Uji - Uji

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Uji is a city in the prefecture Kyoto.


The city of Uji is located on the river of the same name and has been inhabited since the 4th century. When Kyōtō became the capital, it was a popular summer retreat for the nobility. Around 800 a country house was built that was later converted into a Buddhist temple: the Byōdō-in is the most famous building in the city.

The tea grown in the Uji area is of excellent quality and is often used in tea ceremonies. Its price is correspondingly high.

getting there

By plane

By train

The railway line of the JR of Kyoto to Nara goes through Uji.

In the street

By boat


Map of Uji

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Byōdō-in. It is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Monuments and gardens of historic Kyoto belongs. It is near the Uji River. The most important building in the temple precinct is the Phoenix Hall or Amida Hall, as there is a statue of Amida Buddha in the center of the building. The name Phoenix comes from the two phoenix sculptures on the roof of the side wings. Incidentally, your picture adorns the ¥ 10,000 notes. The Phoenix Hall as a whole is depicted on the reverse of the ¥ 10 coin. The temple belongs to the UNESCO world cultural heritage. Affiliated is a museum in which replicas of the most important figures are exhibited. This of course also includes a museum shop. Anyone who thinks they have already seen the temple on film may have seen its copy, which is built to scale in the Valley of the Temples in Hawaii.
The Phoenix Hall
Side wing of the Phoenix Hall
Byodoin Museum
  • 2  Ujigami-jinja. The Ujigami Shrine is also one of them historical monuments.
  • 3  Genji Monogatari Museum. Genji Monogatari or The story of Prince Genji is a Japanese novel that was published around AD 1000. was written. This story becomes in the museum.
  • 4  Mampuku-ji. A main temple of the Ōbaku Zen school. Built in 1661.








Practical advice



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