Thasos - Thasos

Thasos, also Thassos, is an island in the northeast Greece at Kavala in the northern Aegean

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Thasos is a green island with many picturesque bays and the best sandy beaches, high forested mountains and interesting antiquities. It also offers sufficient "beach night life". The landscape is similar Chalkidiki.

The lively and fully touristic one South and east side attract more younger audiences, while older guests are often much quieter West side prefer between Limenas and Limenaria.

In recent years, more and more guests have come for Christmas and New Years. Since the island is very quiet in winter and most of the restaurants and shops are closed, it is advisable to take accommodation in the larger towns such as Thasos City, Limenaria, Prinos or Theologos.


Thasos City-Limenas

The earliest traces of settlement are known from the late Neolithic. Ca 1500 BC Thasos was conquered by the Phoenicians, and through their knowledge of metallurgy they were the first to exploit the island's mineral resources. The island was subsequently taken over by the Thracians until the 7th century BC. The Greek tribe of the Ionians ousted the Thracians. Gold and silver mining and trade flourished during this time and brought prosperity to the island. 492 BC The Persians conquered the island, which started an economic decline. 464-404 BC BC Thasos was occupied by Athens and served as a colony for supplying wood and metal. 340 BC Philip II, king of the Macedonians, took over Thasos. In the period from 281 to 202 BC Thasos was independent until 196 BC. Was annexed to the Roman Empire. After the division of the Roman Empire, it belonged to the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Rich. In 1455 AD Thasos passed to the Turks and was only liberated by Greek troops in the Balkan War in 1912. During the Second World War, Thasos and larger parts of northern Greece were handed over by the Wehrmacht to Bulgaria, who had to vacate these areas again at the end of the war.


Tourism has found its way into Thasos since the mid-1970s, and communication in English and German is no problem. In recent years, more and more guests have come from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. The hotels and restaurants have also adjusted to these languages.

getting there

Ferry to Thasos
  • Since Thasos does not have its own airport, the connection runs via the Kavala airport (at Chrysoupolis). From there it is 12 km to the ferry to Keramoti (ferry time Keramoti-Limenas 45 minutes). With the taxi the way from the airport to the ferry costs about 20 €, to Kavala the cost is 40 €. The Bus connection is bad.
  • From Thessaloniki Airport there is a bus to the KTEL (1 hour), which is the bus station for intercity buses. From there buses run every hour to Kavala (2.5 hours). From here you can either take the ferry to Thasos or take a bus from the Kavalas bus station to Keramoti (1 hour) and from there take the ferry to Thasos. Alternatively with a rental car from Thessaloniki airport to Kavala / Keramoti (2.5 / 3 h). Some Thasos rental car companies also have rental cars at the airport, which you can also use to drive to Thasos. Many rental cars that you rent on the mainland are not allowed on the islands.
  • Ferry connections: There are two ferry connections for vehicles and people to Thasos: 1) Kavala-Scala Prinos (1.5 hrs) and 2) Keramoti-Thasos town (Limenas) (45min). The Timetables change depending on the season. Since the island is close to the mainland, they are Ferry costs comparatively low, so that many weekenders and also mobile homes visit the island. In addition to the normal ferries, there is also a service High speed hydrofoil only for people from Kavala to Thasos City (Limenas).


In every larger village there are providers of Rental car, Mopeds, Motorcycles, quads, scooters etc. Normal rental cars are not allowed to drive on unpaved roads, but some of the most beautiful beaches and attractions can only be reached via dirt roads. Rent a 4WD, at least for the days you want to get off the road. Most of the island's attractions as well as Mount Ipsariou can be reached with the 4WD. Scooters with their small wheels are not particularly safe off the paved roads. Anyone who would like to drive on unpaved roads is much better served with mopeds with large wheels. Often the scooters are throttled so that it is very difficult to climb the mountain roads.

Public buses drive to all places on the island according to regular Timetables. The journey by bus from Limenaria to Limenas, with a change in Scala Prinos, takes about 1.5 hours and costs 5 euros. The tickets are sold on the bus.

Taxis are also available in every village. The island's road network is well developed.


Map of Thasos
Places and sights
Thasos, main shopping street

Most visitors rent a car for at least a day to explore the island. Since there is only one main road around the island, the villages are described clockwise starting from Thasos town. The mountain villages can usually be reached from the main road via spur roads. If you only visit the main attractions, only a round trip takes about 4-6 hours.

