Tredozio - Tredozio

Via XX Settembre in Tredozio
Prefix tel
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Institutional website

Tredozio is a municipality in the province of Forlì-Cesena.

To know

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • Church of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie. The church of the Beata Vergine delle Grazie and the Compagnia del Sacramento was built in the 14th century and at least initially also had the role of a baptistery. The terracotta façade, built during the expansion of the building in the second half of the 1500s, initially contained frescoes from the Bramante school, of which only a few traces remain today. After other extensions, of which the main one at the beginning of the 18th century, in 1900 the church underwent a profound restoration, both in the interior and in the facade, enlarged and finished in stone. The further intervention in 2000 gave the church its final appearance.

Events and parties

  • Palio dell'uovo. Simple icon time.svgEaster and Easter Monday. The Palio dell'uovo is a competition between the four districts of the municipality of Tredozio. The first palio was held in 1964 at the municipal stadium. Currently the men's race is held on the riverbed of the Tramazzo river, on Easter Monday; the women's competition is held on Easter day.
The four participating wards are:
  • Borgo (White Aries on a red background)
  • Casone (white lion on blue background)
  • New (Black eagle on a white background)
  • Piazza (Yellow Medici balls on a green background)
The races that are held in the men's field are:
  • Target shooting
  • Battle of the Eggs
  • Tug of war (the two teams are positioned on the opposite banks of the Tramazzo. The team that first manages to make the opponents fall into the water wins)
  • Eggs in the haystack
The women's competitions are:
  • Tug of war
  • Sack race
  • Race with eggs
  • Relay race
For each race (both in men and women) the following are awarded: 5 points to the first classified (once 4 points), 3 to the second, 2 to the third and 1 to the fourth.
In the event that two districts arrive at the same score, the prize was awarded ex aequo until 2009 (an opportunity occurred in 4 poles in the men), currently the regulation provides for the dispute of a further battle of the eggs lasting 60 seconds.
The proof of the target shooting consists of throwing up to 60 raw eggs in 60 seconds at a target placed on the left bank of the river. The shooter takes his place in an unstable raft. On the right bank a shooter's companion passes the eggs and the shooter throws them at an egg-shaped target with three concentric bands of points
  • External band: 1 point;
  • Intermediate range: 3 points;
  • Inner band (central hole): 5 points.
In case an egg hits the dividing line, the lowest sector is taken. The evaluation is instantaneous (it is evaluated at the moment of impact by the judges placed in strategic points). A third partner, on the other hand, stays from the starting area of ​​the raft to check the progress of the raft only in case of danger for the shooter.
However, the target is defended by an opponent who, equipped with a tool (usually a baker's shovel), can intercept the eggs by standing with his feet in the designated area.
The of eggs in the haystack test consists in the search for 200 hard-boiled eggs scattered inside a haystack placed on the banks of the river. within the time limit of three minutes the seekers (one for each ward) will have to find as many eggs as possible and pass them correctly to their mate on the other bank. In case of a wrong passage or break of the egg, the egg is invalid. A golden colored wooden egg is placed inside the haystack which is worth 5 hard-boiled eggs. The ward with the most eggs will be the winner.
Alla battle of the eggs five components per team participate in the match with the following roles: 3 defenders, 1 attacker and 1 extreme (or uncovered).
On the competition field the main stations are erected within which the 5 participants settle.
The seven egg-shaped fixed polystyrene targets are erected above the station, making up the competition score. An outpost is erected in front of the main station which hosts the team's attacker after the kick-off whistle, who, during the match, cannot advance further (under penalty of disqualification of the member). In case of disqualification his place can be taken by another member in the race.
Each component is provided with 60 raw eggs, a helmet and a protective face mask.
It is absolutely forbidden, under penalty of disqualification of the player, to cross the middle of the competition field; the components inside the main blockhouse cannot cross the side line of the blockhouse (under penalty of disqualification of players who do not respect the rule) while the movement to the discovery (outside the blockhouse) of the Extreme will be allowed, only if armed with a shield and of protective face mask.
Each target hit is worth 1 point. The winner is whoever achieves the maximum score in the allotted time, or who knocks down all the targets before the allotted time. In the event that at the end of the time the targets shot down are the same, the winner is the one who shot down the last target first (i.e. and as if the last point were canceled).
  • Blessed Virgin of Grace. Simple icon time.svgSecond Sunday in May. On the previous Saturday, the usual blessing of motor vehicles takes place in front of the Compagnia's oratory in Via XX Settembre. In the evening, however, the venerated image is carried in procession to the new district "Le Volte", where the second rogations to the countryside are carried out (the first takes place on April 25 in San Valentino) and is made to reside in the parish church of San Michele Archangel. At 9 pm the usual bonfire is lit (a stake of variable height from 3 to 6 meters) and sometimes concerts of sacred music are performed. On the second Sunday, all Masses are celebrated with a degree of solemnity. The 6pm mass is presided over by the bishop of the diocese of Faenza-Modigliana, who annually confers the sacrament of confirmation. The image is then solemnly carried through the streets of the town to the oratory of residence. Towards the last days of the month the image is brought to the local retirement home so that even the elderly who are not ambulatory have the opportunity to venerate it. On May 31st the image is transferred to the aedicule of the mill (the place where it was found miraculously) and the evening mass and the third rogation are celebrated here. The image is then placed above the tabernacle of the high altar of the oratory of the Company.
  • Sant'Anna Fair. Simple icon time.svgJuly 26. A street market. This tradition recalls the boario market that took place in Tredozio precisely for the feast of the saint.
  • San Micheal. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday of September. St. Michael the Archangel is celebrated, patron saint of the parish (not of the municipality). For that day the bas-relief of the saint is carried in procession through the streets of the town.
  • Bartolaccio festival. Simple icon time.svgFirst and second Sunday of November. Festival in which the typical Tredozian dish is re-proposed: the bartolaccio, in fact, a tortello with potatoes and bacon cooked on the plate.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tredozio
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tredozio
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