Teotihuacan - Teotihuacán

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Teotihuacan is a prehistoric ruined city in State of Mexico.


The pyramid of the sun

It is not completely clear which people built the facilities of Teotihuacan. What is certain is that it dates from 250 BC. Were inhabited for about 1000 years, the city was a religious center and trading center at the same time.

The oldest finds that have so far been discovered here point to the first settlements around 500 BC. Chr. But this place developed into a city around 250 BC. As early as 200 BC. The construction of the main monuments began. Just 400 years later, the city expanded to an area of ​​20 km², in which, in addition to numerous temples around the street of the dead, which ran straight through the city, many craft and residential quarters were built. The city planners opted for a checkerboard pattern, for which even the San Juan River was channeled and diverted. The economic source of power was obsidian, which was used for blades of all kinds and from here was distributed to all parts of Central America. The city's sphere of influence continued throughout Central America over the years. Evidence can be found above all in the so-called Talud Tablero architectural style of this city. This one was probably close to Puebla de Zaragoza invented, but blossomed here. This architectural style is characterized by alternating embankment walls (Talud) and double ledges (Tablero) and can be found 1000 km away Tikal 250 AD for the first time in the Mundo Perdido pyramid again. In return, many groups of all influenced peoples settled in their own quarters in Teotihuacán. These lived, buried their dead and even built their houses in their tradition. Records from the central Mayan strongholds indicate a political change of direction in this city around 400 AD. If before it was apparently a matter of securing trade, from this point onwards many indications point to imperialist traits. In many cities like in Tikal or Copan under the leadership of a warlord "Born in the Fire" this conquered and provided with new rulers who refer to the culture of Teotihuacán. (In this context, the ruler spear thrower owl is spoken of as the city of 5? Berg.) A short time later, Teotihuacán reaches its zenith. An estimated 200,000 people live in this metropolis. But in the 7th century the city began to decline. For reasons that are still unknown, many buildings are burned down and the population is falling drastically. From the 8th century AD there are only isolated traces of the settlement that began in the 10th century. AD dried up completely. But the power that this city exuded was used centuries later. In the Maya region, for example, elements of style from Teotihuacán are used as symbols for power and authority, and the Toltecs also refer to Teotihuacán in their naming. When in the 15th century When the Aztecs find the city deserted, they believe that it must have been built by gods and giants and called it "the place where men become gods".

It is said that Aztec princes visited this city frequently to be close to the gods, and the main building names come from those of the Aztecs.

getting there

In the street

Police control on the bus

Teotihuacan lies from Mexico City from approx. 60 km in a north-easterly direction. From the North Bus Station (Central del Norte), Counter 8 in Mexico City, buses for 44 Pesos go to the excavation site every 15 minutes.[1] Occasionally it is reported that these buses are being attacked. There is a stop within Mexico City where armed police board the bus and film all passengers in order to be able to identify people in the event of a conflict. This is repeated on the return trip.

It is advisable to get off at the first stop and not ride to gate 1. The path along the Street of the Dead is quite long and if you want to see everything, you shouldn't necessarily walk it twice in the heat and altitude. The buses do not stop at the southern gate on the return journey.

Organized trips for tourists are also offered from Mexico D. F. These are considered safe, but cost more than ten times as much (570 Pesos summer 2015). They are more like coffee trips from souvenir shop to souvenir shop.


Map of Teotihuacan

A road ring that can be driven on by car surrounds the center of the facility. Since the main sights are on the Street of the Dead, it is advisable to explore it on foot. There are no offers to cope with the Street of the Dead in any other way (bike, Segway, etc.), as a disabled person you should plan the tour well and avoid climbing the pyramids.

The steps of Mexican pyramids are very high and very steep. The ascent is "only" difficult, but the descent is unusual or even dangerous. The best method is to either hang down on the tensioned chains or step down to the side.

There are very few shady spots on the entire site. The often blazing sun and the altitude should not be underestimated. You can relax in the shade at the southern entrance to the square in front of the lunar pyramid and northwest of the sun pyramid.

Tourist Attractions

The main sights are located directly on the Street of the Dead (Camino de los Muertos). With a width of 40 meters and a length of 2 km, this is the north-south axis of the city and is closed in the north by the lunar pyramid and then runs into the open country in the south. If you enter the area via Puerto 1, you will reach the southern end of this road after about 200 meters and you will be right in front of the citadel:

Ciudadela in Teotihuacan
Pyramid of the moon in Teotihuacan
Palacio Quetzalpapálotl
  • Ciudadela. The citadel got its name from the Spaniards, who believed this place, equipped with terraces and 15 pyramids, to be a military deployment site. You can find this at Puerta 1 at the southern end of the Camino de los Muertos.
  • Templo del Quetzalcoatl. This terrace structure, consisting of six steps, is located inside the citadel. This got its name because it is decorated several times with the head of the feathered serpent. There are also representations of the rain god Tlaloc and various artfully crafted reliefs. Some paint residues can still be seen. Tombs of 18 high-ranking personalities have been discovered under the temple.

