lombards in Italy: places of power (568-774) I am a serial site Italian inserted byUNESCO in 2011. The series includes seven locations.

To know

The Lombards were a Germanic tribe that ruled much of the Italian peninsula during the High Middle Ages. Lombard architecture was a synthesis of Romanesque, Byzantine, Germanic styles and played an "important role in the spiritual and cultural development of medieval European Christianity". Seven fine and notable examples of Lombard religious architecture around Italy make up this world heritage site.


  • UNESCO1 Gastaldaga area and Episcopal complex, Cividale del Friuli.
  • UNESCO2 Monumental area with the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia, Brescia.
  • UNESCO3 Castrum with the Torba Tower and the church outside the walls, Santa Maria foris portas, Castelseprio.
  • UNESCO4 Basilica of San Salvatore, Spoleto.
  • UNESCO5 Tempietto del Clitunno, Campello sul Clitunno.
  • UNESCO6 Monumental complex of Santa Sofia, Benevento.
  • UNESCO7 Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo, Monte Sant'Angelo.

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