  • 1  Thasos (Λιμένας Θάσου, Limenas). Thasos in the encyclopedia WikipediaThasos in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsThasos (Q557754) in der Datenbank Wikidata.As the main town on the island, Thasos offers everything you would expect from a tourist destination. The promenade and the shopping street offer a rich selection of tourist articles and souvenirs, fast food, restaurants, cafes and nightlife. In the side streets you will find specialty shops, bakeries, supermarkets, pharmacies, doctors, a pottery (at the western end of the village in front of Tarsanas Beach) and much more. Particularly worth seeing are the old fishing port with the customs building, the ruins of the ancient city in the center and the archaeological museum, the amphitheater and the acropolis with the castle ruins. You shouldn't miss a visit to the very photogenic chapel Agios Nikolas and the beach bar Karnagio, both on the east end of the resort and the most photogenic Agios Vassillios Chapel about 200 meters west of the ferry terminal. Behind the chapel is an archaeological excavation field with remains of the cemetery, tower, temple, chapel. The harbor is well suited for sailing boats.
  • 2  Panagia (Παναγία Θάσου). Panagia in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPanagia im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPanagia (Q2048866) in der Datenbank a romantic mountain village with old, typical houses, a few restaurants and a few souvenir shops in a wonderful location on a wooded mountain. You shouldn't miss a tour of the village. The Dragon cave, located on the outskirts, is also worth a visit, less because of the cave than the surroundings.
  • 3  Scala Panagia. is a pure collection of hotels, campsites, restaurants etc. along the "Golden Beach", the best beach on Thasos. There is no town center. At the northern end of the beach there is a small photogenic fishing port, where excursion boats also leave. The harbor is only suitable for sailing boats when there is no wind as the anchors do not hold well because of seaweed.
  • 4  Potamia (Ποταμιά Θάσου). Potamia in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPotamia im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPotamia (Q1418080) in der Datenbank an old mountain village high on a wooded mountain. It's less touristy than Panagia. It is therefore worth taking a walk through the town if you want to observe the typical way of life.
  • 5  Skala Potamia. is, like Skala Panagia, a pure tourist resort on the "Golden Beach" bay with beautifully located restaurants and hotels. The small harbor is only partially suitable as an anchorage for sailing boats, as it is very wavy at night.
  • 6  Kinira (Κοίνυρα Θάσου). Kinira in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaKinira (Q21406534) in der Datenbank a small, pure tourist town without a town center, consisting of a collection of hotels, restaurants, etc. The rocky part of the nearby "Paradise Beach" is the only nudist beach on the island. Opposite Kinira is the uninhabited but private island of Kinira, or Kiniriotiko.
  • 7  Aliki (Αλυκή Θάσου). Aliki in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaAliki im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsAliki (Q21406530) in der Datenbank a "must see location" with a very romantic, small beach in a particularly scenic bay and with an archaeological site (remains of ancient temples). The bay is popular as an anchorage for sailing boats and motor yachts. Aliki is not a place, it just consists of a few restaurants. The specialty is that it is located on a peninsula and has a beach on both sides. In the season it is quite crowded and you should get there early.
5 km behind Aliki in the direction of Limenaria is the mountain slope that is worth seeing 1 Archangelos Monastery. It is a women's monastery with old icons and full of flower pots and with a wonderful view of the sea and the south coast of Thasos. After another 6 km is one of the main attractions of Thasos: 1 Giola It's a natural pool right on the ocean. The way to Giola is signposted. The journey goes on dirt roads to a parking lot and from there on foot down the mountain. The hike is very strenuous, especially in summer. When the sea is rough with high waves, the pool is clean and inviting, but after days without rough seas, when fresh water from the sea does not wash into the pool, the water in Giola turns green and dirty. A visit is therefore only recommended when the sea has sufficient swell!
  • 8  Astrida (Αστρίδα Θάσου, Astris). Astrida in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaAstrida (Q21406531) in der Datenbank a formerly abandoned village that is being partially rebuilt for tourist use and is well worth seeing.
  • 9  Potos (Ποτός Θάσου). Potos in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPotos im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPotos (Q21406539) in der Datenbank a very strongly tourist-influenced larger place with everything that belongs to a tourist center and is definitely worth a visit. The place, which is particularly popular with younger people, has good shopping opportunities, many hotels, restaurants and bars, and full of good beaches with music and beach parties and nightlife.
Theologos circular route
  • 10  Theologos (Θεολόγος Θάσου). Theologos in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaTheologos im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsTheologos (Q201649) in der Datenbank a beautiful “must see” mountain village, whose houses are mostly built of natural stone and covered with stone slabs. It was the capital of the island during the Turkish occupation (1455-1813) and during the Egyptian rule (1813-1902). The village had the largest population around 1570. After that, the number fell, mainly due to pirate attacks. Therefore you can still see many foundations of old abandoned houses, especially on the opposite eastern slope of today's village. There you can find the overgrown foundations of a former, medieval district on an extension of about 500 m, to the east of it the traces of a fort that is said to have been built around the middle of the 15th century. This area of ​​settlement is said to have been destroyed by Maltese pirates. A worth seeing Local museum Worth a visit as well as the many romantic restaurants.
If you continue along the path through the village, after about 500 m after the cemetery you will come to the excursion restaurant Neromillos (Watermill). The very romantic watermill in the forest is a pleasant place to linger and a "must see" attraction for Theologos. Since many rental cars are not allowed to drive on dirt roads, you can park the car at the cemetery and walk the 600m.
In the valley between today's Theologos and the ruins of the settlement on the other side are some nice little ones 2 Waterfalls and pools (Called Kefalogourna), where you can refresh yourself wonderfully. The path to the waterfalls begins shortly before the end of the village and is now signposted and expanded. There are several waterfalls and pools cascading one behind the other. You have to approach it from the side of the embankment as there is no way. Only the top, largest waterfall has a path and after the community created the path it belongs to the "must see" on Thasos ..
The scenic one, paved with bumpy stones Flatly between the Greek and the former Ottoman district (only ruins today) leads from the Agios Dimitrios Church down into the valley, over the old one Stone bridge to Archangel Michael Chapel and further uphill between the ruins of the former houses, a fortification and the ruins of a tower back to the Agia Paraskevi Church. The peace and quiet and the beautiful view of Theologos is worth it.
