South (Goiás) - Sul (Goiás)

O South is the most prosperous, extensive and diversified region - both economically and touristically - in the state of Goiás. The major centers of tourist interest are the region of Caldas Novas, with its hydrothermal resorts, and numerous great fishing spots which are present throughout its extensive hydrography, dominated by the Paranaíba River, a tributary of the Paraná. There are two other cities to highlight, jataí and Santa Lagoon, where there are more hot springs.



Other destinations


To arrive

By car

All major road corridors between the Federal District and the Southeast region pass through here, and developed cities such as green River and Catalan they are very well structured junctions, with many posts and services.






With the

Here is the land of cattle raising and steakhouses are not lacking. In the most touristy cities, especially Caldas Novas and Rio Quente, you might find sushi, but don't count on it.

drink and go out




The Military Police of the State of Goiás and the Civil Police of the State of Goiás are present throughout the state. The Federal Police has units in Goiania, jataí, Itumbiara and Luziania.

  • In the Carnival of Caldas Novas, a strong scorn, it is very easy to lose track, to be embarrassed. Try not to lose your focus.



Stay in touch

By phone

The Country Code is 55.

Area Codes are 61, 62 and 64.

In 2005, phone numbers were converted from 7 to 8 digits, usually by adding the number 3 to the beginning of phones. In this way, numbers previously written as 224-0000 have become 3224-0000. So if you find a 7-digit number, add the number 3 when dialing. Public telephones are managed by Oi, formerly Brasil Telecom. Most landlines are Hi.

By post

as in all Brazil, the postal service is excellent. All municipalities in Goiás have a Post Office.

On the Web

The entire state has broadband internet coverage. Some cities have points with free wireless internet (Wi-fi).


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