Steinfurt - Steinfurt

Steinfurt is a region (Kreis) in the German state North Rhine-Westphalia.


By train

Rheine is located on the direct international connection Amsterdam-Berlin v.v. A train stops every hour. Train connections from all over Europe to these stations can be found at the travel planner of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (also in Dutch).

By car

This region can be reached from the Netherlands via the A1, which turns into the A30 at the border with Germany.

on foot

Through this region runs the European walking route E11. This route runs from the Hague to the east, currently the border Poland/Lithuania. Locally, the route has Handelsweg, also called Töddenweg. The route comes from Stüttorff in Grafschaft Bentheim past the village of Salzbergen into Emsland the town of Rheine. In Rheine, the route crosses the Ems and winds along the Mittelllandkanal to Osnabruck via the villages Dreierwalde, Hopsten, Obersteinbeck, Steinbeck, Mettingen and Westerkappeln.

Travel around

To look at

To do

To buy


Going out

stay overnight

all around

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