Split - Split

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getting there

Sv. Duje Belltower

By plane

  • 1  Split Airport Kaštela (SPU). 25 km from Split and 5 km from Trogir away. The flight duration from Frankfurt to Split is about 90 minutes.

All year round there are direct flights with Croatia (Frankfurt, Munich) and Eurowings (Cologne, Düsseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart) and transfer connections with Croatia via Zagreb. From April to October there are flights from many airports in German-speaking countries.

From the airport to Split there is an airport bus that goes directly to the bus station (fare for one way 30 kn, journey time: 30 minutes, the departure times depend on the flights) or the public bus line with number 37. The buses of line 37 ( Trogir-Split) run every 30 minutes (5:00 - 24:00) and cost 13 Kn (10 minutes) to Trogir and 17 Kn (50 minutes) to Split. The stop is on the main street 100m away. As of 2018By taxi, the airport-Split route costs around 230 kn. Status 2014

The tourist information office provides information on Split, Trogir and the region. Right next to it is the bank, which offers a significantly better exchange rate than the exchange office in the middle of the arrivals hall.

By train

There are a few trains daily from Zagreb off, twice a day on weekdays, around five on weekends in the high season. There are seasonal direct through coaches to Budapest and Prague.

By bus

From Germany with Eurolines / Touring, timetable under http://www.eurolines.de/Buslinien-Deutschland-Kroatien.789.0.htmlFrom Silos in Trieste (next to the train station) there is an international coach every day Dubrovnikwhich also stops in Split. The journey takes about 10 hours and modern buses are not always used. Since these buses are very busy in summer, it is advisable to reserve a seat in advance at the bus station in Trieste (tel. 39 040 425020). The ticket can only be bought on the day of departure Rijeka There are also coaches to Split. The Stops in Split are next to the train station and the port.

In the street


Of Trieste you drive along the former border Slovenia to Pesek / Kozina, from there another 1 hour on the normal road to the Croatian border. From there there are those Highway to Split. You can also use Rijeka start and drive on the coastal road to Senj. Shortly before Senj, turn left until you come to the highway to Split. The coastal road is very curvy and has only one lane but is very picturesque. The motorway is new with two lanes. If there is too much wind, which is not uncommon, it may be that the motorway near Sveti Rok is closed and you have to continue on the normal road.

By boat

You can moor your own ship in the ACI Marina in Uvala Baluni. Tel. 385 (0) 21 398548, Fax 385 (0) 21 398556.


Map of Split

By bus

Split is well connected to cities and towns in Croatia and sometimes even to Europe by so-called "intercity buses". The routes are served by different bus companies, some of which have very different prices Šibenik and Trogir, both cities are on the same bus route, there is a bus at least every hour (Šibennik: journey time approx. 2 hours; fare approx. 64, - Kn / Trogir: journey time approx. 30 minutes; fare approx. 24, - Kn).

Speed ​​boat to the islands

Dalmatia-express offer you day trips to the island of Hvar, to the bay of St. Ante. The trip includes: the boat trip to Hvar, all day swimming and sunbathing on a beautiful beach, comfortable beach chairs, refreshments, lunch fish, meat or vegetables from the grill and vegetarian options.

