Texel - Texel

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Texel lies in the northwest of the Netherlands in the province North Holland and with 585.96 km² is the largest and most westerly of the Dutch islands in the Wadden Sea.


Texel is the westernmost of the Dutch islands in the Wadden Sea, known in Germany as the "West Frisian Islands". However, the island differs from the Frisian Islands in many ways. This is how Texel emerged during the Salien, an ice age, together with Twente, South Drenthe, South Friesland and the former island of Wieringen from soil types that came with the land ice from Scandinavia. The Hoge mountain on Texel and the many boulders that can be found here are remnants of this development.

The other Wadden Islands consist mainly of dunes that were built in the 13th century. formed, including the former island of Eijerland, which is now firmly connected to Texel.

Between 800 and 500 BC The first inhabitants came to Texel. Since they could not yet build dykes, they settled on the end moraine from the Ice Age. They didn't build until much later terpene (Earthfills), on which the villages Den Burg, De Waal, Den Hoorn, Oosterend and De Westen later emerged.

You will look in vain for the west on the map today, but in the 13th century. it was the largest village on the island. The village, mostly inhabited by fishermen, was connected to the North Sea via a ditch. When this in the 14th silted up, the village was abandoned and the houses demolished over time. Only the church tower remained in place until 1859. Today the tower house is the only building that still stands from the west.

From 1300 the higher areas of the island were connected with dams. They served as protection from the water that kept flowing in again and as connecting routes. At the same time, areas overflowed by spring tides were dammed. These areas were called "koog". In places where the sea broke through these low dikes, so-called scouring formed Billows. They are still present in the landscape today.

In 1629/1630 Eijerland, a small sand plate that had formed north of Texel, was connected to the island, but it took until 1835 until the land that was then washed up could be covered. In the following years of the 19th century. a few more polders followed.

The roadstead of Texel

Roadstead in front of Texel, oil on canvas, Ludolf Backhuijzen, 1671

Already in the 15th century. was De Roads of Texel a term. Ships from the port cities on the Zuiderzee were anchored here in order to sail out when the wind was favorable. Later, the great East and West Indian voyagers, but also whalers and warships were also loaded and unloaded here and the crew came on board or drove from here to their home ports. Waiting for the favorable east or northeast wind could sometimes take weeks or even months. Texel boatmen provided pilots and supplied the ships with supplies.

Each group of ships had their own pier: the ships to the Baltic Sea and the White Sea were moored on the Moscovian roadstead north of Oudeschild. Ships that had southern Europe and East Asia as their destination were then at the Koopvaarder's roadsteadthat ran from the former village of Nieuweschild to the southern tip of Texel. Although the Texel roadstead was the meeting point for so many ships, no port was built. The Zuiderzee ports, especially Amsterdam, feared that a port on Texel would become competition. In a storm or ice drift, many ships were broken. A port was only created in Oudeschid in 1780.


Some of the Texelaars still speak the old Texel dialect, the Tessels. These are mainly the Buitendorpers, the people outside the larger villages Den Burg or De Koog, where almost no one speaks the Tessels anymore. The Tessels is closely related to the Wierings, the dialect of the former island of Wieringen. Both are dialects of West Frisian, which is found in the North Holland region West Friesland is spoken (not to be confused with the Frysk in the province Fryslân!).

Noticeable in the tessel are the pronunciation of "ui" (üü) and "ij" (ie) as well as the consistent replacement of "x" and "ks" with "-ss-". The hard Dutch "sch" (ß-ch) is pronounced in Tessel as "SK": ndl. schaap (ß-chahp / sheep) -> Tess. skéép.

getting there

"Dokter Wagemaker" ferry
Map of Texel

By car

  • From Northern Germany via the only 4 km long A 280 from Dreieck Bunde to the Dutch border at Nieuweschans, beyond that as Rijksweg 7 (A7). This leads past Groningen and Sneek over the Afsluitdijk to Den Over. From here via the N99 and N250 to the Den Helder ferry port.
  • From West Germany take the A3 to the Elten border crossing, then continue on Rijksweg 12 (A12) to Utrecht. From here on towards Amsterdam (A2) and on towards Alkmaar and Den Helder.

