Veliky Novgorod - Velikij Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod
View of the Novgorod Kremlin
Coat of arms and flag
Veliky Novgorod - Coat of arms
Veliky Novgorod - Flag
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Russia
Veliky Novgorod
Tourism site
Institutional website

Veliky Novgorod is a city of Russia, capital of the homonymous oblast.

To know

Velikij Novgorod which perhaps a European can say nothing was one of the main cities of this part of Europe for a very long time during the Middle Ages. Surely one of the oldest cities in Russia, Novgorod or as it was called centuries ago "Great Lady Novgorod" was the main political, cultural, religious and commercial center of northwestern Russia, and its history has often coincided with that of other great kingdoms Nordic, first of all the Swedish one. He also had close contact with the influential Hanseatic league of German traders although he never formally entered it. Today overshadowed by the big ones Kiev, Moscow is St.Pietroburgo it has returned to being a quiet provincial city even if the visitor who wants to venture into its streets and countryside cannot help but be amazed by the extraordinary amount of monuments and finely elaborated buildings present in the city.

Geographical notes

The city is located along the Volkhov River, at the point where it leaves Lake Ilmen, in an area characterized by a rather flat topography and occupied by large swampy areas. Velikij Novgorod is located in the taiga area; it has a continental type climate, with cold winters and short cool summers.


Novgorod is first mentioned in 859 AD. and, as already mentioned, it was one of the pivotal cities of Russian culture, history and religion since ancient times, when the concept of "Russian" was not yet well defined and merged with that of other peoples. city ​​was definitely the Republic of Novgorod in the Middle Ages, when faced with the rapid rise of a monarchical-tsarist power in Russia, which would later become famous with rulers of the caliber of Ivan the Terrible, this city put up a fierce resistance, declaring itself strenuously democratic and assigning every decision to a popular assembly , the instead, which looks a lot like the assemblies of great classical Greece, more familiar to us Westerners than this Russian relative.

Defeated, besieged and absorbed in the nascent kingdom of Moscow, ancestor of the Russian Empire, Novgorod has increasingly lost its role and importance over the centuries and has remained an open-air archaeological site with monuments, archives, churches and monasteries that constitute a wealth of information for the history-hungry or curious traveler. Today, the city is the capital ofhomonymous oblast and most important city of this small region, constantly tarnished by nearby Moscow and Petersburg.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

There are no civilian airports in the region, so if you want to reach Novgorod by air you will have to opt for Moscow or St. Petersburg.

On the train

Central train station

The major connections are with Moscow is St.Pietroburgo, since the city is located about 50 km from the line connecting St. Petersburg to Moscow. About 10 trains make connections between Veliky Novgorod and the two great Russian "capitals", offering the possibility of reaching other interesting cities such as Murmansk is Minsk:

  • 802 Velikij Novgorod - Saint Petersburg
  • 6916 Velikij Novgorod - Saint Petersburg
  • 42 Veliky Novgorod - Moscow
  • 325 Murmansk - Minsk
  • 326 Minsk - Murmansk
  • 6816 Veliky Novgorod - Malaja Višera
  • 6956 Veliky Novgorod - Luga

In any case, the point of arrival and departure of all trains in Novgorod is the central station.

By bus

  • 2 Bus Station (Автовокзал), ul. Oktjabr'skaja, 1, 7 8162 73 99 79. Simple icon time.svg05:00-22:00.

There are decent bus connections with St. Petersburg, with departures every hour and travel time between 3 and 4 hours.

Other links are also there with Pskov a couple of times a day. Note that Pskov can also be reached by bus from the picturesque town of Porchov, which in turn has connections with Novgorod. To the south, finally, there are connections with the beautiful Tver ' from which it is possible to reach the other cities ofTver OblastThe buses are usually comfortable and fast but in any case if you can choose between bus and train, always prefer trains.

How to get around

What see

St. Sophia Cathedral
Monument to the 1000 years of Russia

Novgorod was not only a very important city on a political level in Russia, but for centuries it was also the bulwark of Orthodox Christianity and all the more Swedes on the one hand and Mongol-Muslims on the other have tried to impose Catholicism from time to time. Protestantism and Islam, all the more Novgorod was filled with ecclesiastical monuments and churches, some of which are of exceptional artistic level.

