Krasnodar Territory - Territorio di Krasnodar

Krasnodar Territory
Krasnodar Territory - Localization
Coat of arms and flag
Krasnodar Territory - Coat of arms
Krasnodar Territory - Flag
Institutional website

Krasnodar Territory is a region of the Southern Russia, bordering theUkraine West, Rostov Oblast North, Stavropol Territory ' East, Georgia is Karachaj-Cherkessia South.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Krasnodar Krai map2 (en) .png
      Black Sea region
      Kuban '

Urban centers

  • Krasnodar - Capital and main city.
  • Abrau-Dyurso - Located between Anapa is Novorossijsk, this city can be called the Russian "Wine Capital".
  • Adler
  • Anapa - An ancient Greek port of Pontus, now a small seaside town suitable for Russian families.
  • Armavir - Founded by the Armenians, it is the main eastern city of the Krasnodar Territory.
  • Gelendzhik - Small seaside town east of Novorossiysk.
  • Labinsk - Mineral waters, waterfalls, lakes and caves along the Laba River in the southeast of the Krasnodar Territory.
  • Novorossijsk - Main Russian port of the Black Sea, with some beautiful sandy beaches.
  • Sochi - A large resort town located in a beautiful area, where Russians come to have fun in the sun (and in the nightclubs!).
  • Taman - Small town west of Anapa, the location of the Lermontov dacha.
  • Tuapse

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

Krasnodar Airport is served by flights from Vienna, Frankfurt, Thessaloniki is Istanbul, as well as from numerous Russian domestic flights. It is also easy to fly to Sochi or Anapa from any major Russian city.

On boat

It is possible to arrive in Sochi or Novorossijsk by ship from numerous Black Sea ports.

On the train

The main train service to the region comes from any Russian city through Rostov-on-Don from the north to Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, and as far south as Adler. There are cheap express trains (~ 18-20 hours) from Moscow is St.Pietroburgo in Krasnodar.

How to get around

What see


  • Dombaj, ski resort of Karačaj-Circassia, in the mountains of Caucasus.

What to do

At the table


  • Krasnodar tea (Краснодарский чай). This is the only type of tea grown in Russia, being the northernmost in the world (due to climatic conditions, it is impossible to grow tea in the north from Sochi). There are several tea plantations in the Great Sochi in Dagomys, Solokhaul (district Lazarevskoe) is Adler. The quantity of their production is limited, so it is not easy to find them outside the region. Baloven (Баловень) brand of tea from Dagomys Tea Plant is available in local stores. Group tours are available for tea plants.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Krasnodar Territory
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Krasnodar Territory
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