By train and bus

From Amsterdam Centraal by train to Den Helder station (1:14 h), from here by bus to the ferry.

With the ferry

The ferries of the TESO (Texel's own Stoomboot Onderneming) run every hour from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. (on Sundays the first ferry leaves one or two hours later, depending on the season), during the main travel times the ferries run every half hour. The crossing takes 20 minutes. The costs as a return ticket: for one person € 2.50 (with a bike € 5.00), for a car with up to 9 passengers € 36.50 (Tuesday to Thursday: € 25.00). The destination port on Texel is the fishing village 't Horntje in the south of the island.

From De Cocksdorp you can take a passenger ferry to the island northeast of Texel in the summer months Vlieland.

By plane

There is a small airfield near Zuid Eierland, with 24,000 flight movements it is the busiest airport on the entire Dutch Wadden Islands.


Paddenstoel for cyclists and hikers

On Texel, in contrast to some other Frisian islands, you are allowed to drive by car, there is a main road network connecting all the important places, as well as many smaller roads and dirt roads that are easy to drive. At least as well developed as the motorways is the network of cycle paths (135 km in total), which also take you to many areas of the dune area.

Bicycles can be rented practically everywhere, there is even a rental right at the ferry terminal. The price for a bike with gear shift (4 or 7 gear hub gear should be sufficient on the flat island) starts around € 7 per day, € 25 per week, for a tandem at € 15 per day, € 60 per week. Electric bikes and trailers are also available.


Places on Texel
Sculpture at the ferry terminal in 't Horntje
  • 't Horntje is a small fishing village with few inhabitants, this is where the island's ferry port is located. The Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) (Royal Dutch Institute for Marine Research) is based at the ferry terminal in 't Horntje. The NIOZ is one of the oldest oceanographic institutes in the world.
  • The village with 400 inhabitants De Cocksdorp is in the north of the island and owes its name to the Belgian Nicolas Joseph De Cock, who in 1835 had the Eierland polder built between the islands of Eierland and Texel, which were still separate at that time, with which the land was drained.
The northern one is about 2 km north of De Cocksdorp lighthouse from Texel, it has been open to the public again since 2009. From above you have a good view of Texel and the neighboring Vlieland, inside there is a small exhibition on the history of the tower.
The ferry to the neighboring island of Vlieland leaves from the beginning of May to the end of September south of Paal 33
  • De Koog is located on the west coast of the island and is only separated from the North Sea coast by two chains of dunes. Here is the center of tourism on the island. There are numerous hotels, bungalow parks and campsites around the village. With around 20,000 beds in the hotels and other hostels, De Koog provides around half of the island's total bed capacity.
The old church from 1415 is in the pedestrian zone in the center of the village.
Places on Texel
Hotel de Lindeboom in Den Burg
  • Den castle is the main town, the administrative center of the island and the seat of the municipality of Texel. About half of the island's population lives here. Archaeological excavations show that the place has been settled for a long time, so a Frisian castle was found here, which was built in the 7th century. was destroyed by the Franks. In 1345/1346 the village was fortified again by Count Jan van Beaumont (the younger brother of William III of Holland). He made the monastery courtyard in the village the administrative center of the island. The streets leading around the center still bear witness to the castle character of the place, later the settlement was surrounded by a castle wall and a castle canal.
During the Second World War the place had The Georgian Uprising Georgian Uprising on Texel to suffer badly. The Georgians were soldiers who were taken prisoner on the Eastern Front and then had to fight on the side of the Wehrmacht. They were stationed in a prisoner-of-war camp on the island and served as an auxiliary force for the Wehrmacht. On the night of April 5 to 6, 1945, the Georgians rose against the Germans because they were to be transferred to the front to fight the Allies. They took control of the island for a short time. With the help of tanks from the Dutch mainland, the Germans began a counter-offensive and were able to take over the island again after tough fighting. Up to 2000 Wehrmacht soldiers, 565 Georgians and 120 locals were killed. The destruction was enormous, dozens of farms went up in flames, and many historic buildings in Den Burg were also destroyed. The fallen Georgians are lying in a cemetery on the Hoge mountain buried at Oudeschild.
typical sheep barn
  • The horn (also De Hoore) is the southernmost village on the island. The Dutch Reformed Church of the village, whose origins go back to 1398, is visible from afar. The place is known for its galleries and excellent restaurants.
  • Oosterend is located on the east coast of the island, approx. 2 km from the dike and was built on the highest part of a ridge from the Ice Age. This area has been inhabited since the ancient Romans. Oosterend used to have its own port, but it was opened in the 19th century. silted up. Today the fishermen have their ships moored in the port of Oudeschild.
The Maartenskerk in the center of the village is the oldest church on Texel, the oldest parts of which date from the 11th century.
Oosterend is sometimes called Jerusalem of the north referred to because there is a Catholic, a Protestant, a Mennonite, a Dutch Reformed community and a community of the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland.
Located about 1.5 km northeast of the larger Oosterend East, the place consists of only a few houses. Behind a dike on the Wadden Sea there is a canal that is connected to the north with natural waters, which in turn are connected to the wetland Rommelpot in the middle of the island. This area is called De Bol. There is also an old windmill here, which used to be used to drain the polders.
  • Oudeschild, the third largest town in the municipality of Texel with around 1000 inhabitants, is located at the eastern end of the island. Here is a marina with 200 berths and a fishing port. In 1780, a dike breakthrough was carried out for the first time in Oudeschild and a harbor was built. In the time before that there was the internationally known Texel roadstead off the coast of Oudeschild, on which merchant ships were supplied with water and pilots went on board for the onward journey to the Dutch ports. In the port there are some offers of boat tours with seal watching.