The city that today opens up to the visitor is a complex mosaic with streets and suburbs scattered with hundreds of churches, chapels and monasteries, most of which are protected byUNESCO

  • UNESCO1 Novgorod Kremlin (Новгородский детинец). The Novgorod Kremlin, or Novgorod Fortress, here called with the Russian archaic term "detinec" is one of the symbolic monuments of the city and of the historical events that have seen it as a protagonist. It stands on the banks of the Volkhov with walls as high as 15 meters and up to 6 meters thick. Along the perimeter of the enclosure there are 9 towers. The ancient and original fortress was made of wood and underwent several fires and reconstructions until the fourteenth century, when the use of stone was passed and the whole complex was demolished and rebuilt in stone with the most advanced techniques of the period. In the mid-nineteenth century, a good part of the walls that overlooked the river collapsed and were rebuilt without any respect for the original forms.
  • 2 Saint Sophia Cathedral (Софийский собор). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun: 09-20. The cathedral boasts of being the oldest church in Russia, built at the behest of the semi-legendary Vladimir II of Novgorod. Fragments of frescoes from the 12th century are preserved in the cathedral, although most of the complex is the work of the 19th century. The cathedral is still active as a place of worship but part of the building is now used as a museum-reserve of the history of Novgorod. The bronze portal to the west, which dates back to the 12th century and which is called Magdeburg, deserves much more than a look. Very lively are the scenes taken from the Old and New Testament and which clearly highlight the expertise of the blacksmiths of the city of origin.
bell tower of S. Sofia
  • 3 Bell tower of the cathedral (Звонница Софийского собора). Ecb copyright.svg150 RUB (2014). Simple icon time.svgfrom November to May 10: 00-18: 00 (weekends also until 20:00). White as snow, the bell tower turns its gaze to the Volkhov River. It was raised in 1439 in place of the previous one which collapsed due to a flood of the river. At the entrance you can admire some ancient and heavy bells of the sixteenth century, now exposed to visitors. The entrance ticket also gives you the opportunity to visit the eastern part of the walls, from the bell tower to the tower of the Savior on the square of the Yaroslav court.
  • 4 Monument of the millennial of Russia (Памятник "Тысячелетие России"). The 1000 Years of Russia monument was erected and opened to the public in 1862 and is an outstanding example of sculptural art. The project was elaborated and executed by the sculptors M. Mikešin, I. Šreder and the architect V. Gartman. During the German occupation the monument was literally dismantled piece by piece and the individual sculptures destroyed or exported to Germany. Immediately after the liberation, however, the monumental complex was rebuilt from scratch. The sculptural group placed on the top features an angel carrying a cross and at his feet a female figure representing Russia. Below follows a cycle of major historical events from the arrival of Prince Ulrik to Tsar Alexander II. True works of art are the representations of scenes that include 129 characters linked to Russian history where in addition to the tsars and tsarines there are statesmen and soldiers, religious figures, poets and writers. The tourist office sells a well-made guide with the details of this splendid work; even if you don't know Cyrillic, the images will help you to identify all the characters.
  • 5 Power palace (inside the fortress). Built by Polivanov, it is an example of classicism in architecture and today also a museum dedicated to the history of Novgorod.
  • 6 Corpus of Lichud (Лихудов корпус). one of the architectural ensembles of the Novgorod Kremlin.
  • 7 Granovitaja Palace (Грановитая (Владычная) палата). The palace is the oldest civil construction, the work of German architects. Today it is a museum dedicated to the art of Russian and Old Russian jewelry and decoration.
  • 8 Church of the Intercession (Церковь Покрова). Built in 1580 and rebuilt in the 17th century.
Church of S. Andrea
  • 9 Andrea Stratilat Church (Церковь Андрея Стратилата). Simple icon time.svgThu-Mon 10: 00-17: 00 (in summer until 18:00). The current church was only built in 2000 but stands on the site of an ancient temple to Boris and Gleb from 1160.
  • 10 Church and bell tower of St. Sergius of Radonež (Церковь Сергия Радонежского и Часозвоня). It is the oldest "nadvratnaja" church in the Russian north. This type of churches were built on the outskirts of a city and served as a reception center for pilgrims arriving in the city. It was built in 1460 by Archbishop Iona.
  • 11 Kokuj Tower (Башня Кокуй). This tower does not differ from the others except for the fact that it is possible to climb to the top, where you can enjoy a splendid view of the historic city center.