  • 11  Limenaria (Λιμενάρια Θάσου). Limenaria in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaLimenaria im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsLimenaria (Q1014258) in der Datenbank the second largest place on the island with a lot of tourism and a very long, beautiful sandy beach, which is not too crowded even in the high season. The harbor promenade is lined with restaurants, souvenir shops, cafeterias, pubs, etc. Good shopping, banks, doctors, and a police station are also available here. The harbor is well suited for sailing boats. A newly paved road leads from Limenaria to the mountain village of Kastro. About 4 km further in the direction of Scala Maries is the beautiful beach of 3 Tripiti The specialty there is a picturesque cave in a rock, where you can swim from one side of the rock to the other.
  • 12  Kastro (Κάστρο Θάσου). Kastro in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaKastro im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsKastro (Q1228514) in der Datenbank a formerly dilapidated “must-see” village located in the middle of the island at an altitude of 500 m, which has been rebuilt in recent years. The name comes from the former castle from 1403, the stones of which were later used to build the church. Because of the altitude, it is relatively cool here even in midsummer. If you want to visit the church, you can get the key in the restaurant next door. At the end of the village is the former castle, of which only part of the fortification walls have been preserved. Today there is a chapel and an ossuary on the castle grounds. Unfortunately, it happens again and again that tourists take selfies with their bones in the ossuary and obviously forget that it is a place of remembrance of the deceased and not a tourist attraction. Two taverns invite you to eat in town. A little * 4 Waterfall (apostolus) is located near the village and can be reached on foot or via Theologos by 4WD vehicle. To get to the waterfall, you take the dirt road on the east side of Kastro, which leads a 3-4 km long route through a beautiful and untouched forest. The waterfall is most impressive in spring as it tends to dry out in summer. Alternatively, you can reach the waterfall from Theologos with the 4WD vehicle.
  • 13  Maries (Μαριές Θάσου). Maries in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaMaries im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsMaries (Q21406560) in der Datenbank a very pristine, old mountain village that has hardly been shaped by tourism. Also worth seeing is the small * located a few kilometers behind the village 5 Lake with a waterfall. The road there is not paved and therefore cannot be used with normal rental cars, only with 4WD. The somewhat strenuous hike there goes steadily uphill and is actually only worthwhile if the stream has enough water. In midsummer it is almost dry and is most impressive until early summer. You should at least wear sneakers as the waterfalls are easy to climb. You can take a refreshing dip in the pools below the waterfalls. If you continue on the dirt road from there, after 13 km you will reach the Ipsario, the highest mountain in Thasos. That lies between Scala Maries and Maries 2 Monastery Monastery of the Assumption (Ιερά Μονή Κοιμήσεως Θεοτόκου Μαριών)which is well worth a visit and also the photogenic one above the monastery 3 Stavronikita monastery ruins. An approximately 400m long path leads from the parking lot of the monastery up to the ruins.
  • 14  Scala Maries. is a very touristy seaside resort with a romantic little fishing port. The small restaurants at the fishing port are wonderfully located.
  • 15  Kallirachi (Καλλιράχη Θάσου). Kallirachi in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaKallirachi im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsKallirachi (Q1722485) in der Datenbank a larger mountain village with narrow streets, old houses and hardly touristy. It is very worth seeing 4 Metamorfosi Chapel above the place. A 5 km long dirt road leads to just below the summit. From there you walk approx. 300 m steeply uphill to the chapel. The view is breathtaking from there. Below the chapel was Kakirachi, which was completely destroyed by pirates around 1750. The surviving residents of Kakirachi built Kalirachi. The way there is only accessible with an off-road vehicle. About 300 m before the village, turn left into the side street and then turn left again at the parking lot in the village. After about 5 km of dirt road you will reach the car park of the chapel. On the way there you can visit an old aqueduct. A sign on the side of the road shows the direction.
  • 16  Scala Kalirachi. The street village has a particularly beautifully developed harbor that invites you to linger and, because of its depth, is also suitable for sailing boats and offers power connections for boats. The chapels are worth seeing Pangagia (1.5km towards Limenaria) and Agios Georgios (3.3km).
  • 17  Sotiros (Σωτήρας Θάσου). Sotiros in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSotiros im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSotiros (Q21406573) in der Datenbank a small mountain village with a beautiful view and well worth seeing.
  • 18  Scala Sotiros. is a long street village with a fishing port that is well worth seeing.
  • 19  Prinos (Πρίνος Θάσου). Prinos in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPrinos (Q12198272) in der Datenbank a bigger place with reasonable shopping possibilities. It is not very touristy. Its market, which takes place on Mondays 8 am-1pm and is popular with tourists, is well-known.
  • 20  Mikros Prinos (Μικρός Πρίνος Θάσου, Mikros Kasavitis). Mikros Prinos in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaMikros Prinos (Q21406556) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Formerly dilapidated mountain village in a beautiful location that is being rebuilt for tourism. From Mikros Prinos a winding paved road leads 6 km up the mountain to 5 Panteleimonas Monastery. The visit is a "must see", especially because of the wonderful view. The church in Ort (Ag. Georgios) is also worth seeing.
  • 21  Megalos Prinos (Μεγάλος Πρίνος Θάσου, Magalos Kasavitis). Megalos Prinos in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaMegalos Prinos (Q21406555) in der Datenbank a "must see" mountain village with old, mostly renovated houses and a very nice, shady village square under plane trees with restaurants. Here you can sit wonderfully cool even on the hottest summer days. Above the village is the beautiful one 6 Agios Joannis Chapelwhich can be reached via a 4 km long dirt road.
  • 22  Rachoni (Ραχώνι Θάσου). Rachoni in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaRachoni (Q21406568) in der Datenbank a little touristic place. The church located directly in front of the entrance to the village is worth seeing; it is a cool place under large trees and with watercourses on hot days. A tavern is also available. About 3 km of dirt road above the village is the lovely little one 7 Chapel of St. Johann (Agios Joannis) in an impressive mountain landscape. The way is signposted. You can drive with 4WD, but also take a worthwhile walk up.
  • 23  Scala Rachoni. is a small, quiet harbor town. A few kilometers to the north are some popular beaches and beautiful bays, which are also popular with sailing boats.
  • 24  Agios Georgios (Άγιος Γεώργιος Θάσου). Agios Georgios in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaAgios Georgios (Q27019816) in der Datenbank a little touristy little place, but in which many northern Europeans have bought houses where they spend the summer. The ones above the village 8 Agios Georgios chapel well worth a visit. On the right side of the road to Georgios and Rachoni are the ruins of an old one Watermill. It lies between the two villages and is not easy to find in the bushes, but it is definitely worth seeing.