Other destinations / sights / museums

De Slufter
Blooming heather in the dunes near Paal 12
Round about Texel
  • The IJzerene Kaap is an old nautical sign that stands on the sea dike east of Oosterend. There are mussel banks under the Kaap. Due to the relative silence you can find many species of birds here, such as avocets, oystercatchers, alpine sandpipers, redshanks, lapwing, and woodcock.
  • The National Park Duinen van Texel has had the status of a national park since 2002 and covers an area of ​​around 4300 hectares. It extends over the entire west coast of Texel, has a length of about 22 kilometers with a maximum width of 4 kilometers in the south and north. At the narrowest point at De Koog, it is only a few hundred meters wide. The highest dunes reach a height of almost 25 meters.
The landscape consists mainly of the island's dune belt, but there are also forests, beaches, heather and water areas as well as creeks (De Slufter). The marine fauna and flora of the national park are correspondingly diverse.
  • The center for the Wadden Sea and the North Sea Ecomare offers the information and visitor center about the nature and culture of Texel, the Wadden Sea, the coast and the North Sea, a museum with exhibitions, a center for nature and environmental education with excursions. Cotton excursions and children's and family programs are offered.
There is also one attached Seal rearing station (Feeding at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.), a bird care station, e.g. for oil spill victims, and an underground hall with large marine aquariums. (Opening times daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., admission: € 8.50)
  • The Round about Texel (Round around Texel) is the largest catamaran regatta in the world. The long-distance regatta runs around 100 km clockwise around the island and takes place annually on a June Sunday and was held for the first time in 1978. The starting and finishing point for the regatta course is Paal 17 (post 17), a beach access in the south of De Koog. There the regatta begins for all participants with a mass start one hour before high tide, the June Sunday on which the regatta takes place, as well as the start time, are determined every year according to the tides (ebb and flow).
The Ronde om Texel now attracts a large number of participants, including amateurs, every year in addition to sailors from the world's top catamaran class. The number of participating boats is limited to 600 for safety reasons. Thousands of visitors line the island's coast on this day, in 2008, for example, over 20,000 spectators were counted.
  • That lies between De Koog and Den Burg Schipbreuk- en Juttersmuseum Flora, which shows flotsam and remains of shipwrecks, according to its own information, the largest of its kind in the world.
  • In Oudeschild there is a restored windmill and that Maritime and Jutter Museum (Maritime and Flotsam Museum). A model of the Texel roadstead, the largest maritime model in the world, is also shown here.
  • Cultuurhistorisch Museum, in De Waal. The museum shows rural life on Texel.Open: Tue - Sat 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sun 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Price: Admission: € 3.50.


Tandem jump
15 minute sightseeing flight over Texel: € 37.50, 30 minute sightseeing flight over Texel, Vlieland and Den Helder: € 57.50, tandem jump: € 209. Also sightseeing flights with an Antonov An2P biplane.




In addition to hotels and pensions, there are also rooms or holiday apartments in private accommodation, often on a farm. You can also rent apartments and holiday homes of all sizes, and you will also find the bungalow parks that are common in the Netherlands.

youth hostel

  • 1  Hostel Texel, Haffelderweg 29. Tel.: 31 (0)222 315 441. Large, modern hostel on the southern outskirts of Den Burg.

Hotels and pensions

  • 2  Hotel de Lindenboom ***, Groeneplaats 14, 1791 CC Den Burg. Tel.: 31 222 312 041. Very good hotel in the middle of Den Burg.Price: double room from € 100, comfort room with sauna from € 140.
  • 3  Restaurant & Hotel Bij Jef ***, Herenstraat 34, 1797 AJ Den Hoorn. Tel.: 31 222 319 623. Small design hotel, very good but not cheap restaurant.Price: double room from € 120, suite from € 150.
  • 4  Hotel Op Diek ***, Diek 10, 1797 AB Den Hoorn. Tel.: 31 222 319 262. Quiet and cozy hotel in Den Hoorn.Price: double room from € 81, single room from € 49.
  • 5  Hotel Greenside ****, Stappeland 6, 1796 BS De Koog. Tel.: 31 222 327 222. Comfort hotel with a large wellness area.Price: Double room from € 105, Grand Suite from € 170.
  • 6  Strandhotel Nordzee ***, Badweg 200, 1796 AA De Koog. Tel.: 31 222 317 365. On the outermost row of dunes, right on the beach.Price: double room € 140.
  • 7  Grand Hotel Opduin ****, Ruijslaan 22, 1796 AD De Koog. Tel.: 31 222 317 445. Modern hotel built directly on the dunes.Price: Double room from € 110, Panoramasuite Superior from € 165.
  • 8  Herberg De Zeven Provinciën, De Ruyterstraat 60, 1792 AK Oudeschild. Tel.: 31 222 312 652. According to its own information, it is the oldest hotel on the island (since 1666).Price: Single double room from € 50.
  • 9  Hotel Pension 't Anker **, Kikkertstraat 24, 1795 AD De Cocksdorp. Tel.: 31 222 316 274. Cozy family hotel in the center of De Cocksdorp.Price: double room from € 88.

The prices are as of September 2009, in the main season (June-August) they are approx. 10-20% above the stated. Outside the season, the hotels often offer inexpensive arrangements for three to five days - often with additional services such as a rental bike, wellness package or three-course menu.


You should be careful with your valuables, especially on the beach, and don't leave them unattended, otherwise the risk of pickpockets is rather low. High-quality bicycles can lead to theft, so it is better not to leave your own bicycles outside overnight.

The island's police station is located in Den Burg (Pontweg 104). It is open Mon-Fri 9 am-12pm. Outside these times, the police can be reached on the central number 0900-8844.



Hiking guide

  • Texel - 4 cycle routes and 24 walks, Dutch / German, can be ordered from VVV Texel


  • Kaart van Texel / Plattegrond, Detailed map of the island (scale 1.40.000) with plans of all villages and details of the fietsknooppunten (Bicycle hubs). Available from VVV for € 2.98.
  • Topographic map. Topographic map on a scale of 1: 25,000. Available from VVV at a price of € 6.40.

further reading

Web links

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