Yaroslav's Court and Market

St. Nicholas Cathedral
  • 12 St. Nicholas Cathedral (Никольский собор на Дворище). Ecb copyright.svg60 rub. Simple icon time.svgThu-Sun, 10: 00-18: 00. In the Yaroslav court complex, this cathedral is the oldest. It was built in 1113-1136. The cathedral is also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Among the 19th century decorations it is possible to recognize fragments of 12th century frescoes.
  • 13 Church of S. Giovanni Battista (Церковь Иоанна Предтечи на Опоках).
  • 14 Church of San Giorgio (Церковь Георгия в Лубянице на Торгу). Simple icon time.svgFri-Mar 10: 00-18: 00 (closes from 14:30 to 15:30). On the site there are remains of a 14th century building visible in a 4 meter high wall plinth. Most of the temple that can be visited today was built in the 18th century. in the Muscovite Baroque style.
  • 15 Church of the Dormition of Mary (Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы на Торгу), ul. bol'šaja Moskovskaja, 5a.
Parasceve Church
  • 16 Church of the Parasceve del Friday (Церковь Параскевы Пятницы на Торгу). Simple icon time.svgApril - September, 11: 00-18: 00.
  • 17 Veče square (Вечевая площадь). Located near the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the square was the former meeting place of the democratic assembly of Novgorod, the last bastion of Old Russian democracy before the advent of Tsarist power. Nothing remains of the ancient square except the name and memory, the pride of the citizens of Novgorod.
  • 18 Church of the Bearers of Myrrh (Церковь Жен Мироносиц). Picturesque Orthodox church from the Renaissance period.
  • 19 Procopio Church (Церковь Прокопия).
  • 20 Tower-gate of the Gostinyj Dvor (Воротная башня Гостиного двора). Gostinyj Dvor was an ancient square, present in many large Russian cities, used for markets or temporary fairs, designed to accommodate foreigners, especially merchants, who could exhibit and sell their goods here. The Dvor belonged to important cities, popular destinations for itinerant traders and Novgorod had one, today a wonderful example of Russian medieval architecture and art.

