Hunza Valley - Valle dello Hunza

Hunza Valley
The valley in late autumn
Rakaposhi: Nagar Valley, 7,788 m

There Hunza Valley is a valley of the Pakistan.

To know

The beauty of this mountain paradise is unparalleled; from soft apricot blossoms to the dark snow-capped rock monuments of Rakaposhi (7788m), Ultar Peak (7388m) hitting a vivid blue backdrop above, and Bublimoting Peak.

Rakaposhi is the name of a high mountain massif of the Karakoram and the huge pyramidal peak that surpasses this massif. The mountain dominates the Hunza Valley to the west of K2, with its steep ice-capped peak overlooking barren cliffs and terraces. The climate of Rakaposhi is generally more favorable than that of the Himalayas, as it lies far enough west to be only minimally affected by the monsoon in July and August. Indeed, long periods of exceptional weather are not uncommon during the summer.

The Hunza peak is located in the Karakorum range together with the Lady Finger (Bublimoting). It is located on the southwestern ridge of the Ultar Peak massif, the most southeastern of the major groups of the Batura Muztagh. The entire massif rises above the Hunza valley to the southeast.

This summit has at least two known routes, both climbed in 1991. Both routes were done in alpine style, the first by a Swedish expedition and the second by a British team, which included Caradog Jones and Mick Fowler.

Most of the people of Hunza are Muslim Muslims.

Hunza has been an independent principality for more than 900 years. The British gained control of Hunza and the nearby Nagar Valley between 1889 and 1892, followed by serious military engagement. The then Thom (prince) Mir Safdar Ali Khan of Hunza fled to Kashghar in China and sought what can be called political asylum.

Visitors to Hunza are overwhelmed by the rugged charm, the fragrant breeze singing through graceful poplar trees and the velvety green carpet of the cornfields against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains.

When to go

Located at an altitude of 2,438 meters, the tourist season of the Hunza Valley runs from May to October. The temperature in May is a maximum of 27 ° C and a minimum of 14 ° C. The temperatures in October are: maximum 10 ° C and minimum 0 ° C.


Hunza was a princely state, bordering on the China to the northeast and the Pamir to the northwest, which continued to survive until 1974, when it was finally disbanded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The state bordered the Gilgit Agency to the south, the former princely state of Nagar to the east. The state capital was the city of Baltit (also known as Karimabad) and its ancient settlement is Ganish Village.

Territories and tourist destinations


The Hunza Valley is divided into three regions:

  • Upper Hunza
  • Central grease
  • Lower Hunza.

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

Hunza River
Hunza Valley

By plane

The airport of Gilgit (GIL IATA) is small and has 45 minute flights to Islamabad on PIA.

PIA offers regular 42-seat small aircraft flights between Gilgit and Islamabad. All flights, however, are subject to weather conditions and in winters flights are often delayed by several days.

By car

Through the Karakorum road (KKH).

Hunza is a 100km drive from Gilgit and most people come by road and it takes almost 2-3 hours to reach Hunza from Gilgit.

By bus

The main bus stop is located on KKH Aliabad. There are agents in charge of booking long-distance buses and jeeps along the KKH in the city. The journey from Islamabad it can last up to 24 hours.

From Kashgar (China) there is a regular international bus service to Hunza via Substitute, crossing the Khunjerab Pass (about 5000m high). Across the Hunza River in Sost, there is a village called Khuda Abad. People don't usually stop at Khunjerab Pass, but continue their journey to Sost by bus. From Sost, you can do a number of activities around such as trekking in the valleys or drive to Hunza-Karimabad (2 hours), where Baltit Fort is located. Khunjerab Pass is open from May 1st to December 30th, but closed in winter.

The international bus waits until there are enough people, which can take days from 2012. An alternative option is to take an early bus to Tashkurgan, stay here one night, the next morning go to the immigration office to get departure approval and then take a second bus to Sost, then another to Hunza.

How to get around

Private vehicles are normally used as local transport. Jeep rental is also a common way of getting around. You can go to nearby cities by bus and by plane.

What see

Rock of Baltit
Valley of the Hunza at night

Hunza is one of the most exotic places in Pakistan. Several high peaks rise above 6,000m around the Hunza Valley. The valley offers spectacular views of some of the most beautiful and magnificent mountains in the world which include Rakaposhi 7,788m, Ultar Sar 7,388m, Bojahagur Duanasir II 7,329m, Ghenta Peak 7,090m, Hunza Peak 6,270m, Darmyani Peak 6,090m and Bublimating (Ladyfinger Peak ) 6,000 m.

  • The Hunza Valley is also home to the ancient watchtowers at Ganish, Baltit Fort and Altit Fort. Watchtowers are located in the heart of Ganish village, Baltit Fort sits atop Karimabad, while Altit Fort sits at the bottom of the valley. Dating back to the 8th century AD, a huge figure of Buddha surrounded by small Buddhisatvas it is carved on a rock. Prehistoric men and animal figures are carved on the rocks along the valley. Lake Borith is located in Upper Hunza and Lake Rush is located near Nagar.
  • The valley is commonly considered the inspiration for the mythical Shangri-la valley in James Hilton's 1933 novel Lost Horizon. As you travel on the Karakorum Road, the beautiful scenery continues to reveal itself.
  • Along the way you can see the Batura glacier 65 km long, the second longest in Pakistan, surrounded by the Shishper, Batura and Kumpirdior peaks. Once reached Substitute you can continue the journey up to Khunzhrav or turn west to observe the mystical beauty of the Chipursan valley (also Chapursan). The Chipursan Valley has some of the most exotic tourist spots in the area. TO Yarzerech (also Yarzirich) you can take a look at the majestic Kundahill peak (6000m), or hike along the Rishepzhurav up to Kundahill to experience the relaxing scenery. Beyond Yarzerech you can travel further to Lupghar, Raminj, Reshit, Yishkuk to Bobo Ghundi (Oston), the shrine of Baba-e-Ghund, near the border between Pakistan and the Wakhan region in Afghanistan.
  • UNESCO1 Rock of Baltit (Rock of Balti) (Above Karimabad). Landmark of Hanza. Built about 600 years ago on stilts, its wooden windows overlook the valley. It is a site ofUNESCO.


  • For the China Bus service (NATCO and PTDC) is expected to start crossing the border from Sost, Gilgit-Baltistan, to Tashkurgun, China, daily at 9:00 am in summer and autumn depends on passengers, whether the bus is full with passengers then it will depart, in case of lack of passengers it takes days to enter China.
  • TO Islamabad, via the Karakoram Road. There are many buses that leave daily to Islamabad from Aliabad Hunza and Gilgit.
  • TO Gilgit, via the Karakoram Road. Minibuses leave for Gilgit every 30 minutes from Aliabad.

What to do

Peaks north of the Valley
  • Camping
  • I swim
  • Hunting
  • Hiking and trekking
  • Mountain climbing
  • Go mountain biking
  • Horse riding
  • Eco tours
  • Ski
  • Safari tour
  • Fishing

At the table

Valley shop
  • Giyalin (Traditional Crepes)
  • Burus Berikutz (Bread and cheese)
  • Baterin xy Dawdo (Dried apricot soup)
  • Diram Fiti (Sweet Bread)

Where stay

  • Hunza Serena Inn.
  • Eagle's Nest Hotel.
  • Hotel Hunza Embassy.
  • World Roof Hotel.
  • Darbar Hotel.
  • Hunza View Hotel.


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