Skyline - Skyline

Skiline of Saint Gimignano

It defines itself skyline (literally "line of the sky") the profile of the landscape outlined by the buildings of a city and their highest points. The word is often used where there are skyscrapers or other buildings that stand out thanks to their height, but it can also refer to naturalistic landscapes. In some cases the term is used in order to underline in an overall way how the architectures of a city constitute one of the most impressive signs of the power and wealth expressed by a city. In this sense it is skyline it synthetically represents the civil, economic and cultural peculiarities of a city. When one skyline it is particularly large, given the presence of a side-by-side urban center, there is also talk of cityscape. Some metropolises feature one skyline which outlines a profile similar to that of an artificial mountain, where the tallest buildings are located in the center of the city. Usually Chicago, Dubai, Hong Kong is New York they are recognized as the cities that have the skyline most impressive in the world.


Building regulations have always held back the construction of buildings over a certain height in Italy. The first skyscraper built in Italy is the Torrione di Brescia, completed in 1932 and designed by Marcello Piacentini, while the first Italian skyscraper to exceed 100 m is the Piacentini tower of Genoa, from 1940. For about two decades, from the early nineties to 2010, it was the Headquarters of Naples to host the only real one skyline Italian and allEurope southern. However recently Milan is developing vertically like very few cities in Europe, thanks to two significant redevelopment projects: Porta Nuova Project and CityLife. Milan is also home to the tallest skyscraper in Italy: the Allianz Tower, 247m high. Other Italian cities famous for their skyline I'm Saint Gimignano for its ancient medieval towers, Mantua is Turin, where the particularity is not given by a cluster of skyscrapers, but by the profiles of the Mole Antonelliana and the Intesa Sanpaolo skyscraper.

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