Tourist Attractions

Grgur Ninski statue by Meštrović
  • Diocletian's Palace. From Diocletian with the island's white stone Brač built, UNESCO-World Heritage. The walls surround the old town, which can be accessed through one of the four entrances: Golden Gate Zlatna vrata (to the north), Silver Gate Srebrna vrata (to the east), bronze gate Brončana vrata to the south (to the sea) and Iron Gate Željezna vrata (in the West).Price: Access to the old town is free.
  • Peristili. The heart of Diocletian's Palace, where the Cathedral of St. Duje, the hall (vestibule) and the stairs to the underground hall are located. Here the emperor was celebrated by his subjects - he was enthroned under the largest arch and people kneeled before him. In the 13./14. In the 19th century, the peristyle was the religious center of the city. Today the square is closed on its western side by the facades of the palaces of the noble Split families. The houses are integrated into the original Roman columns and arches.
  • Underground hall (Cellar vault). The vaulted cellars (25 restored halls) are the only remaining imperial rooms in the palace. Access from the bronze gate; Open to the public since 1959 (western part) and 1996 (eastern part). Before that, the vaults were filled with rubble.Price: 45 kn.
  • Cathedral of St. Duje (mausoleum). The octagonal cathedral with a Romanesque stone pulpit and late Gothic altars is located directly on the Peristil. One of the oldest cathedrals in the Catholic Church. Built around 313 AD on the mausoleum of Emperor Dikoletian. The cathedral's 60 m high bell tower from the 13th century can be climbed (entrance fee: 20 kn); from above you have a good view of Split.Price: 20 kn, as a combined ticket with the Jupiter Temple: 25 kn.
  • Jupiterov hram. Jupiter Temple, with an Egyptian sphinx, a few meters west of the Peristil. Well and completely preserved vaulted ceiling.
  • Bronze statue of Grgur Ninski, at the Zlatna vrata. Work by Ivan Meštrović, dedicated to Bishop Grgur of Nin. Feeling the statue's left big toe is said to bring good luck. Meštrović also made two statues of Grgur Ninski, which are located in Nin and Varaždin are located. Next to the statue is the small church of St. Martin.
  • Trg Republike. Building ensemble in the Venetian style.
  • Narodni trg (Pjaca). larger square directly west of Diocletian's Palace with some Renaissance palaces and the old town hall (building with Gothic pointed arches from the 14th century).
  • Marjan. The green lung of the city.
  • Riva. The beach promenade, with many cafes, ideal for walking. Evening meeting point.
  • 1  Gallery Mestrovic, Setalište Ivana Mestrovica 46. Tel.: 385 (0)21 340800. With many works by the Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrović (1883-1962).Open: May - September Tue - Sun 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., October - April Tue - Sun 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Sun 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.).Price: 30 kune.
  • Maritime Museum, Glagolyaska 18. The museum is housed in a wing of the Gripe Fortress. It shows ship paintings, models and nautical charts. More ships and torpedoes can be seen in the courtyard.
  • Ethnographic Museum, Iza vestibula 4 (on the south wall of Diocletian's Palace). The museum, founded in 1910, shows a large collection of costumes, embroidery, everyday objects, jewelry and musical instruments from Dalmatia.



  • Mrduja. A regatta has been held every autumn since 1927. Start and finish are in Split Marina. The turning point is the rock of Mrduja between Brač and Šolta. After the regatta, the party and concerts will take place in the Marina of the Labud Club.
  • Sveti Duje. May 7th, festival for the patron saint of the city.
  • Splitski Festival. Music festival in July.
  • Splitsko Lyeto. Summer festival, between July and August, with a cultural program.


  • Pazar. Market outside the walls of Diocletian's Palace.
  • joker. New shopping center in Split near Brodarica. There are many shops from Germany here, spread over 53,000 m².



  • 1  Fife, Trumbiceva 11. Simple home cooking. Sometimes the quality of the food leaves something to be desired and the service is a bit slow.Price: main courses from 40, - Kn.
  • Figa, Buvenina 1. Pleasant atmosphere, good food at low prices.Price: main courses from 55, - Kn.
  • 2  Villa Spiza, Kruziceva 3. Very popular restaurant with locals, offers Dalmatian home cooking at low prices.Price: main courses from 40, - Kn.


The nightlife in Split takes place in the old town, the Bačvice Bai (the town's beach) and on the beaches of Obojena and Znjan. In the old town in summer you mostly meet locals and many students around the Narodni trg, while there are a lot of tourists at the Bačvice Bai. Many concerts are held on the beaches of Obojena and Znjan in summer.


Trg Republike (Procurative)


  • Hotel Zagreb, Put Duilova 23. Tel.: 385 (0)21 353260, Fax: 385 (0)21 353261.





Practical advice

Internet café and post office next to the bus station.

There are many smaller internet cafes in the city center. The price for one hour of internet is between 5kn and 10kn



Web links

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