Chin state - Stato Chin

Chin state
Chin village ferry.jpg
Chin State - Location
Chin State - Flag

Chin state is located in the western part of the Burma, on the border with Bangladesh, (Chitagong Division) and with the state Indian of Mizoram. To the south it borders on the Rakhine state, part of Burma.

To know

The Chin state is closed to individual tourism. Permits are granted very rarely and exclusively to tourist groups

The state is divided into 14 municipalities: Cikha, Hakha, Falam, Kanpalet, Matupi, Rezua, Mindat, Paletwa, Rihkhuadar, Thantlang, Teddim, Tuithang is Tonzang.

The Chin ethnic group comprises various subgroups that today speak different languages. The name Chin seems to have been attributed to them by the Burmese and would mean "basket" or "friend". In fact, the Chin are known for their ability to weave vegetable fibers and in the past they established commercial relations with the people of the Burmese lowlands.

Each tribe has its own name: Asho, Laizo, Zyou, Mizo, Zomi, K'cho etc. Often these names are nothing more than variants of the same denomination.

The prevailing religion is Theravada Buddhism. Thanks to the work of European missionaries many elements of these ethnic groups have converted to Christianity but animist cults remain, often practiced by both Buddhists and Christians.

Spoken languages

The state is made up of many ethnic groups who speak different languages.

Culture and traditions

The ethnic groups referred to earlier also have very different cultural and historical identities.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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