Territory of Macerata - Territorio di Macerata

Territory of Macerata
Historic center of Macerata
Territory of Macerata - Location
Institutional website

Territory of Macerata is a subdivision of the Marche

To know

Geographical notes

The Macerata area is located in the Marche Region, in the central-southern part. In the innermost part, the territory is mainly mountainous and hilly but reaches the Adriatic Sea in the coastal area that goes from Civitanova Marche to Porto Recanati. The capital of Macerata includes 55 municipalities, the most populous are Macerata, Civitanova Marche, Recanati, Tolentino and Potenza Picena.

When to go

Due to its heterogeneity, the Macerata area allows visitors to visit its places at all times of the year, passing from the sea to the mountains.

Spoken languages

The spoken language is Italian but in the smaller towns of the hinterland areas the Macerata dialect prevails, characterized by multiple variations from country to country.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map of the territory

Coastal area


Potenza Valley

The Potenza is a river that flows into the Adriatic Sea at Porto Recanati. Going up the course you will touch in succession the centers of Recanati, San Severino Marche and Pioraco where the river channels into gorges forming also rapids. The small center of Fiuminara it is located near the sources of Potenza at 800 m. on Monte Vermenone, among still uncontaminated landscapes.

Chienti Valley

Going up the course of the Chienti river through the SS77 from its mouth near Civitanova Marche, we will meet the following locations:

Park of the Sibillini Mountains

  • Sarnano - Small spa from which a secondary road branches off to Bolognola, near the sources of the Fiastrone (a tributary of Chienti). After passing the artificial lake of Fiastra, the river enters a deep gorge in which the Grotta dei Frati is located, so called because it served as a hermitage for the friars of the Clareni order. (see the relative voice on wp)
  • Visso - Located on the western side of the mountains, the center of Visso it is the seat of the park of the Sibillini Mountains.
  • Castelsantangelo sul Nera - 7 km from Visso, Sant'Angelo castel is a pretty village at the foot of Monte Bove and renowned for its green surroundings where the sources of the Nera river are located. In Castelsantangelo there is a wildlife center that introduced the deer to the area of ​​the Sibillini mountains.

San Vicino mountain community

  • Tracks - known as the Balcony of the Marche for its enchanting panorama, the city is 30 km from Macerata. Cingoli is one of the "most beautiful villages in Italy" and preserves, in the historic center, many churches and noble palaces, including the Palazzo Castiglioni (residence of Pope Pius VIII), the Church of San Filippo, the Palazzo Comunale, the Duomo , the Sanctuary of Santa Sperandia and the Church of San Domenico (inside we find the altarpiece "Madonna del Rosario e Santi" by Lorenzo Lotto. About 5 km from the town there is the artificial lake of Cingoli, created towards the end of the 1980s.
  • I apiro
  • Poggio San Vicino

How to get

It is possible to reach the Macerata area in various ways.

By plane

By plane you can fly to the Marche airport located in Falconara Marittima and then take the available means.

By car

By car, take the A14 and exit at the Civitanova Marche / Macerata toll booth, and then continue along the state road 77 of the Val di Chienti (SS 77).

On the train

By train, the main station is that of Macerata, from which it is possible to reach the neighboring territories.

How to get around

By car

By car, you can easily travel along the state road 77 of the Val di Chienti (SS 77) and with the other connecting roads towards the towns of the area.

On the train

The train could also be an idea, taking into consideration the regional trains that stop at the various stations.

By bus

For those who do not have a car, public transport could be used, mainly buses.

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects