West Friesland - West-Friesland

Location of West Friesland within the Netherlands

West Friesland (West Friesland) is in the northeast of the Dutch province North Holland and includes the municipalities within the West Frisians Omringdijk (West Frisian ring dike). Your most noticeable part is the far ins IJsselmeer protruding West Frisian Peninsula. The region has around 330,000 inhabitants. Your most important place is Hoorn.


Division of West Friesland into bans, circa 1750.
Much of this order can still be read today

Between 2005 and 2011, numerous incorporations took place in West Friesland, as a result of which many - also touristically interesting - villages are now hiding in twelve large municipalities.

  • Drechtland (with the villages of Hem, Hoogkarspel, Oosterblokker, Oosterleek, Schellinkhout, Venhuizen, Westwoud and Wijdenes)
  • Enkhuizen
  • Harenkarspel (with the villages Dirkshorn, Eenigenburg, Groenveld, Kalverdijk, Krabbendam, Schoorldam, Sint Maarten, Stroet, Tuitjenhorn, Valkkoog, Waarland and Warmenhuizen)
  • Heerhugowaard
  • Hoorn (with the villages of Westerblokker and Zwaag)
  • Koggenland (with the villages of Avenhorn, Berkhout, Bobeldijk, De Goorn, Grosthuizen, Hensbroek, Obdam, Oostmijzen, Oudendijk, Rustenburg, Scharwoude, Spierdijk, Ursem, Wogmeer, Zuid-Spierdijk and Zuidermeer)
  • Langedijk (with the villages Broek op Langedijk, Koedijk, Noord-Scharwoude, Oudkarspel, Sint Pancras and Zuid-Scharwoude)
  • Medemblik (with the villages Abbekerk, Andijk, Benningbroek, Hauwert, Lambertschaag, Nibbixwoud, Midwoud, Onderdijk, Oostwoud, Opperdoes, Sijbekarspel, Twisk, Wadway, Wervershoof, Wognum, Zwaagdijk)
  • Niedorp (with the cities Barsingerhorn, Stede Niedorp and Winkel and the villages of 't Veld, Haringhuizen, Kolhorn, Lutjewinkel, Nieuwe Niedorp, Oude Niedorp, Moerbeek Terdiek, Verlaat and Zijdewind)
  • Opmeer (consisting of the town of Opmeer en Spanbroek and the villages of Hoogwoud, Aartswoud, De Weere, Zandwerven and Gouwe)
  • Beating
  • Stede Broec (with the villages of Bovenkarspel, Gtootebroek and Lutjebroek)

Other goals


The term West Frisia often leads to confusion for Germans. In the Netherlands Not the province of Fryslân in the north of the country (as the Germans do to delimit it from their own region of East Friesland), but here West Friesland is located even further west of the IJsselmeer. In the early Middle Ages the electricity cut off Flehi (Vlie) the tribal area of ​​the Frisians in a west (up to the Zwin in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen) and an east part of this river. Storm surges widened this border river to Lake Almere, and later to the Zuiderzee. In a document from 1101, in which the county of Holland is mentioned for the first time, West Friesland means a much smaller area north of Holland that remained independent for several hundred years. It was not until 1291 that the West Frisians were subjugated by the Dutch Count Floris V, but a certain degree of autonomy was always retained. That’s what it says in Hoorn today Westfries State College, an old official building that now houses the West Frisian Museum.

Today's West Friesland has a predominantly agricultural character with long street villages. In West Friesland there are also some larger towns such as the old Zuiderzee towns of Hoorn, Enkhuizen and Medemblik as well as Schagen further west. From the city Alkmaar only a few parts of the city to the west are part of West Friesland, but not the inner city of Alkmaar. West Friesland is also very popular with water sports enthusiasts, as it is both at IJsselmeer (Medemblik and Enkhuizen) and on the Markermeer (Hoorn and Enkhuizen). The inland areas of West Friesland are also easily accessible by ship.


In West Friesland some special traditions have been preserved, which are predominantly of Frisian origin.


Luilak means "slacker" and is an old pre-Christian festival, probably of Frisian origin. It always takes place on Whit Saturday and can also have an impact on unsuspecting tourists. The point of the matter is to wake up late risers. This is done by means of all possible noise instruments. Luilak is primarily a job for young people, although the definition of "late riser" is relative, of course. Young people like to start around 4 a.m., children under 14 usually a little later. Incidentally, these celebrations are not always entirely peaceful.

Ring piercing

In the West Frisian Ring sticks the participants sit in a horse-drawn vehicle. Next to the coachman sits the bearer of the ring lance, which he tries to pierce into the open rings. Even if the Dutch ring stitching championships are held every year in Hoorn, the West Frisian variant is more oriented towards the folkloric aspect. The ring stitching originated a few hundred years ago as a game at the annual markets where all farmers met. Special dates are being organized for this today. Since it is a folkloric event, the wagons are trimmed to look old, and so are the clothes of the participants.

St. Martin

On November 11th, the Martinsfest takes place in large parts of North Holland. As in many parts of Germany, children in parades carry home-made lanterns, sing Martin's songs and then go to the front doors, where they are rewarded for eagerly singing with sweets or fruit. In contrast to the German Martins customs, however, all church references in Holland have disappeared and the Martinslieder tend to be parodic or satirical.


West Frisian is spoken in West Friesland. Besides the actual language area within the Omringdijks the two sub-dialects still exist Tessels and Wierings.

There is no standard West Frisian language, the dialect changes from village to village. However, there are conspicuous general characteristics, such as the use of "-sk-" instead of the hard Dutch "-s-ch-". West Frisian has some striking similarities to that Frysk and it is believed that it originated from Old Frisian like this, but was much more influenced by Dutch than that Frysk. Incidentally, West Frisian is only spoken by around 20,000 people. Older people predominate, although younger people are also starting to speak their native language again.

Tourists don't have to worry about that too much. He is mostly met in English or even in his native language, but a few bits of timid Dutch are also patiently listened to ...

getting there

By plane

Amsterdam International Airport, Amsterdam Airport SchipholWebsite of this institutionAmsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAmsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryAmsterdam Airport Schiphol (Q9694) in the Wikidata database(IATA: AMS) . is the next flight connection to West Friesland. From the train station Schiphol trains go to Hoorn and Enkhuizen or. Alkmaar and Beating. For these trains you have to travel from Schiphol in the direction of Amsterdam Centraal, but to change to the corresponding trains one station beforehand, in AmsterdamSloterdijk. (This station is much clearer than the permanent construction site Amsterdam Centraal.)

By train

There is an express train every half an hour from Amsterdam Central Station every day Nedelandse Spoorwegen (NS) to Hoorn (travel time 40 min) and from there on (as stop clean) to Enkhuizen, total travel time about 1 hour.Danger: This train departs from platform 11A. There is also a train to Hoorn from platform 10A, which stops at more stations and therefore takes longer.

  • From Amsterdam Centraal train station, there is an express train to Alkmaar every half an hour (travel time 40 minutes) and from there onwards (as stop clean) to Schagen (1 h) and then on to Den Helder.

In the street

From northern and eastern Germany, the E22 leads straight to West Friesland. This corresponds to the BAB 31 and BAB 200 to the border crossing Nieuweschans. From there the motorway A7 or N7 is called over Groningen . Leeuwarden, the closing dike (Afsluitdijk), Straight to the Oever Hoorn. Enkhuizen and the east of the region are from the exit Hoorn Noord (9) can be reached via the N302, Schagen and the west of the region from the exit Wognum (10) via the N241.

From southern and western Germany, the best way to get there is via the BAB 3 to the Elten / Bergh Autoweg border crossing, then the A12 to Kreuz Oudenrijn at Utrecht, then the A2 direction Amsterdam up to the cross Amstel, there on the Ring Amsterdam (A10 Oost Noord) to the cross Coenplein. There change to the A8 and at the cross Zaandam turn on the A7 towards Hoorn.

To Beating and the west of the region on the A2 just before Amsterdam at the cross Holendrecht on the A9 towards Haarlem/Alkmaar drive. North of the Ring Alkmaar follow the N245 to Schagen.

On the water

Hoorn and Enkhuizen, to a somewhat lesser extent, too Medemblik are popular water sports harbors on the Markermeer or IJsselmeer. There are marinas in the following places:

  • Andijk (IJsselmeer)
Watersport Centrum Andij, Tel: 0228-593075,
De Buurtjeshaven van W.V. De Kreupel, Tel: 0228-592350. Both marinas have shared access. Maritime VHF: Jachthaven Stichting Andijk.
  • Broekerhaven (Markermeer)
De Broekerhaven from WSV De Broekerhaven.
  • Broek op Langendijk (west)
Bijvoet watersport, harbor master Tel: 0226-340660.
  • Enkhuizen (IJsselmeer)
De Compagnieshaven Compagnieshaven 7 Tel: 0228-313353; Supermarket (open Mon-Sun!) And water sports shop.
  • Buitenhaven (Outer port), report to the municipal port service:
  • Havenkantoor, 1601 GA Enkhuizen, Havenweg 3. Tel.: 31(0)228 312444, Mobile: 31(0)6 237 003 90, Fax: 31(0)228 320206, Email: . Marifoonkanaal 12. Visitors to the city ports can use the showers and sanitary facilities from the beginning of April to the end of October. Buyshaven, HafenmeIster tel: 0228-315660 or 0294-261540.
  • Hoorn (Markermeer)
Grashaven; Jachthaven Hoorn Foundation, harbor master. Tel: 0229-215208 Jarte
City Binnenhaven, harbor master Tel: 0229-214012. Maritime VHF: Channel 74;
WSV Hoorn, harbor master Tel: 0229-213540.
  • Kolhorn (West)
City marina, harbor master Tel: 0224-531422.
  • Medemblik (IJsselmeer)
City Port service in Medemblik, Tel: 0227-541686 or 06 53416795.
Pekelinghaven, Harbor Master Tel: 0227-542175,
Westerhaven, Harbor Master Tel: 0227-541861 or 06-51351829, Middenhaven.
  • Noord-Scharwoude (West)
Marina De Roskam, Tel: 0226-312704.
  • Beating (West)
Stichting Recreatiehaven Schagen, Lagedijkerweg 2b, Tel: 06-34417813.
http://www.wsvjanvanketel.nl WSV "Jan van Ketel"], Wingerdstraat 21, Port Authority Tel: 0224-296595.
  • Wjdenes (Markermeer)
Schutz- hnd Passantenhafen, Hafenmeister Rel: 0229-501680



West Friesland is touched by three Eisemnahn lines. It refers to:

  • the intercity route Amsterdam - Hoornthat continues as a local transport route Enkhuizen to be led. In West Friesland it has the following train stations (stations):
    • Hoorn
    • Hoorn Kersenboogerd
    • Hoogkarspel
    • Bovenkarspel-Grootebroek
    • Bovenkarspel flora
    • Enkhuizen
The trains run every half hour Mon-Sun.
  • the intercity route Amsterdam - Alkmaarwhich continues as a local transport line after The hero to be led. In West Friesland it stops at the train stations
    • Heerhugowaard
    • Beating
The trains run every half hour Mon-Sun.
  • Of Haarlem leads a route over Üitgeest Alkmaar and then continue after Hoorn. It has the following train stations in West Friesland:
    • Heerhugowaard
    • Obdam
    • Hoorn
The trains run every half hour Mon-Sun, but only every hour between Alkmaar and Hoorn.

By bus

Long-distance buses connect all larger cores with each other and with the neighboring towns. The network is relatively dense and is used regularly. Drive to small settlements Bus buses (Neighborhood buses).

Almost all bus routes are from connexxion served, see also the Line planNorth Holland. Only the Amsterdam-Hoorn route is also used by the EBS drive on.

In the street

There are paved, mostly good roads between all places. In some places, however, they can be a bit narrow and the bridges a bit narrow and steep.

By bicycle

West Friesland is in that Fietsknooppuntennetwerk (Bicycle Junction Point Network), so that a dense network of cycle routes covers the region.


  • Kanaal Alkmaar (Omval) - Kolhorn
  • Vaarweg Stolpen-Schagen-Kolhorn-Medemblik-IJsselmeer
  • Groetkanaal

Tourist Attractions

For the sights in the cities Hoorn, Enkhuizen, Medemblik and Beating as well as the villages Kolhorn and Twisk look there.

  • The dike villageAartswoud was on the open Zuiderzee before the Wieringermeer was drained (1924). The church tower, which dates from the 15th century, was previously used as a lighthouse.
  • Abbekerk, which has belonged to Medemblik since 2007, was also on the open Zuiderzee until 1924. The village has a nice village center with an old church from the 17th / 18th centuries. The train station Abbekerk-Lambertschaag which dates from 1886 and is still used today by the Steam tram Hoorn - Medemblik served.
  • Andijk is a picturesque dike village on the IJsselmeer. It has a marina as well Hat museum.
  • barsingerhorn bears the title "protected village view" and is a picturesque street village in the north-west of West Friesland. All important buildings are located on Heerenweg, including that Rechthuis by 1622.
  • B.roek op Langedijk forms together with Noord-Scharwoude and Zuid-Scharwoude the "kingdom of a thousand islands". During a swine fever in the 13th century, the farmers decided to put the animals in quarantine. For this purpose, demarcated islands were dug and the soil excavated for the construction of the trenches was used to make the individual islands higher and higher. This also made the soil more fertile. Later a lot of white cabbage was grown here. All traffic between the islands used to take place exclusively with long barges (skuiten) instead of. In 1887 the first reverse auction for vegetables was set up in Broek op Langedijk. At first it took place in the open air, shortly afterwards a wooden building was erected through which the barges with white cabbage could pass. In the eighties the building became the Auction museum With the land consolidation at the beginning of the seventies, the island construction method typical of Broek op Langedijk was abolished. Up until then, most of the residential areas could only be reached via a single narrow bridge. The Oxhoofdpad is one of the few alleys that is more or less in its original state, including the bridge.
  • Midwoud, part of Medemblik since 2007, is a tranquil dirf with two windmills on the Broerdijk.
  • Nieuwe Niedorp in the west of the region, on the Dorpsstraat, there are many old buildings that are well worth seeing. The most important are the somewhat crooked church tower from 1684 with a bell from 1653 and the protective sluice in the Voorsloot 1684. The oldest pub in the Netherlands is also located in Nieuwe Niedorp: the Roode Eenhoorn (The Round Unicorn). On Ofsterweg is the De Westermolen, a large polder mill that was put into working order and now drains the Oosterpolder on a voluntary basis.
  • Oosterblokker as well as the neighboring one belonging to Hoorn Westerblokker have a particularly large number of very beautiful West Frisian farms. The windmill is in Oosterblokker De Krijgsman by 1662.
  • Opperdoes is a small, strictly Calvinist village (in the otherwise rather non-denominational West Friesland) that has belonged to Medemblik since 2007. Opperdoes is also called "smallGiethoorn"because here as in jrnrt Overijsseler Community that houses and farms can only be reached via bridges because a canal separates them from the road. In contrast to Giethoorn, it is not so exploited for tourism here. The biggest tourist attraction of the village is here too Steam tram Hoorn - Medemblik with their train station. Incidentally, the village is famous throughout the country for the cultivated areas here Opperdoezer round blank, a first-class potato variety that the EU has designated as "Protected
  • In Rustenburg there are three so-called Strijkmolens ("Streichmühlen") that run the polder Schermer drain.
  • Many tourists come in the summer Schellinkhout, as it has a beautiful marina on the Markermeer. There is also a core with a church (16th century), the Rechhuis from 1765 (Dorpsweg 118) and some beautiful ones Stumble-Farm houses. The Great Molen at Zuiderdijk 58 is from 1630.
  • The village Spanbroek received city rights in 1414. It proudly bears a coat of arms, but the character remained village-like. The church from 1598 is a bit too big, but that Rechthuis from the same year fits. Spanbroek also has two windmills: De Kaagmolen from 1654 (Nieuweweg at 2) and De Westerveer from 1873 (Zomerdijk).
  • Wijdenes is a nice village on the Markermeer with many houses in the West Frisian style.
  • The one belonging to Hoorn Zwaag is best known for its annual carnival parade (K. Sunday). 50,000 people flock to the village to watch the parade with motif wagons.



A collection of over 400 hats and everything to do with them.
Open: May-Sep thu-sat 13-17 h. Entry: Adults € 3.50; Children (5-12) € 1.50; Children (-5) free.
Farm from 1857 with furnishings, utensils and clothing from the 19th century. shows how people lived on a flourishing farm at the time. In the summer stable, the processing of milk into butter and cheese is shown and some farm wagons and sleighs from that time are exhibited.
Open: Mid-June - mid-September 11 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Prices: Adults € 3.00, children (-12) free. A guided tour (in Dutch) of around 1.5 hours is included.
Currently closed for an indefinite period of time due to renovation work (asbestos).
Everything about the life of bees and the products that are made with their help. Many of these products can be bought in stores. The beekeeper has set up a small park with attractions around the "beehive".
Open: 1.11.-31.3 .: Shop open Sat 13-17 h. Prices: Adults € 6.50, children (3-10) € 4.00; Children (-3) / day ticket steam tram free.
The Oud house is a small, well-preserved farmhouse from 1878. It remained unchanged after the death of its last resident and shows life on a mixed farm in the 1940s and 1950s.
Open: May-Sep Sun 13-17 h. Performances 15-16 h. Entry: € 0,50.








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