Southwestern United States - Wikivoyage, The Free Collaborative Travel & Tourism Guide - Sud-Ouest des États-Unis — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

South West
Grand canyon
Grand canyon
37 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ N 111 ° 12 ′ 0 ″ W

the American Southwest contains more than its fair share of natural wonders: The Grand Canyon (big throat), Arches National Park (the vaults national park), and Carlsbad Caverns National Park (Carlsbad Cave National Park) are just three of the most famous natural attractions that attract people from all over the world.



Contrary to the Southwest's image as a formless desert, it is one of the most geographically diverse regions in the United States. Beginning at the high elevations of the Wasatch and Rocky Mountains the landscape descends into dramatic bluffs and <> before flattening out into the flat lands of Rio Grande. The dry climate and dramatic red rock landscapes help make the region a whole, despite the dramatic differences in altitude.


The human presence in the South-West goes back 12,000 years, and is preserved today by rock art, cliff dwellings, and other archaeological remains found throughout the region. The Pueblo tribes (sometimes known as the Anasazi) inhabited the area for a thousand years, but died out during the 12th or XIIIe century of our era. People from the Athabascan tribes (Navajo and Apache) began arriving as early as 1000 AD and are still the largest indigenous group in the area. In 1500, Spanish explorers arrived and remained a dominant military force for almost 300 years. During the XVIIIe century, the United States established a presence there, and in 1848, after a war with Mexico, much of the area became United States territory.


The region experiences the full range of climate extremes, from 38-52 C in summer to below zero in winter in the northernmost areas. The dry and cold conditions in the mountainous regions to the north support excellent skiing, while the desert heat is perfect for those who preferred to escape the bite of winter.


Map of the Southwest


Other destinations

To go

By plane

The main airports in the region are at:

  • Albuquerque - served by most major airlines, nominally an "international airport" but no direct international flights [info as of January 2006]
  • Las Vegas - connecting platform for Southwest Airlines, also with some international routes
  • Phoenix - home base and largest hub for Southwest Airlines and America West Airlines (US Airways); a major airport with services to several international destinations.
  • Tucson also has limited international service.
  • Salt lake city - main connecting hub for Delta, serving many international destinations.

By car

Entrance to this region from the Mexico (at least legal entry) is surprisingly limited given the length of the region's Mexican border. The small town of Columbus is the only regular port of entry into New Mexico; most traffic entering this state from Mexico crosses the border at El Paso, Texas, just out of state. Arizona has border crossings at Douglas, Nogales and (outside) Yuma, with a few others that can be open or closed at any time, regardless of the times indicated.

To enter the region from other parts of the United States, major routes arriving from the west all pass through the California (Note that fruits and vegetables are subject to inspection when entering California from Arizona). The entry points on the east and north sides are:

  • Interstate 10: from Texas, To Las Cruces, New Mexico
  • Interstate 15: from Idaho, near Salt Lake City
  • Interstate 25: from Colorado, near Raccoon, New Mexico
  • Interstate 40: from Texas, in the eastern part of New Mexico (far from any city)
  • Interstate 70: from Colorado, in the eastern part of Utah
  • Interstate 80: from Wyoming, near Salt Lake City

I-25 (northern part), I-70 (eastern part) and I-80 (eastern part) are all subject to occasional delays or closures in winter due to snowfall, as they pass through the mountains on their way to (and in) the southwest.

By train

Amtrak has three east-west routes in the region, which connect the California to the big cities to the east. The "California Zephyr" cuts through Utah and the Nevada, more or less parallel to I-70 and I-80, stopping at Salt lake city and to Reno. The "Southwest Chief" operates through New Mexico and theArizona, parallel to I-40 west of Albuquerque with stops near Santa Fe and in Albuquerque and Flagstaff. Finally, the Sunset Limited zips through the tiny corner of southwestern New Mexico and through southern Arizona, with a stop at Tucson.


The Southwestern United States is home to Southwest Airlines, a once regional line that now serves the entire country. Thanks to this, but also to Southwest's competitors, the main cities in the region (Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas) are rather well connected to each other, and at attractive prices. In contrast, intra-regional air service to smaller towns is sometimes much more expensive, as the Southwest does not have relationships with airlines that serve smaller airports.

The rugged terrain of the southwest, in particular the Grand canyon, sometimes makes rail and road traffic difficult. South of the Grand Canyon, Interstate 40 and 10 connect cities in New Mexico and Arizona. I-40 follows fairly closely the historic Route 66 route in the region. Freeways I-15 and I-80 are the main highways in Nevada and Utah.

In general, north-south traffic is more difficult than east-west traffic. Much like the railroads, the roads from Arizona to Utah or eastern Nevada are minor, typically two-lane, lightly traveled, and often far from passenger services. If you are doing a north-south route in this area, pay close attention to your fuel level, and make sure your vehicle is in good condition. In winter, which in places can last from October to May, these roads can be snow-covered and therefore impassable.


Although English is the predominant language spoken throughout the Southwest, Spanish is historically common in Hispanic regions of New Mexico and smaller localities like Tucson. The numerous native tribes throughout the region speak a myriad of languages; however, this is a trait most particularly observed in reserve terms. Linguistic diversity is more prevalent in larger metropolitan areas (such as Phoenix, Las Vegas, Salt lake city, Tucson, and Albuquerque). The biggest National parks and museums in the region provide signage and reading materials in other common languages ​​like German, French and Japanese.



You will find restaurants like "diner" or "family restaurant" ("family restaurant") in any city, and of course fast food. In larger cities, the choice of cuisine is expanding, as is everywhere else in the United States, and you will find a bit of everything.

New Mexico is known for its distinct cuisine, characterized by the use of chile or hot pepper. Note: do not confuse the chile, either the pepper, and the Chile, which is a kind of spicy meat and chili stew, and sometimes contains beans and other ingredients. All over New Mexico you will find small restaurants serving Mexican and New Mexican cuisine, often according to their own recipes. You will no doubt be asked the question "red or green?". This is to indicate what kind of chile you prefer, the red chile being more pungent than the green chile.

Native Americans in the area also have their own cuisine, and you can find local restaurants specializing in fried bread ("frybread"), Navajo tacos, cornbread, where the posole.

Have a drink / Go out

Be warned that alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the Navajo Nation and in many other Indian pueblos and reservations. The laws governing the consumption of alcohol are also strict in Utah owed religious beliefs of Mormons, the majority of the state's population.







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Complete list of other articles from the region: American West
Destinations located in the region