Sofia neighborhood

Monument to Rachmaninov
  • 21 Važnja. The važnja was a typical structure of Russian commercial complexes and this word is related to one that today means "balance". The so-called building in Novgorod is an example of 19th century architecture, the work of Rer'erg and today an information center for tourists.
  • 22 Musical monument to Rachmaninov. Sergei Rachmaninov was a native of Novgorod. It is said that the musical genius of the great composer was born listening to the bells of the city as a child. Little is left of him in the city except the conservatory dedicated to him and this "musical" monument. The complex, in fact, the subject of countless photos of tourists, is equipped with a complex mechanism that cyclically reproduces some of the most famous works of the composer from Novgorod.
  • 23 Trinity Church (Церковь Троицы), ul. Trojckaja Probojnaya, 9. Church of the eighteenth century, badly damaged during the Second World War and never restored.
  • 24 church of S. Biagio. Church of 1400, built on an old wooden church of 1100.
Monastery of the decade
  • Monastery of the Birth of Mary of the Decina (Десятинный Рождества Богородицы монастырь). Even today it is a mystery what the founders of this monastery meant by the title "of the decade", this monastery is one of the oldest in the city. It must be said - to be honest - that "desjatinnyj", ten, in Russian was also a title of the Novgorod princes, which suggested to many historians that the monastery was somehow wanted or directly subsidized by the rulers of the city in ancient times. Today the monastery is no longer active and little remains of its original splendor, apart from a wing rebuilt in the 19th-20th century, now used as a museum of Novgorod culture and porcelain.
  • 25 Church of the twelve apostles (Церковь Двенадцати Апостолов).
  • 26 Church of Theodore the General (Церковь Федора Стратилата). Simple icon time.svg08:00-19:00. This ancient church in Fedor Stratilat, roughly translatable as "Theodore the General" was built in 1290-1294 on the site of an older temple. Jewel of Novgorod's religious architecture, the church displays multiple layers of restorations and reconstructions.
  • 27 Monastery of the Holy Spirit, ul. Duchovskaya. Simple icon time.svgclosed to the public. No longer active, this monastery is among the oldest, most beautiful and richest in the city. It appears in manuscripts since 1357 and borders on the much more recent Trinity church. Although closed to the public, it is possible to take a tour around its walls and admire some details of the exterior.
Church of San Pietro e Paolo
  • 28 Church of S. Pietro and Paolo (Церковь Петра и Павла в Кожевниках), ul. Zverinaja, 4. Simple icon time.svgApril-October. The church is located in the district that bears the name of Koževniki, a district once famous for its fur shops. The presence of these workshops, which emitted bad smells due to the processing of animal skins, explains the peripheral position of the neighborhood. However, in this industrial and marginal area of ​​the city stands one of the most beautiful temples in the city: the church of San Pietro e Paolo, built in 1406 in reddish bricks, appears today as it was in the 15th century, graceful and immersed in the greenery of a pleasant park with its domes and its choir.
  • 29 Nicholas-Belsky Monastery (Николо-Бельский монастырь), ul. Zverinaja, 14. The monastery, closed with the advent of the communist revolution, has not been active for some time but the church of Nicola Belij from 1313 has been preserved on its territory. The area is also used as an art center and museum.
  • 30 Zverin Intercession Monastery (Зверин-Покровский монастырь), ul. Lazarevskaya (buses 9 and 14 from the train station to the Kooperativnaja street stop). Ecb copyright.svg60-90 RUB. Simple icon time.svgSat-Thu, 10: 00-17: 00. The monastery, one of the many no longer in operation, has very ancient origins and was mentioned in the sources for the first time in 1069. Its name, Zverin in Russian it is one of the ways to indicate a class of mammals and in this case derives from the nearby wooded area, once rich in fauna. In the past the monastery was one of the female monasteries of the region, very famous in the 15th-16th century, a period in which thanks to its wealth it was endowed with a series of magnificent frescoes, now partly still visible. Today part of the complex houses a monastery, and another is occupied by the Intercession Cathedral (this one freely accessible without a ticket) which is still used from time to time as a church.

South district

Church of St. Peter and Paul on the Sinič'ja hill
  • 31 Church of St. Peter and Paul on the Sinič'ja hill (Церковь Апостолов Петра и Павла на Синичьей горе). Part of a larger monastery, decayed since 1600, the church has been preserved only thanks to its function as a cemetery church and is the only building still visible in the complex existing here in the Renaissance.
  • 32 Church of the Conversion of S. Tommaso (Церковь Уверения Фомы), ul. Oborony, 15.
  • 33 Church of John the Almsgiver in Mjačin (Церковь Иоанна Милостивого на Мячине), ul. Oborony, 13.

Market district

  • 34 Church of the Savior in Il'in (Церковь Спаса на Ильине), ul. Il'ina, 26. A very interesting church in the center of Novgorod is the Church of the Savior in Il'in, which features a rich facade decorated with wall paintings by the great Feofan Grek, the dome of the Almighty Savior and representations of the patriarchs on the church drum. From the side of the altar the cycle of frescoes dedicated to the Trinity continues.
Znamensky Cathedral
  • 35 (Знаменский собор). The cathedral, dating back to the seventeenth century, is nestled among other religious buildings of great artistic and architectural value. What differentiates this cathedral from others is its style, which is closer to that of the Moscow churches and the Volga region than to those of northern European Russia. The interior has wonderfully preserved some frescoes from the Kostroma School, dating from the 18th century. Next to the cathedral stands the imposing bell tower and the Holy Doors.
  • 36 Church of the Apostle Philip and of San Nicola di Bari (Церковь Апостола Филиппа и Николы Чудотворца). Simple icon time.svg7:30-19:30. The church, a unique and unusual example of the ancient architecture of the region, has 4 domes of particular beauty, two minor and two major with a cover of precious lemech (the material similar to colored scales with which Russian domes are decorated). In the 20th century, the church gained the title of cathedral and during the Soviet era it was one of the very few active churches in the city.
  • 37 Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica (Церковь Димитрия Солунского), ul. bol'šaja Moskovskaja, 42.
  • 38 Tеodoro Stratilates church in Ruč'ju (Церковь Федора Стратилата на Ручью). Ecb copyright.svg60-90 RUB. Simple icon time.svgSat-Thu, 10 am-5pm. A classic example of the Novgorodian style, this church features richly decorated facades and a beautiful bell tower in the typical style of the 17th century. The interior has preserved, albeit in a fragmentary form, some frescoes of the fourteenth century that recall those of the church of the Transfiguration. Today part of the church is used as a museum.
Church of Boris and Gleb in Plotniki
  • 39 Church of Boris and Gleb in Plotniki (Церковь Бориса и Глеба в Плотниках), riverside Aleksandr Nevskij. For architecture lovers, this church is an interesting and successful experiment of mixing Muscovite and Novgorodian styles and techniques. Built in the fourteenth century, much of the visible structure is the result of the reworkings of the sixteenth century.
  • 40 Church of John the Evangelist in Vikt (Церковь Иоанна Богослова на Витке), riverside Aleksandr Nevskij. The church has almost totally preserved its original shape and decorations, when it was part of a now destroyed women's monastery.
Cathedral of the monastery of S. Antonio
  • 41 Monastery of S. Antonio (Антониев монастырь), in the nearby hamlet of Antonovo (bus n. 5 to Bol'šaja Moskovskaja). Ecb copyright.svg60-90 RUB. The wealth of this monastery is all condensed in the cycle of frescoes from 1120 preserved inside the Cathedral of the Birth of Mary. Most of the frescoes are restorations of the previous ones and date back to 1837 but give an idea of ​​the artistic level and richness of this place of worship in Novgorod.

