Wiesengrund - Wiesengrund

Meadow ground
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The Meadow ground is east of Cottbus and north of the federal highway B115. In the north, the area is bordered by the recultivated Jänschwalde open-cast mine and the Klinger See, which is still in flooding. In this article, the Wiesengrund is not completely identical to the municipality of the same name in the Spree-Neisse district.


  • Haasow (Lower Sorbian: Hažow) with its 449 inhabitants is located in the far west of the area at the gates of Cottbus.
  • Kathlow (Lower Sorbian: Kotłow) and Dubrau are located on the B115 federal road.
  • blade (Lower Sorbian: Glinka) and Gosda (Lower Sorbian: Gozna) are located directly at the former open-cast mine.


  • Blade: Under the name "Clynge" the place has probably existed since 1389, secured from 1486. ​​It was located directly on the border between Saxony and Prussia. A complete mammoth was discovered in one of the town's clay pits in 1903. After a crown neck ring was found in 1915, excavations were repeatedly carried out in the region in the 20th century, which unearthed barrows as well as tools and jewelry from the corded ceramics and funnel cup culture.
  • Gosda: The place was first mentioned in a document in 1536, but here too, as with the neighboring village of Klinge, it is assumed that the history dates back to 1389. The lordship ended in the 19th century. Parts of the place were demolished in 1980 for the Jänschwalde opencast mine and the remains of the place Klinge were then assigned to the municipality of Gosda. Since it's not too far away near by Döbern There is also a small town with this name, one occasionally comes across the name at this place in the meadow Gosda I.

getting there

The Klinge station is approached every hour by the East German Railway, which is on the line OE46 runs between Cottbus and Forst. Those arriving by car use the federal road to the south B115 between Cottbus and Forst. Those who arrive by car use them B115 between Cottbus and Forst (Lausitz) from here the access roads branch off into the region.

  • SymbolBus.svg33 : (Cottbus → Koppatz → ... → Neuhausen → Haasow → Cottbus)
  • SymbolBus.svg850 : (Forst (Lausitz) → Groß Jamno → DubrauGosdabladeKathlowHaasow → Cottbus)
  • SymbolBus.svg851 : (Döbern → ... → Sergen → KathlowHaasow → Cottbus)
  • SymbolBus.svg856 : ( bladeGosdaDubrau → Groß Jamno → Jethe → Gahry → Jocksdorf)
Zeitsprung open-air museum

The Wiesengrund can be easily reached and explored by bike. 2 designated cycle paths lead through the region.

Tourist Attractions

Blade: The Klinge train station and a few houses still exist from the site. The rest fell victim to the open pit.

  • 1  Zeitsprung open-air museum, Ziegeleiweg, Wiesengrund OT blade. Mobile: 49 (0)171-1549459. The Zeitsprung open-air museum tells the visitor a lot about the history of the earth. This includes a ground monument which offers a walk-in access to the terrain over a length of 20m and explains the geological layers as in a book. This includes a small circular route and a number of display boards.Open: 01 Mar - 31 Oct: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.Price: Free entry (a donation is possible at the entrance).
  • 2  Robber barons gate. The landmark of the municipality of Klinge is around 500 years old and fixed the main entrance to the former estate. According to a legend, there was a medieval swamp castle in Klinge, in which three robber barons lived. Accordingly, they attacked travelers and kept them prisoner in the castle dungeon until the requested ransom was received. If the requirements were not met, the prisoners' jaws were cut off. When the castle, which was considered to be invincible, was destroyed in the 16th century and the robber barons captured, their jaws were cut out as punishment for their crimes. As a deterrent and as a reminder, three knight sculptures were later made from sandstone and placed on the main gate to the castle. (Source: Heimatverein Klinge.).
Gosda Church of the Deep
  • 3  Old oak
  • The Mammoth by blade is the most spectacular find in the historic Klingen clay pits. A model of the mammoth is now in the entrance area of ​​the district administration Forst (Lausitz). Clay extraction in Klinge began early on. The Sorbian name of the place is derived from glina, the Slavic word for clay.
  • Chamberlain House. The name of the house is reminiscent of the pilot Chamberlain, who made an emergency landing at Klinge after his second ocean crossing with the goal of Berlin. The former "Gasthaus Scheppan" was then renamed "Gasthaus Chamberlain", but is no longer used as a restaurant.

Other villages:

  • 4  Gosda Church. is a deep church and thus a small regional specialty.
  • In the small town Dubrau there is a small one 5  church. a pretty half-timbered building. The church dates from 1610.


  • 1  Donkey farm Gosda, Forster Weg 6, 03149 Wiesengrund GT Gosda - right on the bike path at the exit towards Forst. Open: Tue-Sun, 11: 00-18: 00.


The area around the meadow
Pond landPond landForster area
cottbusCardinal points.pngForster area
Spremberger reservoirMalxelandMalxeland
  • 1  Adler Klinge sports field (Shortly before the knight's gate, follow the crossing street to the right for 200 m).



  • Ihlo, Richard, Scholze, Wilfried, Balde, Max ; Forest District Council (Ed.): The village of Klinge from its beginnings to 1980. Forest, 1981.
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