Valdinievole - Valdinievole

View of the Valdinievole from the castle of Monsummano Alto
Valdinievole - Location

Valdinievole is an area of ​​the Tuscany, located within the territory belonging to the province of Pistoia.

To know

Geographical notes

The area is part of the Arno river basin and can be considered as a side valley of the Valdarno inferior. In an extended sense also some areas of the municipalities of Altopascio, Capannori, Cerreto Guidi, Fucecchio, Montecarlo, Marliana, San Marcello Piteglio, Serravalle Pistoiese, Villa Basilica is Win they can be included in the district although they are part of other tourist territories of the region Tuscany.

The main watercourse, however, is the Pescia Maggiore or Pescia di Pescia which, with the Pescia Minore or Collodi, is located in the western area. All the streams and minor watercourses of the valley flow towards the basin of the Padule di Fucecchio, which together with the Cerbaie hills forms the southern edge of the area, bordering the province of Florence. The northern and eastern area of ​​Valdinievole is hilly or mountainous: there are in fact the pre-Apennine reliefs to the north and the Montalbano to the east that divides it from the Plain of Florence-Meadow-Pistoia. To the west, the Valdinievole area is lapped by gentle hills that separate it from the Plain of Lucca.


The name of the valley refers to the Nievole (Nièvole, dating back to Latin nebula "fog" or more recently from amnis "watercourse" in the diminutive form amnellae), a stream that flows in its central-eastern part, between the municipalities of Marliana, Pieve a Nievole and Monsummano Terme.

Before the establishment of the Province of Pistoia in 1929, most of the area was within the Province of Lucca, except the municipalities of Larciano is Lamporecchio which, like the current provincial capital, were in the Province of Florence.

Suggested readings

  • Valdinievoleoggi is an online newspaper to keep up to date on what is happening in Valdinievole.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Other destinations

  • Marshes of Fucecchio - The largest Italian internal marsh, the great majority of its area falls within the Valdinievole territory. There are many bird species that nest here.

How to get

By car

Valdinievole is connected to the provincial capitals of Lucca is Pistoia through the state road 435 Lucchese.

There are also two toll booths on the A11 motorway Florence-Sea, places a Montecatini Terme is Chiesina Uzzanese.

On the train

Valdinievole is served by the railway line Florence-Viareggio, through the stations of Montecatini Terme-Monsummano, Montecatini Center, Borgo a Buggiano is Pescia.

By bus

On the state road 435 there are bus services by CTT North.

How to get around

What see

Statue with Pinocchio and the Fairy
  • 1 Pinocchio Park, Via San Gennaro, 3 (TO Collodi), 39 0572 429342, @. Created in 1956 and managed by the Carlo Collodi National Foundation, this park was conceived as a theme park for childhood education; it is not the usual amusement park, but rather a place where one has the sensation of retracing a living fairy tale within a path marked by a combination of art and nature. Near the entrance you will find the sculpture of Pinocchio and the fairy, near a flowerbed arranged to draw the effigy of the famous puppet. An area with a theater and a restaurant follows. Follows the "Village of Pinocchio" and the various sculptures such as: the carabiniere, the cat and the fox and the snake and the great shark. Pinocchio Park on Wikipedia Pinocchio park (Q3895574) on Wikidata

What to do

Numerous spas are present in this territory in particular, as the name suggests, a Monsummano Terme is Montecatini Terme. Among many is cited the Giusti cave a karst cave inside an establishment that gave its name to the entire hamlet of di Monsummano, inside which there is a very clear lake with water at 36 ° C. Among the various proposals of the establishment, very suggestive is the diving activity, through which it is possible to immerse yourself in the underground lake of the thermal cave.

At the table

Montecatini waffle

There Montecatini waffle is a confectionery specialty typical of the town of Montecatini Terme. A small number of pastry chefs in the city produce this specialty born in the first half of the twentieth century. The cake looks like a disc with a thickness of about two millimeters and a diameter of sixteen centimeters. Extremely crumbly, it is composed of two tissues of the same consistency as the sheets of the most famous wafers and a filling of chopped almonds and sugar. The waffles are traditionally eaten as an accompaniment to ice cream, tea, hot chocolate and fortified wines such as the traditional vin santo.

THE brigidini of Lamporecchio are typical sweets of Lamporecchio, in particular they are yellow-orange wafers with a curved surface, very crumbly, about seven centimeters in diameter. The ingredients of the pasta used to make them are: sugar, flour, eggs and liquid essence of anise (seeds can also be used in traditional and homemade recipes). The origin of the name of the specialty seems to derive from brigidine, nuns of a convent of Pistoia devotees of Santa Brigida who, towards the middle of the 16th century, invented these biscuits. This dessert can be found in almost all Tuscan fairs, events and festivals (and often also in other regions), in amusement parks and in other similar situations, sold by street vendors who prepare it on the spot.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Valdinievole
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Valdinievole
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