Monuments and sculptures

In addition to political, religious and official monuments, Novgorod has a number of sculptures and monuments, of great beauty, scattered throughout its bridges and quays. Between these:

Monument to the child who draws
  • Monument to the occupation of Novgorod in 1812 (Памятник Новгородскому ополчению 1812 года), ul. Velikaja.
  • Monument to Pietro and Fevronia (Памятник Петру и Февронии), ul. Bredova-Zverinaja.
  • 42 Monument to the child who draws (Памятник Рисующему мальчику), riverside Aleksandr Nevskij, 19.
  • 43 Monument to the tourist girl, ul. Ilyina (at the beginning of the bridge on the side of Dvor Jaroslava). This monument dedicated to the tourist of Novgorod represents a girl who takes off her shoes and puts down her bag, resting happily leaning on a balustrade along the Volkhov river.

Events and parties

What to do




How to have fun

Where to eat

  • Bistro (Бистро), ul. Gazon, 2, 7 8162 77 2496.
  • McDonalds (Макдональдс), 7 495 755 66 00. in the city there are a couple of branches of the famous American chain, one of which is near the train station
  • Sabvej (Сабвей), 7 800 555 44 49. Russian version of the American Subway chain
  • Čajna Ložka (Чайная ложка), 7 812 676 23 40. excellent place with ready meals, suitable for a hearty breakfast.
  • 1 Kolobok (Закусочная "Колобок"), ul. Bolshaja Moskovskaya, 28. Ecb copyright.svg80-140 RUB (2013).

Where stay

Veliky Novgorod has been a destination for mass tourism since the beginning of the last century and therefore the city is full of hotels and accommodation of various types. Finding a room in Novgorod is therefore not difficult at all; another thing is the quality of the rooms and facilities in general. At medium-low prices it is possible to get a place in a refurbished hotel in good condition but you should first see some photos on the official websites or if you are on site have the room shown.