If you follow the Road of the Dead to the north, you will discover the following:

  • North East Complex. This complex, located to the left of the street, contains underground chambers whose murals were used for residential purposes.
  • West Plaza Complex. Also on the left-hand side is the temple complex with snake representations that are well worth seeing.
  • Viking group. These buildings, named after an American company operating here, are particularly famous for the use of mica in the interior.
  • museum. This is located to the right of the road in front of the pyramid of the sun in the direction of Puerta 5 and shows, in addition to a model of the entire complex, excavation finds and information on the importance and culture of the city.
  • 1  Pirámide del Sol (Pyramid of the sun). This is the third largest in the world with a side length of 223 x 225 m and a height of 65 m. According to calculations, around 2000 workers must have worked on this monumental structure for around 20 to 30 years. 239 steps lead to a 40 square meter platform from which you have a fantastic view over the complex. The Sun Palace is in front of the pyramid on the left. Like the entire site, the pyramid is also tunneled under. If the sun is at its zenith, the pyramid does not cast a shadow. During excavations, the bones of twelve girls were found, whose bodies were evenly distributed over the corners of the lower three floors. Incidentally, it is assumed that the pyramid also took on a calendar function. At the time of the sowing, the front side points directly to the constellation of the Pleiades.
  • Courtyard of the Four Little Temples. This temple complex is opposite the pyramid of the sun.
  • Mural del Puma. If you walk north along the Street of the Dead, you will find a mural of a 2 m high jaguar on the right.
  • Templo de los Animales Mitológicos. This temple is on the left and shows multiple representations of animal figures.
  • Templo de la Agricultura. This temple, which consists of three parts, shows the remains of depictions of plants and animals.
  • Lunar pyramid. In terms of dimensions, this pyramid at the end of the street is certainly inferior to the pyramid of the sun. But if you climb the 112 steps to the 45 meter high pyramid, you are at the same height - the slope of the terrain makes it possible. There is a 200 x 135 meter square in front of the pyramid. This is flanked by pyramids and has a richly decorated altar in the middle. A burial chamber was discovered in the pyramid in 2004, which was probably created when construction began. The remains of 10 people with their hands tied behind their backs and heads killed were found here. Furthermore, the corpses of 2 carefully buried and with plenty of jade provided high personalities were found. During the excavations it was also found that the pyramid had been built over a total of seven times over the centuries until it had its final appearance.
  • Amanalco
  • Palacio del Quetzalpapaloti. This structure, uncovered in 1962, was most likely a residence of the high priest. Various animal representations can be found on the pillars of the magnificently laid out palace, including the Quetzal butterfly.
In the Palacio del Puma
Zacuala in Teotihuacan
  • Palacio del Puma. This structure, located to the left of the square of the pyramid of the moon and accessible via a path and stairs, contains three rooms in which two big cats are depicted with snails in their paws.

But there is still a lot to see outside of the main road ring:

In the immediate vicinity:

  • La Ventilla. This priest's palace, located west of the city between Puerto 1 and Puerto 2, contains wall paintings from Indian mythology.
  • Tetitla residential complex. This priest's palace, located west of the city between Puerto 1 and Puerto 2, contains wall paintings from Indian mythology.
  • Zacuala residential complex. This priest's palace, located west of the city between Puerto 1 and Puerto 2, contains wall paintings from Indian mythology.
  • Yayahuala residential complex. This priest's palace, located west of the city between Puerto 1 and Puerto 2, contains wall paintings from Indian mythology.
  • Group of the five main pyramids
  • Tepantitla. To the east of the complex at Puerto 4 is this palace, which contains the representation of the Tlaloc (rain god) in paradise. This representation is one of the best mural paintings in all of Teotihuacán.

In the extensive area:

  • Oaxaca neighborhood
  • Atetelco. This priest's palace, located west of the city between Puerto 1 and Puerto 2, contains wall paintings from Indian mythology.
  • Oztoyahualco. This residential complex is located northwest of the city center. Excavations took place here between 1985 and 1988. Here three living areas of the common people were uncovered, including small temples and several graves.
  • Techinantitla. Murals of the storm god were found here.
  • Tlacuilapaxco
  • Xolalpan
  • Tlamimilolpa
  • Teopancaxco
  • Tlajinga

Teotihuacán is one of the cultural world heritage of UNESCO


  • Discover - The size of the city, the size of the central buildings and the many unknowns about the inhabitants and culture inspire the imagination. Not only Erich von Däniken came to think here. But above all, there is a submerged metropolis the size of Rome to discover.
  • Climb pyramids - All large pyramids are open to climbing. This can be exhausting in the mountain air, but guarantees a magnificent view. While the ascent is still relatively easy, the descent is very difficult because of the very steep stairs.


Souvenir sellers line the Street of the Dead
  • There are a few shops in the Puerto 1 area
  • The largest Wal-Mart in all of Mexico is within sight
  • The souvenirs on offer are much cheaper elsewhere, e.g. B. on the street markets in Mexico D. F.


There are several restaurants in the Puerto 1 area. However, these are not recommended, the prices are too high by Mexican standards.




Practical advice

  • Sun and altitude - The complex is well over 2,200 m above sea level. There are very few shady spots along the Avenue of the Dead. The local souvenir sellers certainly not only wear their light hats made of banana raffia for reasons of cliché. You should get enough sun cream, a head covering is strongly recommended.

Unlike in Mexico D. F., you get postcards in some places. However, there are no postage stamps and no post boxes.




Web links

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