Tourist Attractions

Must see

Ancient sites

Thasos city

Ancient sites in Limenas
Limenas theater

It is advisable to explore the ancient sites in two tours. The first one leads up to the Acropolis and is also highly recommended for people who are less interested in ruins because of the beautiful landscape and the wonderful viewpoints. The second tour stays within the resort and is less spectacular.

  • Tour 1: It starts right next to the old one 1 Port of war at the 2 Agora, the economic center of the ancient city, a kind of market place / halls with shops as well as religious and cultural sites. Even if only the foundation walls and a few columns are left, the agora is the most interesting ancient area in the center. In direct connection to the Agora are the 3 Passages, a stone walled entrance from the residential quarters to the agora, the 4 Odeion, a small theater from the 2nd century and that 5 Arthemis Shrine from early Hellenistic times. From the agora you walk in a north-easterly direction past the 6 District of Dionisus, the 7 Sanctuary of Poseidon and Chariot Gate, the 8 eastern residential district and Charite Gate slowly uphill under shady trees towards the headland. There is the extremely photogenic one 9 St. Nicholas Chapel on the foundations of a basilica from the 5th century. The view from there of the landscape and the sea is breathtaking. Below the chapel you can see the beach bar Karnagio. From here the path now leads steeper and significantly more strenuous uphill to the 10 theatre from the 3rd century with a beautiful view of Thasos. Performances take place here in the summer months. Farther above is the 11 acropolis. In 1204 the Venetians had a castle built from the ruins of the temple complex in the eastern area of ​​the Acropolis, the ruins of which are hidden between trees and are barely visible from the site. If you follow the path further, you will achieve that 12 Sanctuary of Athena. Only the foundation walls from the 5th century BC remain of the temple. Nevertheless, the walk is worth it, as the view of Thasos and the surrounding mountains makes up for the effort. A narrow path leads east to the 13 Grotto Sanctuary of Pan from the 4th century BC. Again, it's more the view that's worth it. From here you go back to the city.
  • Tour 2: It can be done well in less than an hour. It is actually only worthwhile for those who are really interested in ancient ruins. The best way to start is from 14 Early Christian basilica. If you follow the road away from the coast, you will come to the after approx. 250 m 15 Hercules (Heracles) sanctuary. Here, too, only the foundations of temples and buildings from the 5th / 6th centuries are visible. Century B.C. receive. Now follow the signs along Pier-de-Vambez-Straße to 16 Gate of Zeus and Hera past the remains of an arch of honor for the emperor Caracalla. The Zeustor is the most elaborate and best preserved gate in the city. However, almost all of the foundation walls have also been preserved. From there you can get to the remains of the south wall, which are well worth seeing 17 Silent gatewhich is in pretty good condition. From here it goes back towards the harbor.


Ancient sites in Aliki
Aliki sanctuary

Aliki is also a peninsula of archaeological interest where there is an ancient marble quarry that was used from ancient times to the early Byzantine times and was one of the main places for the mining and export of marble in Greece. This created a relatively large and affluent settlement and a port suitable for heavy goods transport. A severe earthquake in the 5th century caused the quarry and parts of the port to sink. Because of this, today you can see the ancient marble quarries beneath the surface of the sea. Most of the residents of Aliki migrated to other parts of the island because their economic base (the quarry) was destroyed. Few remained until Aliki was completely destroyed by pirates in 1651. The entrance to the photogenic archaeological sites is free and can be explored on a signposted circular route. The 18 ancient settlement, of which only the foundation walls remain, is on the opposite side of the tavernas. An interesting inscribed sarcophagus is worth seeing. From there the path goes uphill for about 50 m to the remains of one 19 ancient sanctuary. It consists of two buildings with Ionic and Doric elements, which were built in the 6th-5th centuries. Century BC And were dedicated to the god Apollo as the protector of ships and sailors. Many of the ancient sailors have carved their names on the staircase on the facade of the sanctuary. Furthermore, the foundation walls of two early Christian basilicas have been preserved. The two churches were built in the 5th century on former temples and destroyed by the earthquake. From there the path goes to the old ones 20 Marble quarries to the head of the headland. From Aliki about 1 km in the direction of Limenaria are the ruins of the ancient 21 Tower of Thimonia. A signposted dirt road leads from the main road to the tower. It takes about 10 minutes on foot if you don't have a vehicle with good ground clearance. The Hellenistic tower was likely part of an ancient settlement. As no excavations have taken place so far, knowledge about this place is very limited. The beautiful view from the tower is worth more than the ruins themselves.


Mining in Thasos
Metalia Beach with old industrial plants

The Mining on Thasos can look back on a highly developed metal extraction that began around three and a half thousand years ago and thus plays an important role in the Aegean region. Probably at the end of the Bronze Age, at the latest in the early Iron Age, there was an intensive ore smelting that lasted until the Byzantine period. The ores extracted in tunnels and open-cast mines contributed to the island's wealth in antiquity and are an important part of the island's history. Unfortunately, the wealth aroused desires and so in the history of the island mostly foreign powers exploited the ores.

Some former open-cast mining areas are easily accessible and are now interesting and photogenic "Lost Places". Tunnels are also accessible, but only recommended with a local guide and experience in entering caves and only with appropriate equipment.

  • Metalia beach: The beach at Limenaria with its metal industry ruins is one of the "must see" attractions in Thasos. In 1903, the German industrialist Friedrich Speidel managed to obtain a concession from the Turkish sultanate to exploit the zinc-lead-silver-ore deposits on Thasos in lengthy negotiations. The ores (400–500t per day) were mostly mined in opencast mines approx. 2 km NE from Metalia Beach (Vouves), transported via a mine railway and in the four round shaft furnaces (which can still be seen today), processed and then shipped. In the ruins of the halls on the beach there were ore mills, wet processing facilities, an electrical center and rolling mills. The facilities were occupied by French troops at the beginning of World War I and looted as enemy German assets and the buildings destroyed. The management building (Palataki) and various outbuildings were preserved and served as a war hospital for English officers. In the 1960s, Metalia was then used as a loading bay for iron-manganese ores for the Krupp company. With the help of an EC funding program (600,000 euros), a mining park and museum was to be built on the site from 2000. Due to the corruption and nepotism that is common in Greece, the money unfortunately sunk and so everything is left to decay.
  • 1  Vouves opencast mine. The lead-silver ore opencast mine 2 km northeast of Limenaria with tunnels has been in operation since ancient times. Old tunnels can still be seen today in the joints of the large open-cast mine from 1903 to 1914. About 350 m before the entrance to Metalia Beach (coming from Limenaria) a dirt road leads to the open pit 2 km away. The large, bright tunnels with standing height are very interesting photo opportunities for 'lost place' photographers.
  • 2  Mavrolako opencast mine. Coming from Limenaria, the road branches off behind Kalivia to Maries and Kastro. From this junction you drive 3.5 km in the direction of Kastro and then turn left into a wide dirt road, and after approx. 300 m you reach the first ruins of the former iron ore opencast mine. The landscape there has the typical rust red of iron ore and forms a photogenic contrast with the green of the vegetation. Mining ceased in the early 1960s.
  • 3  Sotiros opencast mine. In Sotiras, the second largest mining of lead, zinc and silver ore was operated by the mining company Fr. Speidel Thasos-Pforzheim on Thasos from 1905 to 1914, which also followed the ancient mining as in Vouves. From 3 tunnels and 2 overlying opencast mines, tin-containing raw calamine and washing ore were extracted here. In the pit there was a calcining furnace for the lumpy raw galley. The fine and overgrown material was transported to a loading facility near Skala Sotiros and from there by ship to Limenaria via a mine train 2.5 km in length and 3 braking mountains. Since the last forest fire, the tunnel entrances and the old operating facilities are much easier to find again. From there it is very nice to watch the sunset over the mountains of Kavala.


  • 4WD off-road tours. If you rent a 4WD off-road vehicle, you can reach some very interesting places that are forbidden for normal rental cars. The sights are described at the respective places. beaches: Saliara, Marbel, Vathi, Salonikos. Rachoni: Chapel; Megalos Prinos: Chapel; Kalirachi: Chapel; Maries: Waterfall, Mount Ipsaron; Theologos: Neromilos restaurant; Aliki: Tower of Thimonia. If you only want to be on the road for 1 day, you should go to Maries and Kalirachi.
  • water sports. is offered on most large organized beaches, eg motor boats, jet skis, banana boats, kayaks, etc. For those interested in scuba diving there are two large diving schools in Potos and Pefkari, a smaller one in Scala Prinos and Astris at Psili Ammos Beach.
  • Diving. several diving schools also offer interesting dives to sunken ships.
  • Cave climbing. is also possible in Thasos. There are many tunnels from old ore mines, ocher mines and stalactite caves. Thasos war früher berühmt für den Bergbau [1] von Gold, Eisen, Mangan. Die Stollen sind aufgegeben und sollten nur mit äußerster Vorsicht betreten werden. Es gibt einige spezielle Literatur über die Minen und deren genaue Standorte. Führungen nur nach Anmeldung ([email protected]). Voraussetzung ist leichte körperliche Fitness.
  • Boat tours. zu den schönsten Stränden oder einmal um die Insel vom alten Hafen in Limenas (10-18.30, 30 Euro mit Stopps zum Schwimmen und Barbecue) oder von Limenaria und Potos aus. Motor Yacht Touren von Potos oder Sailing trips von Potos/Limenaria nach Samothrace and Athos.
  • Angelausflüge. Bootstouren zu Fischgründen, 2 mal täglich ab Potos Hafen, 35 €/Person.
  • Speedbootverleih. in Scala Potamia.
  • Mountain biking. in den letzten Jahren hat das Fahrradfahren an Beliebtheit stark zugenommen und man findet Verleihstationen in Potos und den anderen größeren Orten.
  • horse riding. Reitausflüge werden angeboten in Theologos (Reiterhof Pegasus) und Scala Prinos (Thasos Horse Club).
  • Jeep-Safaris. Startpunkte sind Scala Prinos, Limenaria, Potos. Mit Geländewagen werden organisierte Touren auf Feldwegen in die Berge von Thasos angeboten.
  • Enduro-Touring. Touren mit Enduros in die Berge von Thasos sind ein besonderes Erlebnis. Auch geführte Touren werden angeboten.
  • Parachute – Parapende. Mit einem Tandemfallschirm in 15 min vom Berg Ipsarion (1200 m) zum Paradise Beach.
  • Sailing trips. U.a. von Limenas aus werden Touren mit dem Segelboot um die Insel angeboten. Wer mit dem eigenen Boot anreist, findet gute Häfen u.a. in in Scala Sotiros, Scala Kalirachi (mit Stromanschluss), Limenas (mit Stromanschluss), Limenaria und etliche lohnenswerte Buchten, z.B. Pachis, Aliki [2]. Segelbootvercharterer gibt es in Keramoti und Kavala. Lohnenswerte Ziele von Thasos aus sind Samothrace, Lemnos and Agios Efstratios.
  • hike: Thasos eignet sich nicht nur zum Baden, sondern bietet auch viele malerische Wanderwege. Besonders im Herbst und im Frühjahr, wenn es nicht so heiß ist, ist Wandern eine gute Alternative zu Strandbesuchen. Es gibt in lokalen Geschäften Wanderausrüstung und Karten zu kaufen. Für diejenigen, die nicht auf eigene Faust in die Berge gehen möchten, gibt es auch organisierte Touren. Beliebte Wanderwege sind:
    • Von Limenas bis Makriamos und weiter entlang der Küste zum Golden Beach (4 h, 13 km, meist flach)
    • Von Potos nach Theológos (3 h, 10 km, leicht ansteigend)
    • Von Theológos nach Kastro (2 h, 6 km, steiler Aufstieg)
    • Von Maries zum See und Wasserfall (1 h, 3 km, meist flach)
    • Von Agios Georgios zum verlassenen alten Dorf Agios Georgios (1,5-2 h, ein steiler Aufstieg)


Karte von Thasos
Strände von Thasos
Karnagio Beach Bar Thasos

Die bewaldete Ost-und Südseite der Insel hat viele malerische Buchten und beliebte Sandstrände, während die Westseite nicht nur viele langgestreckte einsame steinige Strände hat, sondern auch manche schönen Sandstrände. Für Leute, die FKK-Strände suchen, lohnt sich einen Blick auf die Webseite für weitere Informationen. Im folgenden sind nur die bekanntesten Strände gelistet. Es gibt noch viele weitere kleinere Buchten und Strände zu entdecken. Bei einer Tour um die Insel mit Startpunkt Thasos-Stadt kommt man im Uhrzeigersinn an den folgenden Stränden vorbei:

1  Thassos Stadt. schmaler Sandstrand in der Nähe des alten Hafens mit Strandbars, Liegen, Sonnenschirmen usw., mittlere Wasserqualität. Etwa 100 m entfernt ist die sehr schöne Beachbar Karnagio, die man unbedingt besuchen sollte.
2  Makriamos. schöne weit offene Bucht mit Sandstrand und einer großen Hotelanlage, oft überfüllt.
3  Saliara-, Marbel-, Vathi-Strand. 1 km vor Makriamos biegt man nach rechts in einen Feldweg und folgt dem Weg für 4 km bis zum Saliara Strand, einer sehr romantischen Bucht, sandig mit kristallklarem Wasser, in der Hochsaison überfüllt (unzureichende Parkmöglichkeiten). Nach weiteren 600 m erreicht man die Marble Bay. Sie ist eine blendend-weiße Sandbucht, die für den Versand von Marmor genutzt wurde, mit kristallklarem Wasser, weißem Marmorsand und mit einer sehr sehenswerten ebenfalls weißen Strandbar und sehr lauter Musik. In der Hochsaison überfüllt, trotzdem ein Ort, den man nicht missen sollte. Nach weiteren 2 km kommt man zur Vathi Bucht. Sie ist ebenfalls eine romantische Bucht mit kristallklarem Wasser, aber mit einem Luxushotel und dessen Strandliegen. Obwohl es von hier aus nur 5 km zum Golden Beach sind, empfiehlt es sich zurück Richtung Makriamos zu fahren, da der weiterführende Weg nur schwer ohne 4x4 Fahrzeuge zu befahren ist. Mietwagen dürfen den Feldweg dorthin nicht fahren. Man kann die Strände auch per Wassertaxi to reach.
4  Golden Beach. (Scala Panagia, Potamia Scala). Früher ein romantischer leerer Strand, ist er heute einer der meistbesuchten Strände von Thasos. Langer, breiter Sandstrand mit Hotels, Restaurants, Campingplatz gesäumt. In der Hochsaison überfüllt. Lohnenswert ist auch ein Besuch des kleinen Fischerhafens am Nordende wegen des wunderbaren Ausblicks auf den Strand und die Berge im Hintergrund.
5  Kinira. langgestreckter steiniger Strand, nur stellenweise Sandstrand.
6  Paradise Strand. man biegt ca. 2 km nach dem Zentrum von Kinira an der Beschilderung ab. Offener Sandstrand mit Strandbar, auch von FKK-Fans genutzt (nur der felsige nördliche Teil ist FKK Strand).
7  Agios Joannis Bucht. ca. 3 km vor Aliki, schöner Sandstrand mit einer großen Hotelanlage.
8  Aliki Strand. einer der malerischsten Strände in Thasos, sehr voll in der Hochsaison, ein "must see".
9  Timonija Strand. Bucht mit Kiesstrand umgeben von Hotels und Pensionen.
10  Livadi Bay. (unterhalb des Archangelos Klosters): langer Sandstrand mit Strandbar. Allerdings gibt es unter Wasser flache, rutschige Steine, zum Teil mit Seeigeln. Beliebt für FKK (außerhalb der Hochsaison) genau wie der nur durch ein paar Felsen getrennte, sehr romantisch gelegene Arsanas Beach. Einen Besuch der Taverne dort sollte man wegen des besonderen "typisch griechischen" Stils nicht versäumen. Ab Spätsommer sind die vielen Wespen dort allerdings etwas störend.
11  Kalami Beach. Schöner und ruhiger bewirtschafteter Kies-Strand neben dem Aeolis Thassos Palace Hotel.
12  Salonikos Strand. schwer zugängliche, trotzdem sehr beliebte, landschaftlich schöne Bucht mit bewirtschaftetem Sandstrand auf einer Halbinsel. Unter Wasser teils Kiesel und Felsen. Ein kleines Restaurant lädt in romantischer Lage zum Essen ein. Die Bucht ist auch als Ankerbucht für Segelboote geeignet. 200 m weiter südlich ist noch ein kleinerer unbewirtschafteter Strand und am Ende der Halbinsel noch zwei Buchten mit Steinstrand. Alle nur über Feldwege erreichbar.
13  Astris Strand. Sandstrand in der Nähe der Straße. Gegenüber befinden sich mehrere größere Hotels.
14  Psili Amos Beach. 1 km nach Astris Strand, sehr schöner Sandstrand, meist recht voll.
15  Potos Beaches. Potos ist eines der touristischen Zentren der Insel Thasos mit langen Sandstränden. Da es bei jungen Leuten sehr beliebt ist, gibt es viele Strandbars mit Musik.
16  Pefkari. ein ehemaliger alter Fischertreffpunkt, jetzt ein kleiner landschaftlich sehr schön gelegener Touristenort unter Pinien mit einem großen Angebot an Strandaktivitäten und Restaurants, Bars, Diskotheken und einigen Hotelanlagen.
17  Metalia Strand. 1 km vor Limenaria. Schöner Sandstrand mit Strandbar und Fabrikruinen aus der Zeit des Bergbaus ( "must see" Sehenswürdigkeit).
18  Limenaria. zweitgrößtes Dorf in Thasos und ein Zentrum des Tourismus. Sehr lange schöne Sandstrände, die auch in der Hochsaison nicht überfüllt sind, obwohl sich viele Hotels entlang der Strandlinie reihen.
19  Trypiti. malerischer Sandstrand mit Felsenhöhle, meist sehr voll, aber ein "must see".
20  Fari Beach. Es ist gut für Leute, die einen ruhigen Ort zum Schwimmen bevorzugen. Dies ist kein organisierter Strand und gut zum Schnorcheln. Von einem kleinen Parkplatz erreicht man den Strand in 5 Minuten zu Fuß.
21  Scala Maries. Es gibt mehrere schöne Sandstrände auf beiden Seiten des Dorfes, die in der Regel nicht überfüllt sind.
22  Zwischen Scala Maries und Prinos. Entlang der Straße gibt es viele kleinere, oft leere Strände. Selbst in der Hochsaison kann man hier einen ruhigen Platz zum Entspannen finden. Beliebt auch als FKK-Strände. Am meisten besucht sind die Strände von Scala Kalirachi und Scala Sotiros.
23  Scala Prinos. mehrere schöne lange Sandstrände mit Strandbars beginnen neben dem Fährhafen und ziehen sich über mehr als 500 m bis zum besonders schönen Dassilio Strand, der auf einer Landzunge liegt.
24  Zwischen Scala Prinos und Limenas. Entlang der Straße sind viele kleinere Strände, meist mit Strandbars. Am meisten besucht sind die Strände rund um Scala Rachoni (Pahis Beach, Glyfada Beach).


In der Hochsaison von Mitte Juni bis Mitte September sind auch die entlegensten Strände gut besucht. Die meisten Balkantouristen, bei denen FKK nicht so verbreitet ist, kommen mit ihren Autos und können deshalb leicht alle Strände erreichen. Das macht es in der Saison schwierig einen schönen FKK Platz zu finden. Lediglich auf den Felsen des Paradise Beach ist immer FKK möglich. In der Vor- und Nachsaison sind viele Strände dann leer und man kann fast überall FKK machen.

1  Paradise Beach Nudist Area. FKK leider nur auf den Felsen auf der linken Strandseite, dafür aber auch in der Hochsaison.
2  Potos Nudist Beach. Toller einsamer Strand. Keine Einrichtungen und klein, perfekt für einen faulen Nachmittag oder Tag. Kein Sand, nur sehr kleine Kieselsteine.
3  Limenaria Nudist Beach. Schöner Strand mit Kieselsteinen. Nicht sehr abgelegen und auch von gekleideten Besuchern besucht.
4  Scala Maries Nudist Beach. man erreicht ihn von einem kleinen Parkplatz aus in ca. 5 min zu Fuß.
5  Prinos Nudist Beach. man liegt auf Rasen unter alten Oliven. Der Strand ist steinig und man braucht Strandschuhe um einen ca. 2 m breiten Kiesbereich mit Seeigeln zu überwinden. Danach ist es sandig und flach.

Ein FKK Strand auf dem Festland in der Nähe der Fähre nach Thasoso ist der:

  • 6  Keramoti naturist beach. Der sehr schöne Strand befindet sich ganz östlich des langen Strandes von Keramoti. Die Anfahrt über den Feldweg ist etwas schwierig, da der Weg sehr sandig ist. Der Strand ist feinsandig und das Meer flach.


Restaurants in Thasos
Thasos Stadt

Es gibt Restaurants und Fast Food auf der ganzen Insel in sehr großer Zahl. Die angebotenen Gerichte sind in etwa überall gleich und selten wird man enttäuscht sein, egal in welchem Restaurant man isst. Alle Küstenorte haben Restaurants und Cafes in schöner Lage direkt am Meer.

Wegen der außergewöhnlichen Umgebung lohnt es sich, folgende Restaurants zu besuchen:

  • 1  Pefkospilia Taverna (Ταβέρνα Πευκοσπηλιά). Sehr bekanntes und überlaufenes Strandlokal unter Pinien.
  • 2  Glifoneri. Strandrestaurant in wunderbarer Lage in einer Bucht.
  • 3  Taverna Drossia. Unter hohen Bäumen mit Bachlauf gelegen neben der Kirche.
  • 4  Taverne Giannis. Lecker Essen mit Top-Aussicht, besonders bei Sonnenuntergang.
  • 5  Taverna Vasilis. In Megalo Kasaviti (Megalo Prinos) in einem traditionellen restaurierten Haus mit wunderbarem Blick auf das Tal von Prinos.
  • 6  Kazaviti Restaurant. Unter alten Platanen am Dorfplatz von Megalo Kasaviti (Megalo Prinos) in den Bergen.
  • 7  Taverna Platana. Einfaches Restaurant hoch im Bergdorf Sotiros mit herrlicher Aussicht ins Tal.
  • 8  Kostas Tavern. Auf dem kleinen Dorfplatz an der Kirche im Bergdorf Kastro gelegenes sehr einfaches Restaurant mit nostalgischer Atmosphäre und dem deutschsprachigen Kosta der viele Scherze für die Touristen bereit hält.
  • 9  Watermill (ΝΕΡΟΜΥΛΟΣ). einfaches Restaurant, eine ehemalige Wassermühle, mit nostalgischer Atmosphäre am Ortsende von Theologos.
  • 10  Kekes Beach Skidia Tavern. schönes Restaurant unter Bäumen mit herrlicher Aussicht.
  • 11  Scala Maries Beach Tavernen. mehrere Restaurants liegen in der kleinen malerischen Bucht von Scala Maries und lohnen einen Besuch.
  • 12  Faros Taverne. Restaurant bei Kinira mit besonders schöner Aussicht.
  • 13  Agorastos. Restaurant bei Kinira ebenfalls mit besonders schöner Aussicht.