  • 1 Akron hotel (Гостиница "Акрон"), ul Predtečenskaja, 24 (Sofia neighborhood), 7 8162 73 69 06, 7 8162 73 69 18. Ecb copyright.svg1540/2100 RUB (2014). Hotel 3 minutes from the kremlin, quite cheap for its location. Although some elements of the interior are quite dated, the hotel as a whole is not to be discarded.
  • 2 Volkhov hotel (Гостиница "Волхов"), ul Predtečenskaja, 24 (next to the Akron), 7 8162 22 55 00. Ecb copyright.svg2150 RUB (single); 2900-3100 RUB (double) (2014). Three-story hotel in the center; Completely refurbished.
  • 3 Voyage hotel (Гостиница "Вояж"), ul. Dvorcovaja, 1 (Yaroslav's court), 7 8162 66 41 66. Ecb copyright.svgdoubles from 2000 RUB (2014). Simple hotel; the breakfast is modest but the structure enjoys its central position.
  • 4 Inturist hotel (Гостиница "Интурист"), ul Velikaja, 16 (1 km from the city center), 7 8162 77 50 89. Ecb copyright.svg1600/2000 RUB (2014). Although not very central, the hotel is in an area full of other attractions including the dramatic theater and Soviet-era buildings.
  • 5 Novgorodskaya hotel, ul. Desjatinnaja, 6а (5 min walk from the kremlin), 7 8162 77 22 60. Ecb copyright.svg2000/2200 up to 2700 RUB (2014). Located next to the church of the apostles, the hotel is close to some places where you can have lunch and is just a few minutes' walk from the kremlin. Although the interior has not yet been refurbished, the rooms are comfortable and quite nice.
  • 6 Sadko hotel, ul. Fedorovsky, 16 (at the exit of the city, in the market district), 7 8162 66 18 07, @. Ecb copyright.svg2000/2800 (2014). Although located outside the city center, Novgorod is by no means large and you can reach the Kremlin in just 10-15 minutes on foot.
  • 7 Jur'evskoe Podvor'e complex (Комплекс "Юрьевское Подворье"), Jur'evskoe šosse, 6A (out of town, on the road to Jur'evo), 7 8162 94 60 60. Ecb copyright.svg2800 RUB (2014). The hotel is located outside the city but has the advantage of being very close to the attractions around Novgorod, which will give you both the opportunity to visit the city but also a good starting point for excursions to the beautiful Jur'evo (fraction of Novgorod) and to the lakes and parks not far from the city.


How to keep in touch



Museum of wooden architecture

A few kilometers south of the city, where the Volkov River flows into Lake Il'men ', there is a very small town, a fraction of Novgorod called 3 Jur'evoSurrounded by an enchanting nature between the lake and the park at the 1100 years of Novgorod, Jur'evo is home to a couple of attractions not to be missed if you have the time to visit the surroundings of the city.

  • 44 Hermitage of Peryn (Скит Перынский), 7 8162 77 45 39. Simple icon time.svg08:00–20:00. Before meeting, the Volkov River and Lake Il'men 'form a natural peninsula that has been inhabited since ancient times, home to cultures that have now disappeared. Here in a hermitage called Peryn, pagan places of worship of great anthropological interest have been found and a later monastery is located, preserved in perfect condition. Absolutely not to be missed if you visit this region.
  • 45 Jur'evo Monastery (Юрьев монастырь), 7 8162 77-30-20. Simple icon time.svg10.00-20.00. The monastery dates back to the 12th century and is immersed - as already mentioned - in an area already sacred to other cultures. It retains its graceful shape with three domes and icons dedicated to St. George.
St. Nicholas church in Vitoslavnicy
  • 46 Vitoslavlincy Museum of Wooden Architecture (Витославлицы - музей деревянной архитектуры) (bus 7 and 7A from Novgorod station. It is located next to the Jur'evo monastery.), 7 816 2 79 21 50. Ecb copyright.svg100 RUB (students: 50 RUB). Simple icon time.svg10: 00-17: 00; last entry at 16:00. The third but no less important attraction of the Jur'evo hamlet is the open-air museum of wooden architecture, founded in 1964. More than 30 churches and wooden buildings have been transported and rebuilt here, including some beautiful izbas and churches.

The best way to visit the cities more or less close to Novgorod and this part of Russia in general is by train. There are train connections with some other interesting and picturesque cities of the Central Russia, i.e. European Russia, including:

  • Moscow - it does not deserve other presentations; capital of the immense Russian federation and one of the most artistic cities, rich in history and events in the whole area.
  • St.Pietroburgo - the "capital of the North" or the "Russian Venice", was built by Peter the Great as a window on Europe and is in fact a wonderful example of a mixture of European and Russian cultures with palaces and monuments of extraordinary beauty.
  • Pskov
  • Tver '
  • Porchov - small town not far from Tver ', commissioned by Catherine the Great on the railway line connecting Moscow to Tallinn.
  • Staraya Russa - an ancient and beautiful town in western European Russia, located on the left bank of the Polist 'river, a tributary of Lake Il'men'.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Veliky Novgorod
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Veliky Novgorod
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).