Krasnoyarsk Territory - Territorio di Krasnojarsk

Krasnoyarsk Territory
Gornych Duchov lake
Krasnoyarsk Territory - Localization
Coat of arms and flag
Krasnoyarsk Territory - Coat of Arms
Krasnoyarsk Territory - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Krasnoyarsk Territory or Krasnoyarsk Krai is a region of the Russia.

To know

Geographical notes

The surface of the region is equal to that of Saudi Arabia, or 8 times that of Italy; it extends over most of the territory of the Enisej basin, from the Arctic Ocean to the mountains that delimit the southern border of Siberia. The current territory is formed by the union of three former autonomous regions: Krasnoyarsk Kraj, the Tajmyr district and the Evenki district. About 20% of the territory lies within the Arctic Circle, including the city of Norilsk. For climatic reasons, the population is concentrated in the south, near the Trans-Siberian and in the southern part of it.

Spoken languages

The Russian it is the only widely used language. You will have to learn at least the essential phrases of this language if you want to travel without problems in the region as very few people speak. English or other languages.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Krasnoyarsk (Красноярск) —
    View of Krasnoyarsk
    It stands on the banks of the Yenisei River, in the middle of its course. It is the third largest Siberian city, an important industrial center and a railway communication hub (it is an important station of the Trans-Siberian Railway) and air (it has an international airport).
  • Ačinsk (Ачинск) —
    Intercession Cathedral in Krasnoyarsk
    Located in the Krasnoyarsk Krai on the Čulym River, it is a large Siberian city founded in the 17th century with tourist attractions, theaters and museums.
  • Eniseysk (Енисейск) - It is a Russian city in Siberia on the Yenisei River. It was the first city founded by the Russians on the Enisei in 1618 as a fortress. It is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is located on the left bank of the Yenisei, 338 km from Krasnoyarsk; is the capital of the homonymous rural region in the Krasnoyarsk Krai.
  • Kansk (Канск) —
    Arch in the city of Kansk
    . It is located on the left bank of the Kan River (a tributary of the Enisej), and is an important city for its cultural attractions. This is where the international avant-garde film festival is located.
  • Minusinsk (Минусинск) - This ancient city full of theaters, museums and architectural monuments is divided into two parts by the River Yenisei. The northern part is the oldest and prettiest, while the southern part is the most modern, full of industries.
  • Noril'sk (Норильск) - It is a city in Russia located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Northern Siberia; it rises at a latitude of over 69 ° north and is the second city in the world by population beyond the Arctic Circle (after Murmansk) and the northernmost in Siberia. On the other hand, it is second to Yakutsk in terms of cities located on an area with permanently frozen ground (permafrost). The mosque of the city, built in 1998 and belonging to the local Tatars (or Tartars) community, is considered the northernmost Muslim place of worship in the world and also the city theater, the Polar Drama Theater, built in 1954 is the northernmost of the Land. Thanks to the presence, in the Norillag gulag, of important architects taken prisoner by the communist regime, Norilsk has a historical center in the classic socialist style, characteristic of the Stalin regime.
  • Šarypovo (Шарыпово) - It was founded at the end of the 18th century as a village. Between 1985 and 1988 it was renamed Černenko, in honor of the General Secretary of the CPSU Konstantin Ustinovič Černenko who was born there. It rises on a minor river, the Kadat and can boast a long history of which the city jealously preserves the testimonies.
  • Šušenskoe (Шушенское) - Ancient city (founded in the 18th century) with a long Kazakh tradition. Here there is an important art gallery and several museums, among which the most important is the historical-ethnographic museum dedicated to Lenin and immersed in a nature reserve.

Other destinations

  • Shusensky Bor National Park (Национальный парк Шушенский бор) - In the immense territory of Krasnoyarsk there are numerous nature reserves and parks and the most important is the Shušenskij bor National Park, which is located near the city of the same name within which there are museum complexes).
  • Severnaya Zemlya (Сеяверная Земляя) - Severnaja Zemlya, or Land of Nicholas II, is a Russian archipelago located in the Arctic Ocean. Administratively it is part of the Tajmyrskij district of the Krasnoyarsk kraj. The total area of ​​the archipelago, which is uninhabited, is approximately 37,000 km². The northernmost island point in Asia is located near Severnaya Zemlya: Arctic Cape (in Russian мыс Арктический), on the island of Komsomolec.

How to get

The most common method of reaching the region is by using the line of the Trans-Siberian which will take you to Krasnoyarsk. If you want to visit other places in this immense region, you can take advantage of one of the many local flights between Krasnoyarsk and other cities. From Moscow is St.Pietroburgo direct flights are available to both Krasnoyarsk and other northern cities of Krai.

How to get around

Given the harsh climate and the large distances between the various cities, booking a local flight or helicopter is often the cheapest and easiest way to visit the whole of Krai.

What see


  • Ring of the Sajany (Саянское кольцо) - is an official itinerary that includes several historic cities located in the region and in the neighboring republics of Chakassia is Tuva.

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Krasnoyarsk Territory
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Krasnoyarsk Territory
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