  • To the Schaufensterbummeln geht man am besten nach Thasos Stadt oder Potos. Nur hier ist das Angebot an verschiedenartigen Geschäften groß genug.
  • Supermärkte finden sich in jedem Ort, die größten in Thasos Stadt oder entlang der Ringstraße um die Insel. Für Großeinkäufe, besonders bei Bier und Spirituosen, lohnt es sich oft zu Lidl nach Chrysoupolis zu fahren.
  • market (Bazaar): jeden Montagvormittag in Prinos, sehr sehenswert mit vielen bunten Obst- und Gemüseständen sowie Ständen mit günstiger Kleidung


Zentren des Nachtlebens sind Limenas, Limenaria und besonders Potos, daß von jüngeren Leuten bevorzugt wird. Die meisten Bars und Beach Bars organisieren Themenabende, Strandparties usw., die auf Aushängen in den Hotels oder in den Orten angekündigt werden. Beliebt sind auch griechische Abende mit Musik und Tanz, die von Hotels und Restaurants angeboten werden (auf Aushänge achten).


  • Es gibt keine Gefahr für Touristen, so dass man sich überall frei bewegen kann. Nur Taschendiebstahl ist ab und zu vorhanden.
  • Die Trinkwasserqualität wird kontrolliert, unterscheidet sich aber von Dorf zu Dorf. In der Regel ist es sicherer, zum Trinken Flaschenwasser zu verwenden. Jedoch kann in der Regel auch das Wasser aus der Leitung problemlos getrunken werden.
  • Schlangen: es gibt eine sehr seltene giftige Schlange, die überwiegend in den Bergen, oft auf steinigem Terrain oder auch in Löchern, in Mauern, zwischen Felsen und ähnlichem lebt (Hornotter/Hornviper). Sie ist sehr giftig. Daher sollte man auf gutes Schuhwerk und Kleidung achten, will man abseits der Wege ins Gelände gehen, und generell vorsichtig sein bei Mauern in verlassenen Häusern und Grundstücken.
  • wichtige Telefonnummern


  • Arztpraxen (u.a. Zahnarzt, Orthopäde, Kardiologe, HNO und Allgemeinmediziner) findet man in Limenas und Limenaria.
  • In Thasos gibt es kein Krankenhaus, aber ein "Health Center" in Prinos, von dem Patienten bei schwereren Erkrankungen ins Krankenhaus von Kavala verlegt werden.


Die Insel Thasos hat ein sehr angenehmes Klima mit milden, regenreichen Wintern und heißen, trockenen Sommern. In den Wintermonaten kann die Temperatur schon mal bis um den Gefrierpunkt fallen, aber meist werden 10 °C erreicht. Angenehme Temperaturen herrschen im Frühling auf der Insel. Baden ist ab Mai möglich und es ist dann noch nicht zu heiß für Ausflüge ins Hinterland und Wanderungen in den Bergen. Im Mai und Juni sind es 22 bis 28 °C, richtig heiß wird es erst in den Monaten Juli und August. Dann steigen die Temperaturen auf über 30 °C. Die regensicheren Monate sind Juli und August. Mitte Oktober endet die Saison.


Thasos hat nur wenige größere Hotelkomplexe, aber eine große Anzahl von kleinen Hotels, Pensionen und Privatzimmern, die in den bekannten Hotelsuchmaschinen aufgeführt und bewertet sind. Es gibt mehrere Campsites: in Scala Prinos, zwischen Prinos und Scala Sotiros (Camping Daedalos), "AstroCamping" in den Bergen, Camping Pefkari, Camping am Golden Beach in Scala Panagia.

The lebhafte Süd- und Ostseite, besonders Potos, zieht mehr jüngeres Publikum an, während ältere Gäste oft die deutlich ruhigere Westseite ab Limenaria bevorzugen.

Die bekanntesten großen Hotelanlagen sind:


Wegen der Nähe von Thasos zum Festland kann man leicht Day tours von der Insel auf das Festland unternehmen:

  • Kavala: eine der schönsten Städte Griechenlands und besonders Samstagmorgens Ziel von Tagesausflüglern von Thasos, die den großen und bunten Markt an der Promenade besuchen wollen (offen von ca. 7.30-13.30, beste Besuchszeit vor 11.00, da es später sehr voll wird). Man fährt dazu am besten mit der ersten Fähre von Scala Prinos nach Kavala und entweder mit der Nachmittagsfähre zurück oder mit dem Bus nach Keramoti und von dort mit einer der vielen späteren Fähren zurück. Man kann in Kavala am Aquadukt auch Mopeds mieten, sodass man auch Sehenswürdigkeiten außerhalb des Stadtzentrums besichtigen kann.
  • Philippi: die bedeutendste und sehr schöne archäologische Stätte in Nordgriechenland. Man kann sie mit dem Bus ab Kavala auch als Tagesausflug von Thasos erreichen. Viele verbinden einen Besuch von Philippi mit dem Marktbesuch in Kavala am Samstag.
  • Nestos: Naturschutzgebiet von herausragender Schönheit. Als Tagesausflug von Thasos ist es am besten, mit dem Auto zu fahren.
  • Pangeo: Sehr schöne und wilde Gebirgslandschaft, die man als Tagesausflug von Thasos nur mit Auto machen kann.
  • Rhodope Mountains: Wilde, fast menschenleere Naturlandschaft an der bulgarischen Grenze. Nur per PKW erreichbar als Tagesausflug


  • G. & A. Schwab: Thassos & Samothraki. Verlag:Müller, Michael; Auflage: 7 (2. März 2017), ISBN 978-3956544590 . Reiseführer mit vielen praktischen Tipps
  • K. Bötig: Chalkidikí & Thássos. Verlag:Vista Point; Auflage: 3., 2017 (17. März 2017), ISBN 978-3957336620 . Reiseführer, mit Faltkarte

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